There is no doubt that the fruit of Xinglei is powerful. It is known as the most powerful fruit of the natural system, and it is even more heaven-defying than the dust-free glittering fruit, but even so, he still lost the battle and lost to Straw Hat Luffy.

Although it was because of the restrained ability, Enel's failure was an undeniable fact, and he lost to Luffy because of restrained ability. This reason could not convince Wuchen.

In the final analysis, it is the reason why Eneluo is not good enough.

"Also, do you think a person who dreams of becoming a god all day long will serve me willingly..."

Wuchen's remarks made Bai Jue speechless, and after a moment of contemplation, the thoughts in his heart also extinguished. For an ambitious character like Anilu, it would be foolish to tame him.

Killing him won't necessarily make him succumb to nothing.

"However, the thunder fruit can't be wasted in vain. It is also an [invincible fruit]. If it is another person, the power it exerts must be beyond imagination."

Wuchen's head suddenly lifted up, his shining eyes pierced through the white clouds, as if he saw Eni Road countless thousands of miles away, a cold smile swept across his mouth.

"Master Wuchen killed Enilu directly?" Bai Jue said in surprise, with a bit of confusion in his tone.

It's not hard to hear that Wuchen's murderous awe-inspiring appearance clearly wants to destroy Anilu directly. In this way, a brand new Thunder Fruit will be reborn from a corner of the world.

In terms of Bai Jue's clones all over the world, it is only a matter of time before he finds the Thunder Fruit.

"Straw hat Luffy doesn't seem to be able to kill him. That kid is too kind to kill Anilu." Bai Jue frowned, scolding Luffy as an incompetent kid. He doesn't have the style of a pirate who is ruthless and rampant.

When Luffy defeated Crocodile, he could have killed him on the spot, as was the original fishman Aaron, but that kid kindly let him go.

"That kid is indeed unqualified, and he is completely different from other pirates." Wuchen undeniably said.

Luffy is a pirate, and now the reward amount is as high as [-] million Bailey, but there are only a handful of bad things he has done. He has never done that kind of crazy massacre.

For other ferocious pirates, they often do this kind of thing.

"Let's leave it to Hawkeye. It's his words. That Anilu has only one dead end. He must also be curious about the legendary Thunder Fruit Ability."

He originally planned to deal with Anilu himself, but decided to forget it. He didn't have the spare time to go to the empty island to play, so he could just send Hawkeye to clean him up.


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Chapter 742 Attack [Fifth More]

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"But then again..."

His brows were slightly raised, Wuchen's tone suddenly became low, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "The guy with the black beard is so timid, he can be regarded as a peerless hero, and he dares to sneak up on the white beard without knowing his life or death."

There is admiration in his mouth, and he admires Blackbeard's courage, but anyone can hear the contempt and disdain.

It's not that Wuchen underestimates Blackbeard. Maybe he can surpass Whitebeard in the future, but now it's not even a little bit worse. Challenging Whitebeard is tantamount to setting yourself on fire.

The thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the black beard with thin arms and thin legs will sooner or later be crushed by the behemoth like the white beard.

"Maybe he used the dark fruit to plunder some heaven-defying Devil Fruit?" Thinking of the blackbeard's dark fruit's ability to defy the sky, Bai Jue speculated with a dazzling eye.

Wuchen glanced at Bai Jue, then shook his head in denial.In the face of absolute strength, no ability can play a decisive role. The invincible shock fruit and the tempered tricolor domineering of Whitebeard are enough to deal with all emergencies.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if Blackbeard really finds a special devil fruit that defies the sky and devours it, what kind of devil fruit has the shocking fruit of Whitebeard that defies the sky?

"Blackbeard is not a good stubble. If a tiger encounters a hungry wolf, even if it can't fight him, it will definitely tear it apart." Wuchen gloated.

There is no doubt that Blackbeard can't beat Whitebeard, but the biggest feature of the cunning Blackbeard is calculation, and the careless Whitebeard can't avoid the ending of being hurt.

After all, the black beard has the upper hand, and the unknown white beard is a passive move, and it is inevitable that he will suffer.


Somewhere in the new world, there is a large battleship docked nearby, with a strange shape. There is only one battleship in the whole world with such a peculiar structure - the Moby Dick!

It was also the ship of Whitebeard himself, who accompanied him to battle the sea all his life.

Although the main battlefield of pirates is to fight at sea, human beings, as terrestrial creatures, also need to rest on land frequently, otherwise everyone's physique will be dragged down.

On the Moby Dick, only Whitebeard was sitting alone in the spacious seat at the moment, while the other crew members were resting on the nearby islands.

These days, the entire Whitebeard Pirates are looking for traces of Ace. The high-intensity and intense work has caused everyone to be troubled, and everyone is in a trance.

The helpless Whitebeard could only temporarily order a day off.

There were several large wine jars next to him, and there was nothing in them. The white beard's eyes were blank, and his rough and weathered face was a little red. It was obvious that he was a little drunk.

The disappearance of Fire Fist Ace has dealt a heavy blow to him. These days, he uses alcohol to relieve his worries and numb his nerves.


There was a sudden sound of twisting footsteps on the deck without anyone, and Whitebeard raised his head subconsciously. The scene reflected in his eyes was a figure with an ugly face, an open belly, and a belly full of dense chest hair.


The blurry Whitebeard opened his eyes, and his hesitant eyes regained clarity. In front of his sons, Whitebeard must keep calm and calm at all times.

Whitebeard knows that he is the brain of the entire pirate group, and he can't make mistakes, let alone feel confused about the future.

"I heard that your strength is increasing day by day. I plan to promote you to the captain of the fourth division in a while." With a gentle smile on his face, Whitebeard affirmed.

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