Of course it was an accident when fighting.

Wuchen rolled his eyes when he heard the words, stared at Kaguya's suet jade-like face, and sat in front of the table quite casually, "Since you are so dignified and beautiful...then wait slowly. Bar!"

Wuchen also began to gobble after the words, Xiaoyuexi and he ignored Kaguya at the same time, and their father and daughter were surprisingly similar.

Kaguya shook her head helplessly, and sat next to Wuchen, elegantly picking up the bowl and chopsticks in her hand, when she was about to pick up vegetables, Wuchen's voice rang out.

"All of you ancient people respected teachers so much to you?!" Wuchen asked curiously.

Even if she accepts the influence of modern culture, Kaguya will sometimes show her stubborn character, which means she can't change from the past.

"I am very sure of that."

Kaguya glanced at Wuchen, put the fragrant food into her mouth, chewed it slowly, and said softly, "Some things cannot be violated!"

"Indeed, some things are indeed not to be violated, nor can they be changed!" Wuchen agreed, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, she leaned into Kaguya's ear and blew a breath of heat.

"The ancients paid attention to the three obediences and four virtues... It is the duty of a wife to serve her husband. What I want you to do tonight, you have to do it!" Wuchen said with a beaming expression, stating his purpose.

Kaguya's pretty face blushed, and she stared at Wuchen unkindly, she felt that this guy had nothing good, exactly as she guessed, and it was such a despicable and filthy condition!

"You're dreaming! Let the concubine do what she wants? What a joke!"

Wuchen just looked at Kaguya Ji faintly, and swallowed her blood in one sentence, "The protest is invalid, as an ancient person, you should abide by the three obedience and four virtues, this is the rule!"


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 773 The Second Half of the Game [First Update]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


The white pupils were stunned, Kaguya looked at Wuchen in amazement, she didn't expect this fellow to be so shameless and cunning, and deliberately lured her into being fooled, and Wuchen took advantage of it.

"It's okay to stick to the rules, just serve me well tonight, it's your responsibility!" Close to Kaguya's ear, Wuchen said with a hilarious smile.

With a wretched smile on his face, full of wolf-like light, Wuchen has long been hungry and unwilling to eat. Without the light bulb of Yuexi, Kaguya has been rectified on the spot.

The sky is the earth and the bed is the best!

Kaguya snorted, she simply chose not to hear it, ignored the existence of dust-free, and ate the food gracefully, pretending that nothing happened.

The blush on the perfect face never faded away.

In the middle of the night, the bright moon hangs high, and all sounds are quiet.

Wuchen sneaked into Kaguya Ji's room and thought that she would be able to indulge, but Xiaoyuexi guarded Kaguya Ji like a knight, which made Wuchen feel heartbroken.

In the early morning of the next day, Wuchen's eyes turned black, no different from a drug addict who had been taking drugs for many years.

"Father's physique is stronger than mother's, why does he look so listless?" Yuexi wondered with her clear eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Hearing this, Kaguya smiled, a soft smile like a spring breeze.

She wiped Yuexi's face with a damp towel and smiled slightly. Although she could use servants for these trivial matters, Kaguya, who loved Yuexi too much, chose to do it herself.

"What's wrong with father, mother?" Looking at Kaguya with a puzzled look, Yue Xi always felt that Kaguya's smile had a different meaning.

"Don't worry, he is distressed, I'm afraid he was suffocated last night!"

Patting Yuexi's head, Kaguya took a deep breath and said with a smile, for fear that Wuchen wouldn't be able to hear it, she deliberately lengthened her voice and looked very proud.

"It turns out that, in order to beware of me, she deliberately pulled Yuexi to sleep with her yesterday." The confusion in her eyes disappeared, and Wuchen instantly understood what Hui Yeji meant.

"Okay, let's have breakfast."

The thin lips pressed lightly on Yuexi's face, and Kaguya smiled. For this daughter, what she likes is the most important thing. No one can let Yuexi be wronged. I am the only one, and I am extremely domineering.

Xiaoyuexi nodded, then jumped cheerfully and disappeared into the dark corridor.

"I didn't expect you to be so mean."

Seemingly unable to stand the dazzling sunlight, Wuchen closed the curtains, turned to Kaguya and said, "People like me hate losing the most... There is no such hateful word in the dictionary."

Hearing this, Kaguya pursed her lips and smiled, her phoenix eyes mixed with indescribable contempt, "You are really stubborn, but unfortunately you have already lost... This is an undeniable fact!"

"No, you are wrong. Last night was only a temporary victory, and there is actually a second half final." His eyes condensed green light, staring at Kaguya, his awe-inspiring eyes could see through her.

"Second half final?"

The first time she heard this unfamiliar word, Kaguya's face was frozen, she didn't understand what it meant, she was silent for a long time, Kaguya didn't think about it anymore, changed the subject and said, "Yuexi is a good way to prevent wolves. sleep with her."

Anti-wolf means? !

The dust-free body was rolling, and the old blood almost burst out uncontrollably. When did he become a se~ wolf?

After tangled for a while, Wuchen stared at Kaguya, her frantic eyes filled with occupancy~have~ desires, it's okay to be a se~wolf, anyway, he will soon be transformed into a wolf!

"Since you know that Yuexi is a wolf defense method, you shouldn't let her go!"

With a mocking smile on his face, "I will now announce the start of the second half of the game!"

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