Staring at Wuchen's receding back, Spandam heaved a sigh of relief, and his spirit recovered a lot. The fate of encountering Tianlong people is more serious than encountering the enemy who killed his father!


Wuchen's pace suddenly stopped, standing still, as if he was contemplating something, and after a while, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

"So fast!"

Spandam opened his mouth in surprise and said, this is the strength of the general, and he can't see it with the naked eye when he moves. Thinking of Wuchen's identity and his ability to terrify the world, he was about to flatter him, but suddenly he felt ~chest~mouth A pain.


The disappearing dust-free suddenly appeared behind Spandam, with a golden photon sword in his hand, extremely sharp, pierced through his body, leaving a scorched hole, Spandam could feel his life force is rapidly passing.

"Why did you kill me?!"

Bloodshot eyes were all over the place, Spandam roared unwillingly, his sharp tone made his whole body tremble, "You clearly said before that you wouldn't kill me, why are you going back on your word now?!"

The panting Spandam roared like a madman, and was about to burp, he certainly didn't care about his status.

"Break your word? Nonsense."

Glancing coldly at the hysterical Spandam, Wuchen made a distressed expression and said helplessly: "My memory is really bad, and I am too forgetful. I said before that I would kill you for more than three seconds. It’s been far more than three seconds now, but luckily I remembered it when I was about to leave, so…”

"It's natural to kill you."


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Chapter 794 Slaughtering Demon Order [Second]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Spandam stared at Wuchen reluctantly, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, his body was shaking with anger, he used all his strength to take out the golden phone bug, and immediately pressed it down.

"I will drag you to bury you when I die!"

Spandam spit out a roar of stars flying all over the sky, and a morbid smile appeared on the cheeks with the weird mask.

"It's not just you, including the navy and pirates on the island will all fall, as well as the Straw Hat Pirates, CP9, and Nico Robin will all go to hell to be buried for Lao Tzu!" Spandam laughed frantically. road.

"The demon slaughtering order just wanted to kill me. Do you think that the highest combat power of the naval headquarters is a rookie who is just getting started?" He glanced at Spandam with pity, and sneered again and again without dust.

This kind of mad dog is indistinguishable between me and me. Maybe it will come out and bite you at any time. It is a wise move to kill it as soon as possible.

"Devil Slaughtering Order? What is that!"

"Damn, Spandam wants to kill us?!"


At the same time, the content of the conversation between Wuchen and Spandam was reported on the broadcast. The pirates and the navy in the battle were all thundered, and then they threw away their weapons and fled.

"Snatch my Pluto design, and you must pay the price!"

Spandam roared with the last of his strength, staring at Wuchen in revenge, and then laughing wildly, "The conversation between us has been spread all over the Judiciary Island through the broadcast phone bug, you can't imagine it! It won't be long before you The whole world will get the news about the design of Hades, and neither the navy nor the pirates will let you go!"

After saying that, Spandam stared at the dust-free face, trying to find fear in his face.

"Just that? Vulgar!"

Stepping on the "calling" phone bug with one foot, Wuchen said with a sneer, "You idiot should stop when you are complacent, don't forget that you have activated the [Devil Slaughtering Order] just now!"

The content of the slaughtering order is an indiscriminate and intensive bombardment, until the entire island is burned to ashes, which means that all the personnel on the island will be brutally slaughtered by the navy!

"There are countless things that have been captured by me in the world, and this so-called [Pluto] design is just one of them, that's all."

The thumb aimed at Spandam's head, and the beam condensed, swallowing him whole in the next second.

"The guy who doesn't make people worry, he died, and he caused me so much trouble."

Spandam was charred and lifeless, with a disgusting stench of meat wafting.

After Wuchen pondered for a while, he also turned to leave. He originally planned to return to the Navy Headquarters directly through the "Gate of Justice", but now it seems that he wants to change his plan.

The Demon Slaying Order is effective for ordinary navy and pirates, but not for Lu Qi and Luffy.

"Only I killed them myself..."

Detouring back to the original road, in the dark tunnel, a dust-free hoarse voice resounded.

The news of getting the blueprints of Hades must not be known to everyone. Although everyone in the world is invincible and fearless, there must be countless troubles.

Therefore, Wuchen decided to kill them by himself, to avoid walking news, just need to kill CP9, the Straw Hat Pirates are used to take the blame, and as for those ordinary navy, the slaughtering order can kill them.


At this moment, the ground trembled for a while, then cracked, and then Bai Jue broke out of the ground.

"I have sunk the ships docked near Judicial Island. Those pirates and the navy have become turtles in the urn. There is no way to go to the sky!" Bai Jueyin smiled.

"Nice job."

Wuchen nodded slightly, showing a satisfied smile, and immediately raised a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth, "You go and notify Robin and let her secretly take a few photos of the Straw Hat Pirates suppressing CP9, I can use it!"

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