Marin's numerous Warring States immediately cut off the dialogue with Wuchen, and began to use telephone bugs and Karp, as well as Sakaski and Polusalino to connect with the top fighting forces.

"Hopefully I can make it in time." Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Too late? This is just your wishful thinking... It is estimated that when our two battleships sank, the Whitebeard Pirates began to act!"

Wuchen's remarks caused Qingzhi's face to drip with cold sweat. No matter what he thought, he continued: "Also, even if the time can catch up, no one can come to support."

"Isn't there Mr. Karp, and Sakaski and the others? I heard that Teacher Zefa is also dispatched..." Qingzhi smiled optimistically.

"I know, but you haven't considered who their enemy is!" Wuchen said heavily.

Among these people, Garp is undoubtedly the strongest so far, and his strength is enough to match the "Four Emperors". Akainu, Polsalino, and Zefa are all generals, and the lineup is unprecedentedly luxurious.

"Red-haired Shanks has teamed up with Whitebeard!" Seeing that Qingzhi was a little dazed, Wuchen reminded.

If you guessed correctly, it is the red-haired Shanks who is responsible for containing Garp and Sakaski, and of course all his Pirates!

Although the Red Hair Pirates are pitifully small, they are all outstanding existences. Therefore, the navy wants to reinforce the advance city is also powerless, and now there is no one who can stop it!

Almost all of the Navy's top combat power was contained.

"That group of guys is really despicable." Qingzhi's face couldn't help gloomy, and his spirit was also very decadent.


At this moment, the phone bug in Wuchen's hand suddenly rang, and the phone bug's expressions were all angry.

"That damn brat with red hair should have killed him at all costs back then!"

The roar of the Warring States period resounded through the entire naval headquarters, and the lazy white clouds in the sky were evaporated by his breath of flames. Fadu was pinned down by the Red Hair Pirates, and other pirates in the New World helped!

Wuchen expressed his understanding of the indignation of the Warring States period. A trivial pawn in the past has grown into a serious trouble for his confidants. He must have regretted his bowels.

"I expected this, the red-haired Shanks and the white beard always wear a pair of pants, which is also the result of Fire Fist Ace's particularity."

Whitebeard is Roger's best friend and nemesis, and red-haired Shanks is Roger's crew. Roger's reincarnation of Red-haired, and it is reasonable that he can fight the fire.

All in all, now the favorable situation is all down to the pirates, and so is the victorious Libra!

"It seems that the advance city can't be defended..." Warring States' tone was pessimistic, full of endless emotion and loneliness, as if abandoned by the whole world, isolated from the world.

He fought with Whitebeard all his life, and in the end, Whitebeard was slightly better.

"The marshal doesn't need to be so pessimistic. Everyone has one head and two arms. Whitebeard is no different than us. He can use his brain to frame the Navy.

There was a strange smile on the corner of Wuchen's mouth, which was particularly infiltrating.


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Chapter 812 Who pits who [fourth more]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Designing to harm people is not exclusive to Whitebeard. If he can do it, the Navy can also do it!

Hearing Wuchen's remarks, Warring States was full of hope, grabbed the only life-saving straw, and asked eagerly: "The old guy with the white beard is cunning and changeable, capable of doing what he can't. To the sky!"

"I wish I could tell you how to deal with Whitebeard, but you still have to make such an embarrassing tone... At this time, play hard-to-play for me."

Wuchen shook his head in his heart, scolding the Warring States for being shameless and shameless.

"Since Whitebeard has made a move... then we can only passively accept the move and count on the veteran soldiers of the advancing city. It is estimated that it is not enough for him to plug his teeth."

The fighting strength of the entire army of the advancing city tied together is not half that of Whitebeard.

"Since the generals can't get can use the power of [Seven Wuhai]." There was a light in his eyes, and Wuchen suggested softly.

"This one……"

Hesitation flashed in the eyes of the Warring States period, and it changed rapidly, looking at this appearance quite hesitant.

"Fire Fist Ace is lost, and the loss of face is even greater, and it will be difficult for the Navy to raise its head in the future!"

Seeing through the dust-free way in the mind of the Warring States, the Warring States is nothing more than trying to deal with the Whitebeard with the strength of the navy, and using the power of the "Seven Wuhai" for a great victory, in the eyes of the Warring States, there are more flaws.

"The guy with Blackbeard can't wait to take Whitebeard's life. Moonlight Moria also dreams of getting Whitebeard's corpse. As for the Bartholomew Bear, they are simply government lackeys. These people don't need orders, just say, It is estimated that they will come running to deal with Whitebeard."

"Of course, you can't just count on the three of them."

Whitebeard is known as the "strongest man in the world". The three of them are not Whitebeard's opponents, and they are facing the entire Whitebeard Pirates. If you want to rely on the three of them, you will kill yourself.

Maybe the black beard with the wrong wind will take the opportunity to run away!

"We can provoke the people inside the Whitebeard Pirates, and his group of [sons] also have ulterior motives, and they can completely provoke discord and plot against Whitebeard!" With a killing intent on his face, he said with a cold sneer.

Killing doesn't have to be done by yourself. There are countless ways to defeat the opponent. The key is to see how to use it. For an iron man like Whitebeard, the simple physical headache is far less severe than the betrayal of family.

Wuchen still clearly remembers that during the later "War on the Top", Sakaski [Akainu] was the one who provoked the Whitebeard Pirates and severely injured him.

Although the location and format are different, it is worth a try.

"That's right... The one named Skuard seems to have a lot of opinions on Fire Fist Ace, and he can use it completely... In this case, he might really be able to repel Whitebeard without harming his soldiers."

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