"Fortunately we arrived in time!"

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Perona breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately the soul body swept into the main body. After a few seconds, the main body slowly opened its eyes.

"you're awake?"

The first person I saw when I opened my eyes was Wuchen with a smile on my face, "After waiting for you for a long time, you finally woke up!"

Hearing this, Perona's mouth twitched violently, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and she stared at Wuchen indignantly. This guy must have arrived early and deliberately waited for Perona's body to resurrect before appearing!

"You are so despicable!"

The resurrected Perona gritted her teeth unwillingly. She was easily subdued by Wuchen. In front of the admiral of the navy, she was just an immature chick with no resistance. With a slight squeeze, she would perish.

The two sides are not players of the same level at all. When the baby in the swaddle meets the adult strong man, the only way to resist is dead!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 826 Surrender [Second]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Perona's face was dark, and her pretty face had lost its luster in the past. It was bleak, or rather hopeless. Between Wuchen and Moonlight Moria, she had no choice but to choose one and offend the other.

"Don't wear my patience... I can actually extract your memory directly, but my craftsmanship is not very good, so a little mistake may turn you into an idiot."

Wuchen said in a half-joking, half-serious tone, full of threats.


Perona clenched her silver teeth tightly, her eyes flashing constantly. Facing the unfathomable admiral in front of her, she was just a lonely boat in the ocean, and even the scum could be swallowed up at any time.

"Looks like you want to be an idiot!"

The cold palm touched Perona's face, and immediately climbed it, landing on the top of her head, and a mysterious power overflowed from the dust-free palm.

Perona was numb all over, trembling uncontrollably like she was insane, and the fear that Wuchen gave her was suppressed far more than Moonlight Moriah!


The line of sight turned into a reincarnation writing wheel eye, and the devouring power of the palm of the hand was even greater. When she was about to forcibly extract Perona's memory, her slightly sobbing voice was introduced into the ear curtain.

"I promise your terms!" With a vicious stare at Wuchen, Perona gritted her teeth.

I saw the dust-free face Gujing unchanged, hanging endless indifference, obviously tears are useless to this hard-hearted man, and it is even difficult to influence her.

"But I have a condition!" Looking at Wuchen nervously, Perona pleading in her eyes.

"You tell me the conditions?"

Brows wrinkled, Wuchen let out a sneer from the bottom of her heart, just as she was about to refuse coldly, she saw Perona's nervousness, and her tone with pleading eyes couldn't help but stagnate.

"It seems that I can't easily cut off the seven emotions and six desires..."

With a sigh in my heart, Wuchen's stern eyes have also undergone subtle changes, giving people the feeling that they are not as indifferent as before, but finally a little more human.

"Might as well say it and listen.... However, you'd better not have any illusions, I can change my mind at any time, or simply refuse."

The indifferent face loosened, showing a little warmth, and the tone was rarely mild.

"This one……"

Perona's eyes flashed hesitantly, as if hesitating whether to speak. In her opinion, for such an indescribable thing, Wuchen might laugh at her, and then coldly refuse.

After all, she can directly extract her memory, there is no need to talk nonsense, and there is no need to add such a burden as Perona.

After thinking of Moonlight Moria's ruthlessness and bloody means to traitors, Perona still insisted on gritting her teeth and said: "After betraying Moonlight Moria, he will definitely not let me go, I, I must follow You are safe by your side!"

After saying that, Perona Bai lowered her head in embarrassment, her delicate and thorough jade hand tightly holding the corner of her clothes, and she didn't even have the courage to look at Wuchen.

"that's it?"

After a while, Wuchen looked at her in astonishment, and then asked softly, "I have a maid who is responsible for daily life and a competent secretary by my side. What do you think you are capable of?"


The joyful face suddenly stiffened, Perona bit her lower lip tightly, and even a little blood stains came out, and then she suddenly realized that she seemed to have no advantages other than fighting.

As a naval admiral, Wuchen never lacks people who can fight. He is the predator at the top of the pyramid.

"How about this."

Lowering his tone, Wuchen stared at Perona with his eyes, and licked the dry and cracked corners of his mouth, "I still lack a maid who can beat her legs and shoulders. I'll leave this task to you, how about it?"


It's okay not to say, these harsh words entered Perona's ears, and immediately ignited her flames, and a large number of ghosts floated out of her body. She was about to launch an attack to kill Wuchen, and suddenly she was stared at by a pair of mechanically emotionless eyes. , the whole person's thinking is short-circuited, and the ghost dancing in the air also disappears.

Looking up, it was the dust-free face with a chill on his face.

"Want to dominate your own destiny? Sorry, that's a qualification only for the strong! And you are just being dominated. You used to be Moonlight Moria, but now it's me."

The words made Perona speechless, and then nodded silently. It is fine to be dominated by Moonlight Moriah. This admiral in front of her is a more reliable BOSS than Moonlight Moriah!

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