The tyrant bear looked calm, and his performance was unusually flat. This kind of intensive artillery bombardment was limited to ordinary humans, and was harmless to pirates with a strength of over [-] million.

"Bear Shock!"

A gigantic white-colored air hood was squeezed, and it continued to compress and expand. Then the void trembled suddenly, making bursts of whining, a violent air wave impacted and spread, and the air hood also burst in an instant.


The cannonballs flying within a radius of several hundred meters were hit by the white air waves and exploded directly before landing, forming a large vacuum.

Even the low hilltop in the distance crumbled under the impact.

"Is this his strength? So powerful!"

When Sanji and Zoro saw this scene, their eyeballs were going to fall out. This destructive power was exactly what the Straw Hat Pirates were eager to pursue.

The hand of the tyrant bear is as simple as eating and drinking, but even so, this man with unfathomable strength shows fear and look up when he talks about Wuchen.

Unlike the Straw Hats who knew nothing, the tyrant Xiong knew that Wuchen was the limit, and the only people who could keep pace with him were the five members of the World Government.


The Chambord Archipelago in ten days will be about ten years ago since the last visit.

On the elegant path, he walked without dust. Perona behind him was like an elf floating in the void, and both of them held a bounty list and a newspaper in their hands.


A dull sound entered the ear curtain, Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up, it turned out to be Perona who was reading the newspaper, and accidentally bumped into the treetop...

"I regret it now, for a careless maid like you, maybe I will be assassinated another day and I don't know who did it." Angrily gave Perona a white look, and Wuchen said dumbfounded.

In all fairness, Perona's fruit ability is good, but she doesn't seem to be suitable for fighting, and she is careless. In the original book, Wuchen still remembers that she was stunned by Usopp...

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you keep it in a vase." Thinking of his current strength, the corner of Wuchen's mouth outlined a confident smile, and he was relieved immediately.

"What exactly is it?"

After stuffing a mouthful of food similar to popcorn, Wuchen asked curiously, the content of the newspaper that can attract witches like Perona is very curious.

"The next stop in the Chambord Archipelago is Fishman Island, so there are a large group of pirates here, and most of their strengths are unprecedented peaks, but among the thousands of pirates, only twelve supernovas have been elected..."

Perona explained in a light voice.Very sweet, it sounds quite enjoyable, but Wuchen has no time to experience the sound of that day. If I remember correctly, the original supernova should be eleven.

Her lips were squirming, and when she was about to ask, Perona's voice rang in advance.

"Among them, Madara Uchiha, who offered a reward of [-] million for his first debut, is the most eye-catching!"

Perona looked at the newspaper intently, Madara Uchiha, who was covered with black catheters, her cold eyes, and her domineering face. For some reason, she felt absurdly familiar.

"The number of [-] million is too small. It is too one-sided and ignorant. In my opinion, it is at least one billion. The Warring States period underestimated him!"

Wuchen looked at the series of figures in the newspaper with disdain. The mere [-] million Bailey was really worthless, and Tiandao Uchiha Madara was far from worth this price.

"A billion?"

Perona's pretty face turned black, her lips moved, and she looked at her face with contempt, as if she had been wronged so much, she couldn't help feeling tangled and speechless.

You know, this character named Uchiha Madara has refreshed the history of pirates!

"If you want to make a debut, you will offer a reward of one billion. You think he is a god. Bigu Mum, one of the [Four Emperors], is now only offering a reward of [-] Bailey!"

When talking about the "Four Emperors", Perona deliberately emphasized the accent. "Four Emperors" are the emperors who dominate the pirates all over the world, and there are almost no characters who can tame them.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !


Chapter 836 Being handsome is also a sin [sixth more]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !


Looking at Perona lightly, Wuchen was indifferent to the "Four Emperors" in her mouth, her eyes were as calm as water, and it was difficult to stir up a faint ripple.

To say that it sounds good is the "four emperors" who rule the world, and to say that it sounds bad is just bullying the small.

"The captain of the Straw Hats and the green-haired man are among the eleven supernovas."

Perona opened her mouth slightly, with a surprised expression.A few days ago, Wuchen and she received the news that the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Moonlight Moria.

"This thing is really good!"

Looking at the popcorn-like particles in his hands, Wuchen covered a handful again and threw it into his mouth.

"Little white face over there, sit carefully and don't move!"

At this moment, a group of people in black suddenly ran over in front, and there was a large group of people behind them, rushing non-stop in the direction of Wuchen and Perona.

"They won't call us two again?" Wuchen leaned into Perona's ear and asked quietly.

"This one……"

Hearing this, Perona's pretty face flashed a strange color, and then she turned around and looked around.

"It should be me and the young master. There is no one else except the two of us. Also, have we gone to the wrong place?"

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