The unbridled eyes stared at Kalifa, the meaning is self-evident, Kalifa is perfunctory like just now, and will directly rectify the Fa on the spot.

In other words, the overlord is hard on the bow!

"He, he went to Advance City, the purpose should be to see Fire Fist Ace!"

Kalifa reached it quickly, her eyes were full of fear and fear visible to the naked eye, she had a deep understanding and insight into the nature of the Tianlong people.

The Tianlong people are both creators and destroyers of this world. No one can defy their authority, and the fate of provoking the Tianlong people is certain to die!

However, Kalifa is not afraid of death. When she was a child, she had seen through life and death. The only thing that made her deeply disturbed was that Wuchen, like turning a book, likes to change his face.

Just now, he was still indifferent and tasteless, and he didn't look sad or happy with things, but now this wretched and brutal appearance completely showed the insensitivity of the Tianlong people.

To a certain extent, this is the truest portrayal of the Tianlong people. They hand over power to the five old stars who are equivalent to secretaries, but they choose to hide in Mary Joa and live a luxurious and lustful life. life.


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Chapter 803 Karp's Trend [First Update]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


To a certain extent, this is the truest portrayal of the Tianlong people. They hand over power to the five old stars who are equivalent to secretaries, but they choose to hide in Mary Joa and live a luxurious and lustful life. life.

More than ninety-nine percent of the Draconians in Mary Joa live that way!

Kalifa felt a chill in her heart, although from the appearance, Wuchen didn't seem like the kind of demented person, but the essence of Tianlong people was known to the whole world.

Pride and extravagance is their true portrayal, cruelty is their style of life!

"Have you thought about it now?"

Squinting, jokingly looking at the corners of his mouth and twitching, Kalifa, who clenched his fists, said with a mocking smile, "The nature of the world where the strong eat the weak is like this, being exploited can only blame you for being too weak... Didn't Lu Qi ever say that? Well, being weak is also a sin."

Wuchen came eloquently, waiting for Kalifa's choice, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, such a simple meaning, a woman with a quick mind in front of her should know.

After a long silence, Kalifa could only bow her head to admit her defeat, and immediately opened the black notepad in her hand, "Mr. Karp seems to have gone to the place in the advance city."

"I can't tell, you respect Karp quite a bit."

Hearing the word "Mr." in Carly French's voice, Wuchen was quite surprised: "Advance the city..."

"A few days ago, Fire Fist Ace was locked in the Propulsion City unharmed. If you guessed correctly, Garp is going to see Ace. After all, they haven't seen each other for many years.

Kalifa explained that she didn't know the relationship between Fire Fist Ace and Garp at first, but she has been a dust-free secretary for the past few days and has been exposed to a lot of secrets that she did not understand before.

"Is it really that simple..."

His brows were slightly raised, and there were doubts in Wuchen's eyes. It was normal for him to look at his grandson who was imprisoned and imprisoned, but Wuchen always felt that there was an alternative meaning.

It's well known that Karp values ​​feelings.

"You suspect Mr. Karp? He is a hero of the Navy!" Kalifa said dissatisfied, with a little admiration in his eyes.

Wuchen glanced at Kalifa when he heard the words, and sighed innocently. Garp was indeed loyal to the navy, but when he made a choice between his family and the navy, it was still unknown that Garp would finally fall to that side.

His thoughts were reversed, and Wuchen still clearly remembered that during the "War on the Top" in later generations, Garp deliberately released water, and was punched by Monkey D Luffy, who broke out in the small universe.

It's not that Luffy is stronger than Garp, but that he did it on purpose. Garp didn't want to see Ace executed, so he let Luffy go.Otherwise, with Luffy's performance during the war, ten Luffys tied together would not be Garp's opponent.


Two days later the Marin was plentiful.


Wuchen closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the ringing phone bug on the desktop, with deep doubts on his face, and the purple phone bug looked terrified.

"What's the matter?" The phone bug put it to his mouth, and Wuchen asked indifferently.

"Boom boom boom..."

On the other side of the phone bug was the roar of the sky, carrying sharp screams and vibrations, obviously it should belong to the category of shelling, and the sound of the battle of shouting and killing could be clearly heard.

"Virgo...what's the matter."

It was Doflamingo's subordinate Vergo who used the phone bug to communicate without dust. At this moment, his voice was hurried and a little flustered, "A large number of pirates are attacking the G-5 base, we will carry it quickly. don't stop!"

The heavy and hoarse tone is filled with unprecedented caution, giving the impression that one has stepped into hell with half a foot!

"A large number of pirates?"

Hearing this, suspicion flashed in Wuchen's eyes, Vergo's strength is extraordinary, he can be armed with domineering, and his strength is amazing. Although he is only a lieutenant general of the navy, his real strength far exceeds that of ordinary lieutenant generals.

"Which pirate group is it that dares to openly attack the naval base? It's not small!" Wuchen asked coldly.

"This one……"

Virgo's expression flashed embarrassment, and then he said helplessly: "I don't know the specifics, these people don't seem to be from the same pirate group, but their strength is extremely amazing!"

"I'll go right now."

After saying that, Wuchen turned off the phone bug, and after finishing his clothes, when he was about to reinforce the G-5 base, several phone bugs on the table rang again.

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