Once the attack is launched, it means that Blackbeard has enough confidence, or he has already thought about the future retreat.

Lafayette's contempt for Sengoku and Wuchen and others, he smiled, but he also thought that Blackbeard's idea was whimsical, but so what, the key is that Sengoku has agreed to Blackbeard's conditions.

Regardless of the final success or failure, the position of "Seven Wuhai" will be given to Di Qi, in this case, it is enough.

It doesn't matter if you are angry, just like what Blackbeard often said, you should bow your head when you should, wait for the opportunity, there is no need to be angry for a while.


At this moment, Lafitte's eyes suddenly focused on Wuchen's body, and a deep smile swept across the corner of his mouth, as if he was planning something, his eyes shot a cunning light with a conspiracy flavor.

"Leave quickly after the ghost calls. This is not your stage, and we are not your audience. No one likes to watch your poor acting skills. Those who are sensible, don't stay and pollute the air, or this old man doesn't mind doing a cleaning to deal with air pollution. work!"

Akainu shouted impatiently, with a tone of warning and killing intent, and hated the pirates deeply.

Wuchen couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and looked at the gloomy Sakaski in surprise. He didn't expect this guy with such a stern face to have such a humorous side.

After hearing this, Lafitte twitched fiercely, and then said with a smile: "The script I painstakingly compiled, I believe you will be highly anticipated and will be shocked!"

Lowering his tone, Lafitte vaguely wanted to please. He was in the wolf's den and he really didn't have the confidence to harden up. There are many strong people who can kill him in ten strokes.

"Let's talk about something, I hope it's not a boring thing. Don't forget, a promise doesn't mean admitting that before Blackbeard attacked Whitebeard, he was a pirate from beginning to end, and you are no exception."

With a cold light in his eyes, the Warring States said indifferently, and his words revealed the meaning of coercion.

Lafitte breathed a sigh of relief and took a deep breath to stabilize his mind. He was really afraid that Akainu would unreasonably blast him out.

"Everyone also knows that Fire Fist Ace has mysteriously disappeared... These days, Whitebeard has broken his head for him, frantically searching for Ace's trace, and the person who actually arrested Ace is among you." Lafitte said Amazing way.

"This guy is really cunning... No, since this guy can't come up with such a tactic, it is probably the insidious idea of ​​Blackbeard's conspirator."

There were ripples in the calm eyes, and Wuchen already understood what Lafitte was about to say.

The senior navy officers present were sluggish, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes. Lafitte was deep in the wolf's den in front of him, and naturally it was impossible to talk nonsense at will.

Looking at Wuchen invariably, in the entire navy, this guy is the only one who is obsessed with yin and yin.

"Yes, that kid of Fire Fist Ace is indeed in my hands. When I went to the East China Sea to perform a mission last time, I happened to hear about him, and finally I took that kid to justice."

Wuchen smiled happily and admitted all uncharacteristically, "But that kid resisted fiercely and was seriously injured by me. Everyone knows that killing him is worthless, so he is still in a coma and has been cultivating."

"He, how could he... actually admit it?!"

Lafitte's face was sluggish. He naively thought that Wuchen would retort fiercely in his tone. After all, hiding pirates was not a minor crime, and even a general would inevitably be punished.

The action was stagnant, and the photo that Lafitte was about to take out was also put back in his trouser pocket, which was the unequivocal proof that Wuchen held Fire Fist Ace on that day.

Lafitte originally thought that Wuchen would deny it, and then jumped out to expose him. Now that Wuchen chooses to admit it, it also means that the photo is useless.

"Idiot!" The corners of his eyes twitched and sneered. To be honest, Wuchen was quite grateful to Lafitte.

He was worried that he didn't have a suitable opportunity to hand Fire Fist Ace to the Warring States period. Now Lafitte suddenly launched an attack, but it was in line with Wuchen's plan, and he just called Ace out of the boat.

In such a sudden situation, Warring States would not think about it, nor would he think it was a dust-free calculation.If he carelessly handed Fire Fist Ace to Sengoku, the naturally suspicious Sengoku would inevitably be suspicious.

"When the kid recovers almost and can walk, I will send someone to push him to the city."

Wuchenfeng said lightly and calmly, his words revealed magnanimity and calmness, without any nostalgia, and his decisive tone was concise and concise, and he could not hear the slightest conspiracy.

Warring States nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes fell on Lafitte again, "What else do you want to say?"

The light tone was as steady as a rock, and it was obvious that Warring States was very satisfied with Wuchen's answer.

"No, it's not what I expected!"

Lafitte was speechless by the relaxed tone of Sengoku, and he vomited blood in a depressed heart. This scene was in his expectation, but the ending was so hasty, but it was very different from what he expected.

Especially the calm look of Sengoku made Lafayette mad.

Admiral hides pirates, why is there nothing? !This unscientific! ! !


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Chapter 739 It's Just a Disgrace [Second More]

Recommended book: Master of Naruto Body Art, friends who like it may wish to take a look, I personally feel that it is not bad, just collect it if you like it, thank you very much! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Lafitte's old face was ashen, and there were faint signs of greenishness.He stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, as if he didn't react for a while, his eyes were a little empty and gloomy, and his spirit fell into a blank.

what is this?The navy admiral hides pirates privately, and he is a big pirate like Fire Fist Ace. Not only did the Warring States not punish him severely, but this indifferent tone doesn't even blame him!

This intentional release of water is too obvious, especially since everyone is relaxed and indifferent, with an indifferent expression. Obviously, this situation is no surprise!

"What the hell is this guy?!"

Heart beating violently, the corners of Lafitte's mouth trembled uncontrollably, and the rate of his heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to burst out, and the pale skin that was different from normal humans became red.

It's not that the Warring States has a higher mind than the sky, but the guy in front of him is obviously unusual. Maybe this kind of thing falls on the generals such as Akainu and Aokiji, and it will be another matter. Only when it falls on Wuchen seems to be nothing !

"Sure enough, it's like what Akainu said...a poor script, and a third-rate actor whose acting skills are terrible."

Looking at the stunned Lafitte with disdain, he already knew what this guy's intentions were, or what the black beard behind him intended.

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