Whitebeard roared, his words revealed a deep struggle, and at the same time, his hatred for Bigu Mum soared. It was the biggest mistake that he didn't kill her back then!So that something like this happened today, it's a misstep! !

"This is also helpless..."

The red-haired Shanks sighed, he could also understand the sadness in Whitebeard's heart, and persuaded softly: "Take a step back and see the sky, my subordinates have inquired about the large-scale equipment change in the Navy headquarters, and all the old institutions have been replaced. That is to say, the Navy is not ready to take down Ace, and he will be safe and sound in the near future."

After hearing this, Whitebeard pondered for a moment, even if he was unwilling, he nodded lightly and said with a blue face: "That stupid woman Bigu Mum can't be so smart, someone must have told her that I left in secret. Moby Dick, she will take the opportunity to attack!

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Whitebeard gritted his teeth and said, "Navy, it must be that bastard in the Warring States period!"

"Warring States? Not necessarily. He didn't even come out of the Navy Headquarters. It's impossible to know so much. It might be those generals."

The red-haired Shanks is flickering in the sun, and in his deep and shining eyes, a youthful silhouette is vaguely reflected, his black hair is messy like weeds, his face is handsome and cheap, and his mouth always has a smile like a spring breeze, giving people an unusual sense of frivolity. .

However, that outline of the smile, in the eyes of red hair is a nightmare existence, to a certain extent, more like the smile of death...

Anyone who is targeted by Wuchen will not be able to escape the fate of life and death. Even if he is lucky enough to escape his pursuit, he is still living in endless fear, and life is better than death!


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Chapter 815 Dilemma in a dilemma [Second More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Anyone who is targeted by Wuchen will not be able to escape the fate of life and death. Even if he is lucky enough to escape his pursuit, he is still living in endless fear, and life is better than death!

Although it was just a baseless and pure speculation, the red-haired Shanks was extremely certain that even if the initiator behind this had nothing to do with Wuchen, he would definitely have something to do with him.

"What is your final choice, abandon the Fire Fist, or choose a path to go to the dark and save him at all costs?!" The complicated thoughts in his mind were thrown out of the sky, and the red-haired Shanks asked directly,

Whitebeard's expression froze, and he lowered his head in silence. He was reluctant to give up Ace, but he was also reluctant to give up other "sons".

Even if the five flavors are mixed, it can't hide the helplessness in his heart. For the first time in his life, Whitebeard feels that life is so hard.

"Think about it from another point of view, if I were you... I would definitely have the same headaches as you, this strategy... is really vicious!"

On the other side of the phone bug came the sympathetic voice of red-haired Shanks. If he chose, he would be in the same embarrassing situation as Whitebeard.

Obviously there are two paths to choose from, but what leads to is not the light after a rainy day, but the boundless abyss of despair!

"It seems that I can only call ~ Jin ~ accept ~ soldiers... Damn navy bastards, and the old woman Bigu Mum... This account, I will definitely settle it with you!"

The face full of hostility was finally banned by Wisdom. Whitebeard chose to give up this mission. He is the father of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. He couldn't sacrifice everyone for Ace's sake. It would be too unfair. Heartbroken.

A pirate group makes everyone feel chills, which means that the collapse is close at hand.

I can only turn the unwillingness in my heart into hatred for the navy and Bigu Mum, secretly swearing that one day in the future, they will pay their debts with blood!

"Dad's advance city is just around the corner, and it's just around the corner!"

Marko, who clenched his fists, was full of unwillingness, as was Diamond Joze, his body trembled and his breathing was several times faster than usual.

"Although I'm very sorry for those dead brothers... But you also understand, Dad... The Whitebeard Pirates cannot lack an important person like Ace."

Diamond Joze also said solemnly, with other meanings in his words.

In addition to the importance of Fire Fist Ace, there are other factors. Ace's bounty has reached [-] million Bailey, and he will definitely be able to support the Whitebeard Pirates in the future. This important person cannot be lost.

The stage of the Whitebeard Pirates cannot be without Ace!

"These people..."

Hearing this, the big vortex spider - Skuard, quietly exited the stage, his eyes flashed with sadness, he knew the importance of Ace, the future is the existence of the Optimus Prime of the Whitebeard Pirates, but so what? ?Sacrificing others for his life, leaving the rest of the crew behind would be cruel.

It seemed that the scene was too oppressive, and Skuard walked to the stern alone, breathing the salty sea breeze.


The bright scorching sun gradually subsided, the breeze became colder, bitter and biting, and the howls of ghosts and wolves could be heard in the dark.

"It's cold."

Skuard, who noticed that his body was cold, turned and walked back to the cabin, and suddenly heard a mess of footsteps, frowned slightly, followed the source, and a pirate with a messy expression ran over in a hurry.

"What's the matter? It doesn't look like it is reckless!"

Skuard's eyes flashed coldly, and he scolded him with displeasure. He immediately looked at the golden phone bug in his hand, and asked suspiciously, "Whose phone bug is this? There doesn't seem to be such a phone bug in the Whitebeard Pirates. ..like the navy."

"I don't know about this either. This golden phone bug appeared out of thin air in your cabin like a ghost. When I saw that no one answered, I brought it to you!" The pirate who ran came panted.

Saying that, he handed the phone bug to Scuard.


The mysterious phone worm rang suddenly, the phone worm opened his eyes and looked directly at Skuard's face, the latter trembled all over, filled with invisible pressure, and an inexplicable voice in his heart warned him not to answer.

He picked up the phone bug like a conditioned reflex, and when he was about to throw it into the sea, he accidentally touched the button on the phone bug.

"Yo, hello. I'm Admiral Loisnan..."

An indifferent voice came from the golden phone, Skuard's expression solidified, and doubts arose in his heart. He and the Admiral had nothing to do with each other.

He had never heard of this general named Loisnan. He thought it was a lie, but a young figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

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