"I don't know what to do!"

The domineering spread of seeing and hearing color spread, and every movement around him could not escape Wuchen's perception. The moment Bruno appeared, Wuchen clearly sensed his existence.

"Want to shorten the gap between realms with the power of the Devil Fruit? This simple idea is just self-deception!"

Looking back leisurely, the light that was ready to go out in his hand roared out.


As Wuchen's voice fell, a beam of light erupted. The incident happened suddenly, and Bruno, who was unaware, was directly hit, and there was a visible burn hole on the forehead between the eyebrows.

It ran through his entire head, and immediately fell to the ground overwhelmed. After struggling for a while, he completely lost consciousness!

"It's you guys next, Lu Qi, Kaku, and Kalifa..."

Sen Ran's eyes looked at the remaining three people, and Wuchen's eyes occasionally flashed a blood-colored demonic light. The murderous awe-inspiring appearance made it difficult to breathe, and the huge sense of oppression made it difficult for them to take a breath.

"You two go away, let me resist him."

Taking a step forward, Lu Qi's eyes glowed with awe-inspiring luster, and his firm tone gave him a go!Although Lu Qi was usually indifferent and inhumane, he actually valued his companions a lot.


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Chapter 798 The whole army was wiped out [first more]

Recommend a good book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix: The God of War], written by a soft girl. Personally, I feel pretty good. If you like it, go to see it. You might as well keep it. ! !


Taking a step forward, Lu Qi's eyes glowed with awe-inspiring luster, and his firm tone gave him a go!Although Lu Qi was usually indifferent and inhumane, he actually valued his companions a lot.

"It's just you? I don't know where your confidence comes from?"

Hearing this, Wuchen looked at Lu Qi contemptuously, with a lazy smile on his face, casually stretched, yawned, and sat down at random.

Although this series of actions is full of flaws, no one dares to do it.

"I'm different from Bruno and the others." With his hands into a fist, Lu Qi firmly believed.

"Lu Qi is useless, we can't escape!" Kaku said in a deep voice, his tone also showed the meaning of death.

Hearing this, Lu Qi raised his brows slightly, anger flashed in his eyes, just as he was about to scold, Wuchen's unsalty voice sounded in advance, "There is no need to be so sad, as long as you are willing to bow your heads. ..whoosh!"

Before the dust-free voice fell, a beautiful leg swept across.

"The little girl is young and has a lot of temper. Your boss hasn't done it yet, and you can't wait to send it to your door."

She raised her hand lightly and grabbed the swept beauty~ legs, and said with a leisurely smile: "You better watch it, don't do it lightly, or it will be easy to leave~ light!"

Sweeping straight along the dust-free line of sight, what catches your eye is the most mysterious place of a woman.

"It turned out to be purple... As expected of the only woman in CP9, the taste is heavy enough." The corners of Wuchen's mouth swept into a small smile, slandering inwardly.

"You bastard...must kill you!"

Kalifa blushed, and naturally understood the alternative meaning revealed in Wuchen's words. A strong killing intent flashed on his face, and his strength was running to the limit. He tried to retract the leg that was caught by Wuchen to avoid being seen by this bastard.

"The strength is so strong...Is this the strength of the Navy's highest combat power?!" Kalifa expressed her astonishment as her pretty face was covered with rain.

She tried her best, but she couldn't shake Wuchen, the little hand that grabbed Carly Fame's leg was indifferent, and her expression was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Lan feet!"

The white silver light came oncoming, and it was as fierce as the slash of the sword. The flowing wind and waves were cut off, and the appearance of destroying the dry and rotten was about to swallow the dust and annihilate.

"I told you before that this kind of random powerless attack is ineffective against me."

Raising his hand, Bai Nen's little hand was instantly eroded by black, and the moment the slash touched Wuchen, the little black hand was thrown out, and the pale silver light trembled fiercely.


The weak and weak hands were filled with terrifying strength, and the giant silver light was instantly shattered, and the bursting silver light scattered, wiping the ground out of the hole of the deep pit.

"Just because you are too tender." Glancing at Kaku, Wuchen said flatly.

He seemed to have done something trivial, and his tone was unusually calm.


The air splashed with strange ripples, spreading like water ripples, and Wuchen raised his head subconsciously.

I saw Lu Qi stepped on the air and climbed rapidly, easily climbing into the air, and then his body was strangely stuck in the void for a moment, and countless flashes galloped down.

"Is this the [Moon Step], a good step!"

Nodding sincerely, then Wuchen ignored the existence of physical laws, his body floated strangely, and his speed was extremely fast, and he came to Lu Qi's side in just a thought.

"A cat still wants to roam the sky, the ground is your home!"

Before Lu Qi opened his mouth, he felt a strong blow to his back, his face changed drastically, the bone-piercing pain spread all over his body, and his internal organs trembled violently.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A black shadow fell from the sky, the whole ground trembled fiercely, and then it was like a swamp-like depression, Lu Qi lay motionless in it, the scarlet blood stains on the corners of his mouth were clearly visible.

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