Robin couldn't help feeling speechless. She seldom met Wuchen, but the figure of Wuchen often floated in her mind. Hancock and Wuchen get along day and night, and this experience may be more clear and obvious.

For Hancock and Robin, Wuchen has penetrated deep into their hearts, leaving an indelible impression that everything about Hancock and Robin has been deeply ingrained in their minds.

Just like Hancock as a maid, the essence of existence is to serve the dust-free~, so is Nico Robin.


Time passed by like a white horse, and when he realized it, it was already ten days later.

On the azure sea, the huge waves swallowed the surrounding sea at a very fast speed, rolling up even bigger waves, and the warships with the navy flags swept through the thorns and sailed fast on the sea.

The destination is Alabasta.

"Escaped by Crocodile... The navy there is really useless, but that's fine."

On the spacious deck, dust-free and leisurely sat on the chair, with Erlang's legs crossed in a comfortable manner, and his right foot swayed from time to time, his expression full of laziness and enjoyment.

Hancock beside him is seriously peeling the skin of grapes... And the person who talks to Wuchen is Nico Robin in Alabasta.

The content is very simple. Nine days ago, as Wuchen had predicted before, Luffy, who broke out in the small universe, still successfully defeated "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile.

Including his subordinates were all defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates.

And due to the former Warring States Marshal depriving the title of "Seven Wuhai", the failed Crocodile has been handed over to the local navy by the Alabasta royal family.

But maybe the reason why God takes care of Crocodile is that just yesterday, the sinister and cunning he actually fled with his wings. This time Crocodile did not rescue his former subordinates, and only Robin followed Crocodile to the end of the world.

Due to Robin's compliance with Wuchen, he was not caught by the Straw Hat Pirates, and has been secretly watching the situation. When Crocodile jumped out, Robin continued to follow him, or it was a disguised surveillance.

"Sometimes some self-righteous guys always do stupid things that are beyond laughter. That guy... throws the chance to step into heaven, but instead sets foot in hell with his whole body... stupid!"

Nicole Robin, who was opposite the phone bug, frowned slightly when she heard the words. She could not understand what Wuchen said, because Crocodile had already escaped and ascended to heaven.

"Because of my procrastination... Warring States has already sent that guy Kuzan to respond to Crocodile in advance. If he can be caught with interest, Kuzan's character will definitely imprison him in the push city and save his life... It's a pity that Crocodile was clever enough to escape, and if he kills him, he will be blamed." Wuchen explained sarcastically.

Some people always think that they like to be self-righteous, but they end up self-defeating, and they lose their lives for this, and this is the case with Crocodile now.

An Xin's being caught is more beneficial to him, and now that he has escaped, Wuchen can just find an opportunity to silence him.

"Watch that Crocodile boy, I'll be in Alabasta in about two or three hours."

Raising his head, staring at the flickering sea fog in front of him, and the city whose outlines can already be vaguely seen, Wuchen said softly, and at the same time a cold light shot out from the bottom of his eyes, "If Crocodile has acted ignorantly...I am Refers to some unexpected movements in him, and you will kill him instead of me, Robin."

There are unforeseen circumstances, Wuchen is still on his way to Alabasta, and he is far behind the diligent Qingzhi. At this moment, the Qingzhi is probably already in the palace of Alabasta, accompanied by King Kobula and drinking in the afternoon. Tea.

"No problem, young master." The corner of his mouth raised a mesmerizing and careful smile, and Robin in front of the phone worm assured.

The reason for following Wuchen for a period of time, her strength will definitely not be worse than Crocodile, and even in some aspects, after Wuchen's guidance, it is even worse.

Even if the combat power is not as good as that of a naval general, it is enough to deal with a character like Crocodile, not to mention that he is now a bereaved dog, and he is in a turmoil.

"You're right, you're right. This time Kuzan secretly sneaked into Alabasta. It should have been secretly arranged by the Warring States period. If it wasn't for Bai Jue's avatar encountering him by chance, I would have been kept in the dark."

Wuchen instructed that he was naturally not afraid of green pheasants, but Robin was different.

Immediately after chatting a few words at random, Wuchen hung up the phone bug, and put Hancock's peeled grapes ~ grapes ~ into the entrance, and the old god was sitting on the couch to cultivate spirituality.

"The old man in the Warring States period is really despicable..." Wuchen murmured to himself, ignoring the void in the distance.

The mission is ever-changing, and maybe that Uchiha Madara came back to attack... So the Warring States arranged Wuchen to go to Alabasta in a fair and open manner, and Aokiji was secretly lurking in the dark... It is estimated that he wanted to use Wuchen to attract Uchiha Madara's attention. .

Unfortunately, as everyone knows, Tiandao Uchiha Madara is just a clone of dust-free control!


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Chapter 720 My subordinates are omnipotent

Recommended book: Master of Naruto Body Art, friends who like it, go to see it, personally feel good, the best collection by the way, thank you very much! ! ! !


Time passed quickly, and it seemed like half a day in the blink of an eye.

Alabasta used to be a desert oasis with charming scenery, and Kobra was a rare king with a conscience, and the whole country was flourishing.

However, after being targeted by Crocodile, it gradually declined and then collapsed.

"These guys... Really, the sky is falling and the tall people are standing on it. It doesn't seem like a good word at all."

The strong wind was blowing, the cold wind swept through, mixed with dense sandstorms, and suddenly thought of a sigh of disappointment, full of helplessness and unprecedented headache, and seemed quite troubled and depressed.

Looking closely, there is a considerable number of navies stationed here, and the person who sighed - Admiral Aokiji!

"General Kuzan, as a pirate, Crocodile's escape direction is estimated to be the sea. Why don't we notify the naval fleet in advance to arrest him!"

A sergeant cautiously suggested that he didn't watch Crocodile, and the kid escaped.

Hearing this, Aokiji turned his head to look at the sergeant, his eyes flashed with disapproval, and then he shook his head decisively. Crocodile is an old-fashioned pirate, such a common-sense mistake is impossible, and his subordinates almost All were caught, and the chance of wanting to leave by boat is temporarily zero.

"These idiots really can't be counted on."

The eyes spread, and the embarrassed and sluggish expressions of the navy were brought into his eyes, and Kuzan couldn't help sighing.

Looking closely, Qingzhi looked haggard, and his eyes were abnormally cloudy, giving people the feeling that he was like a candle in the wind.These days are like years for him, and the most unfortunate things in his life seem to be concentrated in this recent time period.

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