Whitebeard's face is only scratched a little skin!

"Give me a reason not to kill you, Di Qi."

Deadly eyes stared at Blackbeard, the corners of his eyes spread like water lines, and the tragic situation on the island was hidden in his eyes. Due to the sudden incident, many pirates who had not yet reacted were directly blown up and bloody, complete corpses were not preserved.

Witnessing such a tragic situation, Whitebeard's face was almost twisted and hideous, his fist the size of a bucket, tightly grasped the flickering Naginata sword, and even due to the excessive force, the bulging blue veins on the surface of the skin were clearly visible.

The air flowing around Whitebeard showed signs of vibration, and cracks appeared faintly, and with the anger of Whitebeard, it rapidly expanded and extended.

That hideous transparent gap seems to devour the whole world!


Blackbeard lost his arrogance and swallowed.

The rough and ugly face, the cold sweat fell like raindrops, and the legs were a little soft. These terrifying cracks could devour and hurt him as long as Whitebeard gave an order.

The strongest man in the world, Duan Duan, cannot be killed in seconds, especially if he is attacked by a sewer rat like Blackbeard!

"Uuu...I was forced by the navy, it was the youngest general who forced me to do this!"

Seeing the bad situation, Blackbeard knelt down without hesitation, and the tears from the corners of his eyes flowed out desperately, just like the sea, as long as he needed it, it could flow out at any time, there was an endless stream!

"The youngest general?!"

Hearing this, White Beard was stunned, the bulging blue veins all over his body disappeared in an instant, and fear flashed in his awe-inspiring eyes.

He has a unique view of Wuchen's terror and power. He may not have been an opponent decades ago, but now he is as tall as a seventy-year-old Whitebeard, and the gap is infinitely widened.

"When people get old, they become stupid!"

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at Whitebeard, and seeing his thoughtful expression, Blackbeard smiled secretly.

I shouted in my heart that the white beard is full of flaws. Just now, the black beard just deliberately lowered his posture. I didn't expect this guy to be moved with compassion. He is really a hopeless fool!

Blackbeard will definitely not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Having killed most of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates is equivalent to a complete break with Whitebeard. Whitebeard, who values ​​his companions, cannot spare Blackbeard lightly.

When Whitebeard was careless, Blackbeard was covered with a strange black smoke, and it was like a gust of wind, wafting out, and quietly descending behind Whitebeard.

His hands clenched into fists, condensed with more ferocious strength than the previous sneak attack, and slammed straight towards Whitebeard's back.

"Yan Yin Yin!!!"

There was no scene of indistinct blood and flesh as imagined. Between heaven and earth, there was only an uncharacteristically harsh roar, which spread to any corner of the world along the breeze.

Immediately afterwards, the screams of pain resounded through the sky!

"Ouch... it hurts to death, damn old man!!!"

The scream of killing a pig came out of Blackbeard's mouth, and I saw him slamming towards Whitebeard's right arm, shaking uncontrollably, and Blackbeard's ugly old face distorted violently in pain.

Looking closely, Whitebeard's back has turned into swarthy steel!

"The **** old man's armed arrogance is so powerful?!" He took a deep breath, and the black beard's face was ashen.

Due to the dark fruit, the physical damage he received was twice that of others, so it was extremely painful, and a full punch was like hitting a solid ~ hard ~ meteorite. Unexpectedly, Blackbeard's arm was about to be broken by the shock, and it hurt Got him grinning.

"I just deliberately tested you just now... It seems that you are no longer saved, Di Qi." Turning his head indifferently, he looked at the painful black beard, and the white beard was boiling with murderous intent.

The decisive tone is full of chills. Of course, there is still a bit of loneliness. There is nothing more sad than this. The person who trusts the most has betrayed himself in the end...

"Stop pretending, you are the one who is not saved!"

Blackbeard retorted with a grim face, bloodshot eyes permeating densely in his eyes, "You who have been silent in the emotional world of your family have lost the spirit of the past, and have begun to become mediocre... Until now, you are already fading!"

"The brazen bastard!"

Seeing this, Whitebeard's smile was even more disdainful at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't intend to ask Di Qi why he betrayed him. After he caught this kid, he would naturally recruit him.

With a stern look, the whole person's aura climbed to the limit!


The fists were raised, revealing the strength enough to destroy the world, and immediately a transparent wave oozed out. The atmosphere on both sides of the side immediately swept away the traces of cracks, and expanded rapidly. It was almost a blink of an eye, and it would be completely clear. Unconscious Blackbeard swallowed.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

These transparent cracks obviously reached their limit, slammed like a mirror, turned into an endless impact, and the destructive air waves swept the leaves and razed the entire battleship to the ground.

"Crack clap... clap ~ clap ~ clap..."

The surface of the hull that was swept by the waves was cracked one after another, and the crisp sound was interrupted, deducing the prelude of destruction. This pure and majestic destructive force almost destroyed the entire Moby Dick.

The battleship that accompanied Whitebeard's battle all his life swayed and was full of cracks. It didn't need a more powerful impact, just a gust of cold wind could destroy this tormented ship.

Inevitably, Blackbeard was also killed, just because he was afraid of Blackbeard's opportunism, Whitebeard made up his mind and destroyed the entire Moby Dick!

But it doesn't seem to work.

"The vibration caused by the shaking fruit penetrated him?!"

The tiger's eyes enlarged, and Whitebeard showed a stunned expression in surprise. He saw that Blackbeard's body turned into the wind strangely, and easily avoided the vibration caused by the shaking fruit.

Although the hurricane that emerged from Blackbeard's body was also scattered by the impact, it still reunited.

"This is not the ability of the dark fruit...it is the elementalization of the natural ability person!"

For the first time in his life, Whitebeard's voice increased several decibels when he saw such a strange scene. It is not difficult to see that he was also very shocked and moved.

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