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Chapter 778 Half a Design Drawing [First Update]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


The ultimate purpose of Blackbeard's joining "The Seven Martial Seas under the King" is to participate in the "War on the Top" and find a suitable opportunity to capture Whitebeard's shaking fruit ability.

There is also an unknown purpose - to win over the fugitives in the deepest part of the city as partners!

Undoubtedly, the prisoners advancing in the city are all among the best and strongest, and there is no shortage of shocking people in strength, and most of them are extremely hostile to the navy and can be trusted.

"It's a troubled time... I thought I could be as leisurely as him when I get involved with the general, but I didn't expect it to be busier, and people are really mad at people. Damn God, it's really unfair, Luo Yi Si Nan must be God's illegitimate child." Staring at Wuchen's gradually dissipating back, Aokiji complained in dissatisfaction.

His temperament is inherently lazy, and he has been very busy these days. Compared with a laid-back general like Wuchen, he is not an ordinary hard worker.

"It's very possible that all the good things in the world will fall on him." Tossing away the cigarette butt in his hand, Kizaru nodded undeniably.

The two chatted for a while, and then a huge ripple appeared on the surface of the battleship, and the tower began to advance towards the city.

There are also a large number of naval battleships around, including some powerful lieutenant generals, and Fire Fist Ace is not very personable. It will take a few days on the way, and the possibility of encountering an ambush by the Whitebeard Pirates is extremely high.


After sending Fire Fist Ace away, Wuchen returned to his villa. Before his ass was hot, the phone bug that Wuchen and Caesar often contacted rang.

"It's never a good thing for this guy to find Lao Tzu!"

Taking the phone bug with a face full of bad luck, it is always a bad thing for Caesar to find Wuchen.

"There is a problem with the construction process of [Pluto]."

Before Wuchen could start to ask questions, Caesar's anxious voice rang out, mixed with resentment, "There is a huge contrast in the design before and after in some places, the various data are not right, and there is a lack of a lot of information."

Wuchen raised his brows slightly, and doubts flashed in his eyes, "The source of the design is Doflamingo, ask him if you don't understand."

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen could not wait to give himself a slap, Doflamingo certainly couldn't understand the design of Hades, or he would be able to build it himself.

"Doflamingo? He knows shit!"

Speaking of Doflamingo, Caesar's tone was full of contempt and disdain, and angrily roared: "I asked him, but that kid obviously prevaricates. He even said that Laozi's level is not enough to understand the subtlety of Hades, that bastard. he……"

For half an hour, Caesar was swearing and cursing Doflamingo. Because of the dustless cover, he was not afraid of Doflamingo, so he spoke ruthlessly.

A poisonous mouth swearing at someone is very refreshing, even if Wuchen heard it, he was stunned for a while.

"Enough, tell me the real reason!"

The impatient Wuchen said in a dignified tone, with a clear and supreme majesty, and no provocation. Caesar's cold sweat on the other end of the phone worm fell uncontrollably, like raindrops.

The corners of the wriggling mouth stopped, and the mouth that was planning to curse Doflamingo stopped. After many years, Caesar also found out what Wuchen's character was.

You can be abandoned by anyone, but you can't be abandoned by dust-free!

"This specific situation..."

Hesitating thoughts flashed through his mind, and he immediately remembered the data that was getting more and more wrong recently. Caesar said solemnly: "The design drawing of Doflamingo's [Pluto] is more like half a picture to a certain extent. Only part of the data!"

Caesar told the truth with a livid face. In the end, there were dark veins penetrating his forehead. As a scientist, Caesar advocated the pursuit of truth and hated others to fool him.

"That kid must have done it on purpose, he must know the truth!" Caesar said viciously.

Wuchen was silent for a while, he didn't care what the truth was, he paid more attention to the final result, and asked calmly, "If you find another part of the design, when will it be completed."

"Two to three years at most... The key is that there is no perfect blueprint." Caesar sighed helplessly.

"You don't have to worry about it, just build a boat for me quietly, maybe in the next two or three years, [Pluto] will come in handy."

With a gloomy cold light on his face, Wuchen hung up the phone bug.

Closing his eyes gently, he also felt that there was something wrong with the "Pluto" design. After all, this kind of top-secret design cannot be born casually, and it is not reasonable for Doflamingo to have it in his hands. Tu filial piety to Wuchen, and to be a servant of Wuchen, Doflamingo's ambition has not changed.

"A mere person who was abandoned by the Tianlong people, he is not too brave... Waiting to squeeze the value out of use will kill him." After pondering for a while, Wuchen whispered.

Now Doflamingo is a loyal lackey, and his work efficiency is surprisingly high. It's a pity to kill him like this, and it's not too late to kill him when he is worthless.

"Since the Pluto design drawing is only a part of the data... Then the rest of the second half should be in the hands of that Franky."

Thinking of the "Pluto" blueprint hidden in Franky's body, the corners of Wuchen's mouth drew a stern arc, picked up the other phone bugs and started to communicate with Robin.

It is easy to get the design plan from the group of stunned young people according to Robin's ability.


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Chapter 779 The fruit of thundering thunder is in hand [Second More]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


It's not that Wuchen underestimates the IQ of the Straw Hat Pirates. Some of their behaviors are indeed unflattering. Even if they can sometimes make the impossible possible, Wuchen still feels stupid.

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