"There's nothing to be unwilling to do. While you're making progress, others are also making progress, even faster than you. In the end, you're already behind, Shiliu..."

Shiliu of the Rain is close to half a hundred years old, his potential is exhausted, and his progress is limited, not to mention that he has been imprisoned in the promotion city for most of his life, and the room for improvement is limited.

"You only played [-]% of your strength just now. It's still too early for you to make a rash assertion!"

Shiliu of the Rain roared, obviously he did not give up, his hysterical tone was full of madness, he was stunned, and his anger controlled his thoughts.

"It's boring, I said it all, you have already lost, don't think that this illusion world will not be hurt." Hearing Yu Zhixi's words revealing a desperate fight, Wuchen said seriously.

Injuries in the Yuedu world are not invalid, they are equivalent to mental torture, far more painful than physical torture!

Sometimes, the more seriously he persuaded the enemy, not only did he not feel grateful, but instead used it as a way to show his weakness, like the crazy Shiliu of the Rain.

Hearing Wuchen's words, not only was he not grateful, but his murderous aura became more intense and dense, gradually turning from reality to reality, his eyes were eroded and penetrated by the second generation Guiche, turning into murderous purple eyes.

The second generation Guiche stores a majestic demon power. Once the host cannot deter him, or if he is in a state of chaos like Shiliu of the Rain, the demonic energy will take the opportunity to run wild and turn him into a murderous machine.

"It seems I can't hold it anymore." Wuchen said in surprise, touching his smooth chin.

If the demonic energy corrodes the brain, you will lose your way forever and sink into a murderous demon.

"Can't hold it? Who do you think I am..." The purple eyes passed Qingming, and Shiliu of the Rain said hoarsely.

The demonic energy in his body quickly subsided, but the strange thing was that there was no turning back in the blade of the second-generation ghost. All of them sank into the body of Shiliu of Rain like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no longer any movement.


Shiliu of Rain's body has undergone astonishing changes, his aura is constantly rising, and it is boundless like a vast ocean. His muscles and height, including every part of his limbs, are getting bigger!

Of course, the strength is also rising.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The smug laughter jumped out of his mouth, his pupils enlarged, and he swept straight towards Wuchen. Shiliu of the Rain wanted to see the long-lost fear on Wuchen's face.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

The everlasting face was filled with silence and never changed. What made Shiliu of the Rain vomit blood the most was that this guy even looked up at the blood-red sky and ignored him...

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Shiliu of the stormy rain raised his sword and fell, and three huge slashes swept out of thin air, like the roar of a demon, the void trembled slightly, and the sharp roar sounded the soul-soothing song of the apocalypse. The space is twisted and changed, and the ground is easily torn, like scraps of paper.

"Although the slash is much stronger... but it's still the same trick, how could such a simple and random trick work."

Disappointment flashed in Wuchen's eyes. Like the trick just now, the power became stronger, but the essence remained unchanged. If he wanted to rely on pure physical damage to him, Shiliu of the Rain was still [-] miles away.

"The armed color is hardened."

The right arm was eroded by the domineering of the armed color again, and Wuchen also chose to use the same trick.


The three-stage slashing attack was brutal, and when he wanted to crush Wuchen, his eyes shot out a piercing luster, and his small hand as thin as a willow branch crashed down.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Affected by the dust-free attack, the fierce slashes exploded in an instant, vanishing, and the scattered slashes turned into a blade storm and devoured the surroundings.

Wuchen is also locking the affected area, the whole person was attacked by smashing and slashing, blood light penetrated the ground, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the clarity was less than one meter.

"Is it done?" Rubbing his eyes, Yu Zhi's hope was pierced.

His eyes froze, and suddenly he found Wuchen disappeared!

"Game over...Light speed kick!"

The rays of light flickering behind him were enough to destroy the mountain and annihilate Shiliu of the Rain. His whole person turned into a flash of light, and then a giant fire group splashed into the void, and the ground was completely flattened!

Shiliu, who was charred all over, turned into a candle in the wind.


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Chapter 785 The gap between realms [third more]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Staring blankly at Shiliu of Rain, who was scorched all over, Wuchen moved his limbs gently, and there was a crackling sound of bones.

The inside of the pupil is like a thousand years of ice, without the slightest human feeling, only the indifference and loneliness of being isolated from the world, the strength of Shiliu of the Rain may be a nightmare existence to others, and he wants to shake Wuchen by virtue of his strength. , but set himself on fire.

"Don't think that's it, in the world of illusion, the damage you receive will also be transferred to the real body." He glanced at Shiliu of the Rain, who was pretending to be dead, and sarcastically said without dust.

Looking up, I saw Shiliu of the Rain was bubbling with hot steam, burning beyond recognition, with a pungent smell of meat, and the skin of his body was burned in large areas.

This is the case with some people, who insist on killing themselves. Originally, as long as he agreed to the conditions, Wuchen could let him live in the future. Who would have guessed that Shiliu of the Rain would do the opposite, and he would end up asking for trouble. .

The path was chosen by himself, and no one forced Shiliu of the Rain.

"This is the gap in realm... As expected, pure blood cannot make up for it."

Raising his head with difficulty, he looked up at Wuchen's indifferent face, his eyes were always turbulent and unobstructed, and Shiliu of Rain's tone was filled with endless desolation and powerlessness.

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