
Looking up, Anilu was covered with high-density lightning, crackling, and the whole person was like a magnetic field body, including the lightning in the natural world, was swallowed up by him, a strong body that was hungry for food!

The momentum of the whole body rose sharply, filled with the power to destroy the world.

"How does this deceitful trick work... Maybe you are the overlord of this unknown empty island, and when you leave this island, go to the new world where the strong gather... Big waves wash away the sand, and it is estimated that you will be eliminated sooner or later. ."

The body overflows with a golden luster. Coincidentally, He Ainilu is quite similar. The only difference is that the first impression of this sacred golden light is evil!

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!" Anilu, who was full of self-confidence, sneered disdainfully.

At the same time, he stared at the lustre of Wuchen's body in surprise. For some reason, he felt a trace of danger, as if it had appeared out of thin air. The specific reason, Anilu couldn't tell, maybe it was pure intuition.

"It seems that these days are getting more and more tired. After killing this guy, go to rest."

Anilu dispelled the panic and discomfort, and took it for granted as an illusion caused by overwork. He is a god, so how could a weak human being with a mortal body be afraid!

The sturdy arm completely condensed by lightning suddenly lifted up, and the palm of the hand opened, aiming at the direction of dust-free.


The high-density thunder and lightning condensed the palm of the hand and turned into an incomparably thick beam, which was like a Changhong breaking the sun, and the exaggerated speed could not respond at all.


The power of the erupted silver beam is amazing, the sky is divided into two, and it is unstoppable.

"Hahaha... This time, I'm going to die!" Anilu laughed wildly in the sky, his extremely arrogant face twisted.


Before Enilu was complacent for a long time, a low voice filled with sneer resounded through the sky, and the sound was very low, but due to the characteristics of lightning, it still entered Enilu's ears at a glance.

The smug smile immediately solidified, and it was as motionless as a sculpture, and the whole person was directly petrified.

In the thick silver beam, the dust-free who was crushed by lightning was safe and sound, and his whole body was protected by a golden skeleton, protecting him like an iron barrel.

And with the passage of time, the evil golden light wafting out of the dust-free body has become more and more dense, and has a tendency to become larger!


Wiping his eyes, Anilu thought that his eyes were dim, but just now, an exaggerated giant with a height of hundreds of meters appeared in his eye sockets!

"Sure enough, it's a face!"

Looking at Yan again, his body was only covered with a solid skeleton, nothing else.

"Hmph, I'm underestimating you, this time you're going to die for me!"

The cold light of the forest shot out of his eyes, Anilu had awe-inspiring killing intent, and Wuchen provoked him repeatedly, the hatred in his heart was already second only to Straw Hat Luffy, and he wanted to kill him quickly.

A whitish silver beam of light fell from the sky, aiming at the dust-free, and the space vibrated violently.

"God's punishment!"

Tens of millions of volts, and even more deadly lightning, fell from the sky, and the dust-free beam of light burst, and the aftermath of the eruption was enough to flatten the mountain.

A double blow, Enilu had expected to disintegrate the dust-free defense, but what happened next made him stunned.

The strange golden skeleton, not only was not melted and dismembered, but became ten times larger as if it had eaten hormones, and a golden giant suddenly appeared in the tranquil void!

"Bastard, what the hell is this?! It's even bigger than my [Thor]!!!"

The saliva kept swallowing in his throat, Anilu's mind went blank, condensing the giant on the dust-free body, filled with a wild and ancient temperament, like a god of war descended from ancient times!

"You, a self-proclaimed god, have a surprisingly small vision."

Silently floating in the sky without dust, he held his hands in front of him, shook his head and looked at Susanoo, and explained, "This is a unique ninjutsu that can only be opened by kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes - Susanoo!"

"This is just a mature body, but how do you say you are also a god, in order to show your respect, let you see the limit state of his upgraded version, you can close your eyes with peace of mind in hell... There's really no way, I'm such a kind person sometimes, eh..."

The voice fell, the chakra that stopped erupting collapsed again, Wuchen looked cold, and his hands clenched into fists.

"Susanoh, Ning!"

Wuchen's infinite chakra burst out with all his strength, all absorbed by the mature Susanoo, rapidly expanding his body, and the thick armor was formed in an instant, and he also wore the ferocious Tengu armor, and the terrifying body was inserted into the cloud!

All this is just the blink of an eye.

A quaint, decadent giant with four arms and two heads, with two golden swords of light on his waist, the sky with dark clouds covering the sun instantly turned golden.

"Everything ends here..."

The complete body, Susaneng, moved with the trend, and the great sword of light came out of the scabbard.

He glanced at Enilu, who seemed to have had his soul taken away, his body was rigid, and his face was expressionless. It was not his fault. Susanoo was indeed exaggerating, especially when his Susanoo was close to [-] meters. Even more astonishing.

With his thoughts activated, the sword of light in the hands of Susanoo's complete body fell ruthlessly!


The terrifying slash that was enough to easily shred the island, destroyed the thunder and lightning all over Anilu in an instant, and exploded like a goddess scattered flowers.

It's as simple as cutting tofu... Enilu disappeared without a trace.


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