"Death to the old man!"

Jinping, who couldn't bear the ridicule, was furious, not too narrow-minded, just because the fellow in front of him was too hateful, and he specially sprinkled salt on people's wounds.

"Blow the water!"

Jinping didn't talk nonsense, he waved his hand to condense a few drops of strange water balls, completely ignoring the existence of gravity, and it was so strangely attached to his eyes.

This is one of the powerful tricks that belongs to the murlocs. It looks like a raindrop, but its actual power is extraordinary.

"This kind of kid's trick doesn't work for me."

The eyes turned sharply, and the dust-free eyes suddenly turned into three-goose jade writing wheel eyes, which were extremely bewitching, as deep and beautiful as blood-colored gems.

There were invisible ripples in the bottom of his eyes, like ripples spreading on the surface of the water, revealing unimaginable power, and the time and space seemed to be twisted by the strange eyes in an instant.

The world in front of you seems to be a mirror.

That indescribable deep and evil energy fluctuation made Jinbei's whole body fluff up, and the whole person's soul was pierced.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Throwing the fear and trembling in his heart to the sky, the water droplets in Jinping's hand swept out, with infinite strength, and the speed was as fast as lightning, and it was difficult to capture the trajectory of the movement with the naked eye.

"Bang bang bang..."

It seemed that God suddenly stood on Jinping's side, and the powerful water droplets all smashed onto the dust-free belly, and smashed him out.


Jinbei was suddenly stunned when he saw this scene. To be honest, he just had the idea of ​​delaying the dust-free attack, and didn't want to repel him with this trivial trick.

The sloppy eyes were awe-inspiringly banned. After more than a hundred years of battle, Jinpei knew that the opportunity would never come again, and the crimson blood stains on the corners of Wuchen's mouth were obviously not pretentious.

It's just a result of the carelessness of dust-free looseness.

The speed of the whole body was raised to the limit, just for a brief moment, Jinbei came to Wuchen like lightning.

His eyes were filled with awe-inspiring killing intent, remembering the cruel treatment by Wuchen before, Jinping's eyes turned scarlet, his arms raised, his hands clenched into fists, and those strong muscles contained explosive power.

"Sharkwa Zhengquan!"

The powerful fist, which is enough to destroy the hill, mercilessly slammed into the dust-free head, and the earth, which could not withstand this brutal force, burst in an instant, like scraps of paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

Wuchen's eyes turned white, apparently Jinping's blow had made him conscious.

However, this is just the beginning... I finally seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Jin Ping Duan Duan will not give up!At the very least, the hardships suffered before must be recovered with profit.

"Seven thousand tile roundhouse kick!"

The strong arms arrogantly pulled Wuchen up, Jinping had no plans to settle things, and his hatred for Wuchen was far more than that.

Ten years ago, when he invaded Mary Joa, he, including his beloved eldest brother, Fisher Tiger, were crushed by Wuchen with a devastating strength!

Now he's taking it back!

"Boom boom boom!"

The strong and powerful legs kicked out, and Wuchen suddenly flew out like a cannonball. The ground pulled out an extremely long and narrow ditch, extending to hundreds of meters away, and Wuchen was lying in it with a faint breath.

"It's not over yet!"

Seeing this, Jinping smiled cruelly, revealing a bloodthirsty face, from beginning to end, he was an uncompromising pirate!

The tiger's body shook suddenly, and countless water droplets appeared all over the body, condensing in the palms of the hands. Unlike the previous "hitting water", this time it became an unprecedented big water polo.

"Murloc's empty-handed "Profound Truth" Wu Laiguan!"

With Jinbei's order, this huge and exaggerated water ball turned into an endless impact, which was not much different from a light wave without a body, and devoured Wuchen in an instant.

The dust on the surface was flattened by this impact, and fresh soil buried deep in the ground appeared, which was simply exposed to the sun. On the other hand, it was dust-free, already bloody.

"It's time to end..."

Seeing that there was no dust and no breath, Jinping wiped the sweat from his ears, and heaved a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

Jinping's spirit was in a trance for a while, the scene in front of him was violently distorted, as if time and space were reversed, and back to the beginning, Wuchen stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Jinping, always with a calm smile at the corners of his mouth, the first impression he gave was that Elegant and indifferent.

"How is that possible, was everything just a dream?!" With his eyes wide open, Jinping couldn't believe it.

His eyes were staring at Wuchen, and he was completely intact, his complexion was clean and his clothes were intact, but Shiping himself had suffered an unprecedented mental injury, and fell to the ground overwhelmed, and he didn't even have the strength to move his body.

"What you saw before was indeed a dream. It was a nightmare made up by my writing wheel eye!" Wuchen said calmly.

Everything that Jinpei witnessed just now was all an illusion created by Sharinyan, but the reality is like this, Jinpei has completely run out of fuel, let alone counterattack, he has no strength to escape!


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Chapter 700 End [Fourth Update]

Recommended book: Master of Naruto Body Art, it's really good, and friends who like it should collect it!


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