After a while, Wuchen walked out of the darkness, and his smiling face was exposed to the light, which made all members of CP9, including Lu Qi, stunned.

"Sir Spandam was killed?"

After returning to God, Kalifa said stunned, and immediately pursed her lips and smiled gracefully, "That unsightly guy finally hangs up, and all day long, he is more evil than pirates!"

These remarks made all the CP9s nod their heads one after another. That guy is really annoying, not to mention that he can help them.

"What a big cat, it can even fight. Sure enough, the world is full of wonders!" His eyes fell on the big cat in a black suit, and Wuchen exclaimed.

Not long after his voice fell, a white pigeon landed on the big yellow cat. Seeing this, Wuchen was embarrassed, and immediately scratched his head embarrassedly, "So this is Lu Qi, sorry..."

"That guy Spandam was killed by Franky? He shouldn't have that ability, I tied that kid myself!" Kaku in giraffe form was deeply suspicious.

Everyone looked straight at Lu Qi, he was the backbone of CP9.

"Why did you kill him?"

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Lu Qi asked with a blank face, his voice was close to a machine, and he could not hear the slightest emotional fluctuations, showing the indifference of being isolated from the world.

"As an admiral, I have no obligation to report to you."

Wuchen's indifferent refusal was different from just now, the whole person changed his momentum, with a smile like a spring breeze, "That guy has died, how do you choose in the future, I don't mind taking you in..."


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !


Chapter 796 The cp9 of self-destruction [fourth more]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Wuchen's indifferent refusal was different from just now, the whole person changed his momentum, with a smile like a spring breeze, "That guy has died, how do you choose in the future, I don't mind taking you in..."

A group of CP9s and others flashed displeased faces, but Wuchen actually said in front of them that they had killed their immediate boss. This is a naked face slap and contempt!

Although Spandam is a well-known waste, his character is despicable and shameless, he uses everything for failing to achieve his goals, and is even more evil than some pirates, but he is the highest commander of their CP9. , they can't meet the Five Old Stars at all.

CP9 belongs to the intelligence agency of the World Government, and has nothing to do with the Navy.

"It seems that the content of your conversation just now is true. You killed him in order to capture the design of Hades." Lu Qi remembered the content of the previous broadcast, and was now full of vigilance, "What will happen if you don't agree? Killing people! "

"Then there is only one dead end!" Wuchen immediately changed his face, with a suppressed aura all over his body.

"Are you threatening us?!" Kaku and the others said in a low and unkind voice, with a madness in their words. If it weren't for the status of the admiral of the dust-free navy, I'm afraid they would have fought hard!

They have always threatened others with CP9, and this is the first time I have encountered such a counter-threat as Wuchen!

"In order to leak the news of Hades' blueprint, he intends to destroy us."

Lu Qi, who understood Wuchen's intentions, had a cautious expression, the haze was clearly visible, and said, "The navy and the Straw Hat Pirates outside, they should be your targets."

"That's for sure. Anyone who knew that I got the blueprint of Hades must die. If it wasn't for your strength, you would have hated on the spot, just like Spandam." With a smile, Wuchen didn't hide anything, no It is necessary to deceive them. "As for the group of navy and pirates outside, the [Devil Slaughtering Order] is enough to destroy them, and the Straw Hat Pirates are the ones to blame."

"That's why we are missing... As long as you refuse your conditions, you will be wiped out." Kalifa said uncertainly.

"Yes, I like smart women, and I like that you won't do things that kill yourself." Wuchen nodded lightly and gave him an admiring look.

Immediately, his eyes darkened, and Wuchen was ready to obliterate them. CP9 is the ultimate weapon that the government has trained and taught for many years. The idea of ​​being loyal to the world government has been deeply rooted in his childhood.

CP9 is instructed to carry out the justice of the dark. If saving a thousand people requires the sacrifice of a hundred people, CP9 will not hesitate to obliterate those thousand people. This is their cruelty!

"Which one do you choose between heaven and hell?" Wuchen finally asked, with a strong murderous intent in his words.

"Don't say that! Of course I won't bow to you, the evil forces! CP9 is the government's espionage agency, it is impossible to betray the Five Old Stars!" Gabra, one of the CP9 members, shouted.

From the moment they joined this organization, they had planned to die, and now it is absolutely impossible for them to be dust-free lackeys in order to survive!

"I can't wait to find death!"

I expected such a sneer and sneer again and again, although Lu Qi and others have not spoken, they must have answered the same way. They are the die-hard loyalists of the World Government and are not afraid of life and death.


Gabra's body, standing there, suddenly turned into an afterimage, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the air, and then he appeared on the back of his head.

"Finger gun!"

The muscles at the front end of the fingers are tensed, and the power is strengthened to be like a bullet, enough to easily penetrate the human body.

"go to hell!"

Gabra shouted loudly, and immediately stabbed his thumb towards Wuchen mercilessly. The target he locked was his head, and his vicious tricks were extremely cold, and he planned to kill him with one blow.

"With an ant of your level... If you want to kill me, it's almost a hundred years of training at home with a character of your level." He turned his head and glanced at Gabra with disdain, and Wuchen sarcastically said.

Hearing this, the angered Gabra's hand was even stronger by three points.


The fractured bones appeared out of thin air, and the CP9s thought that there was no dust and blood on the spot, but unexpectedly he stood still, but Gabra behind him was full of pain.

The fingers are obviously distorted and completely scrapped!

"What kind of trick is this? [Iron block]? It doesn't seem to have this level of hardness. Gabra clearly hit his head with a [shot]. Why did Gabra's hand bone break?!"

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