Seeing this scene, including Wuchen, everyone present was full of complicated faces, and their hearts were mixed, even the expression of Akainu, who had always been ruthless, was a little loose.

"This guy is so stupid, and Whitebeard is just taking advantage of him, so he's not afraid of death." Brother Doflamingo had a hopeless expression.

Those eyes full of contempt, as if looking at an idiot.

Wuchen raised his head and stared at Brother Doflamingo who was standing, always feeling that he was scolding himself in disguise!

"Enough, Jinpei, do you refuse or choose to accept this mission against the Whitebeard Pirates? If you refuse, what kind of fate awaits you, you understand!"

The Warring States tone warned, full of threats.

"This kind of idiot is Whitebeard's best friend. He has been brainwashed. It's useless to talk about it. If you want him to change his mind, I think it's better to ask Whitebeard to change his mind!" Blackbeard stopped and immediately sarcastically said.

Hearing that, the Warring States just glared at him coldly.

"black beard."

Warring States intends to persuade with good words, but Wuchen's voice sounded in advance, attracting everyone's attention, including Wu Laoxing, who also silently scrutinized Wuchen.


Looking into the dust-free eyes, a special feeling in Blackbeard's heart quietly emerged.

The indifferent eyes are full of calm, and the clear eyes seem to penetrate people's hearts, and the black beard makes him take a step back.

Under those plain eyes, all his secrets seemed to be exposed to the air!

"You challenge him..."

He raised his finger lightly, pointed at Jinping, and said indifferently: "Deliberately angered him with fierce words, your purpose is nothing more than to show your strength to stand up... Really, like a kid."

"Joining the [Qiwuhai] must be recognized for strength. I don't think this is too much to show strength through this traitor."

Being pierced by Wuchen, Blackbeard should say so.

Wuchen heard the words and stood up and stretched, yawned, and looked drowsy, and then said lazily: "Don't forget where this place is... Mary Joa is not a place for you to come here. "

"If you still want to act recklessly... you might as well change your opponent." The clear eyes were replaced by ridicule, and Wuchen said with a relaxed expression.

Hearing this, Blackbeard was stunned, his eyes subconsciously spread out, seeing that all the senior navy officers, including the always silent Five Old Stars, were vaguely dissatisfied, and all the hostility in his body was restrained.

It's just a disguised Liwei, and it is an idiot to provoke public anger without knowing how to live or die!

"I'll let you go this time, next time... hum!" He stared at Jinping with murderous eyes, and Blackbeard looked cold.

It's not hard to see that if it wasn't for the Warring States Period and others, Jinbei would have been killed immediately. Blackbeard held hostility and resentment towards the characters of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This look of gnashing his teeth can't wait to be thrown into ashes.Even so, Blackbeard still let go of Jinping with interest. The base camp of the World Government provokes the navy, and Roger, the pirate king, will probably hate this place when he comes.

"Jinping, I'll ask you one last time, this time, do you want to participate or refuse?!" After taking a deep breath, Sengoku asked in a low voice.

At the same time, he gave Akainu a look, which obviously meant that if Jinpei dared to openly resist, he would be arrested!

"I've let you down, Warring States, this mission is difficult to obey!"

Without even thinking about it, Jinping justly refused.

He was dripping with blood, severely injured by his black beard, sitting on the ground panting heavily, with no energy left to fight. At this moment, he was already a piece of fish on the chopping block, and he could only be slaughtered by others.

In the moment when the voice fell, Akainu turned into a rolling heat wave and swept over. His emotionless eyes were dead silent. In his hand was a thick black iron chain, and he skillfully locked Jinping like a zongzi.

"Wasting resources, directly slaughtering Yongyi waiting for work, and even arresting them, a bunch of idiots!" Blackbeard whispered, which was completely opposite to his murderous method.

In the eyes of Blackbeard, this is to return the tiger to the mountain, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Since the golden lion Shiji was able to give up everything to escape from prison, he may be able to escape successfully in the future.

Killing everything is king!

"Don't compare the navy to someone like you." He glanced at Blackbeard with a bad face, and the Warring States tone was filled with endless boredom.

The random killing of captives is even worse than an evil existence like a pirate!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! !


Chapter 762 The Terrifying Five Old Stars

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


The blond five old star with red complexion, with shining old eyes, carefully scrutinized the black beard, and nodded involuntarily. Even if the two sides were opposed, he had to admit that this guy was a bit daring.

"The government can promise you to become the [Qiwuhai], but I advise you to be smart and not kill yourself!"

The blond five old star warned expressionlessly, his eyes shot out a stern chill, and the deadly oppression swept out, like a storm version raging on everyone present.

The people present clearly felt that countless sharp-edged swords flashed on their backs, as if they could stab them with blood holes all over their bodies as long as their thoughts moved slightly.

Step by step is startling, if you are not careful, you will easily suffer fatal injuries!It seems that as long as he imposes resistance, he will be beheaded mercilessly by a single thought! !

Whether it was "The King's Qiwuhai" or the high-ranking navy, they all looked at the blond five old stars with fear and awe.

The five old stars are not only the immediate bosses of the navy, but everyone is a shocking powerhouse.

The only thing that can keep the wind light and the clouds light, and the face does not change color is the dust-free.As for the black beard, there was already cold sweat seeping from his forehead, and the dense sweat slowly fell like raindrops, hitting his thick black hair sharply.

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