When she stared at her eyes, her eyes jumped out. Perona, who was both terrified and surprised, could only sigh deeply. This is the impression of Tianlong people in the eyes of normal humans.

"How can you not be surprised!" Perona, who came back to her senses, complained.

The Tianlong people who do all kinds of evil are right beside her, and she is calm without screaming!

"That's because you didn't ask me, otherwise I'll tell you honestly, it's just a small, innocuous question anyway." Wuchen behaved quite casually.

"To be honest, I have never cared about the exaggerated and terrifying identity of Tianlongren, I just laughed it off. If you want to live in the world safe and sound, there is only absolute strength. No matter how scary the identity halo is, there is always The day it failed."

Wuchen said in an indifferent and light voice, most of the Tianlong people are now living a rotten life, and it seems that they have forgotten the incident when Tiger of the Murloc attacked Mariachi more than ten years ago.

In a chaotic world with many heroes, you can only rely on yourself.

"Sitting and talking without back pain, do you know how many people envy Tianlong people?!"

Perona rolled her eyes when she heard the words. Those humans who hated Tianlong were more likely to be jealous in disguise, which was no less than the status of a god that everyone coveted.

"You'll never understand the feeling of being so cold in the high places."

Glancing at Perona, Wuchen held her hands in front of her, stared at the rioting crowd in the distance, walked over, and heard the screams of fighting and the sound of flesh being cut.

"Blind your dog's eyes, you dare to ram our captain, eating your food here is the result of your ancestors burning incense for the eighteenth generation!"

The hideous-looking pirate grabbed the young man dressed up by the chef with a hideous expression. The chef's forehead was covered in blood, and there were obvious wounds, the length of which was about the size of a middle finger.

And the captain he was talking about was a big man with a scar on the left side of his face.

"Really, even though I am not interested in capturing the Navy...but..."

Lazy voice came with a helpless voice, and there was a bright light, "However, as an admiral of the Navy, even if you are only idlers of the temporary job category, it is too shameless for you to murder and hurt people in front of me. !"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The golden light beam was fleeting, and Chang Kong only left an afterimage, and then swiftly swept towards the large captain with a scar on his left face.


At the heart of the chest, a charred hole suddenly appeared, which was easily penetrated, and people could see the other side with a face full of dementia.

The big man who was dropped in an instant turned his head hard and looked at Wuchen who was walking. When he closed his eyes in despair, he actually recognized Wuchen's identity, "Admiral of the Navy... When did he come... "

His face was full of unwillingness until he died. He was killed by the admiral inexplicably. Thinking about it, he felt wronged, especially in the Chambord Islands, he had never heard of the whereabouts of the admiral!

"Run, this guy is an Admiral!"

"Damn, why did the general appear on the Chambord Archipelago for no reason without even making a sound?!"

"Idiot, you don't understand this, this year's supernova is known as the "Era of Evil" in the history of pirates. In addition to the monster named Uchiha Madara who offered a reward of [-] million, there are eleven other seas who offered a reward of more than [-] million Bailey. Thief, it's normal for the navy to kill them in the Chambord Islands, and it's hard to find them in the second half of the New World!"


With the appearance of Wuchen, the gathered pirates immediately fled desperately, and they could hear each other's screams. The top-level existence of the general was not something they could touch.

Just a face-to-face may be easily spiked!

"The mouse who bullies the soft and fears the hard..."

Looking at the pirates fleeing in all directions, she shook her head indifferently, and was about to leave when a gunshot fell, followed by a whistling of dark bullets.

Pirates all want to be famous in the world. The fastest way is to defeat the famous people. As a general, Wuchen is naturally the prey of some pirates who want to be famous.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 838 Instant Supernova [Second]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! !



The bullet pierced through the dust-free head and shot towards the distant wall, leaving a hole, and the same was true for the dust-free head, but the wound that was pierced only swept through a golden light, and immediately healed flawlessly.

The eyes turned cold, and the dust-free backhand attacked them with a flash of light in the sky.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The sky was dyed golden, dense light bullets cut through the void, and the screams of death danced. The pirates fleeing ahead fell to the ground in pain, and their bodies were covered with burnt holes.

The pained expression makes people shudder, combined with the holes all over the body, the pirates hiding in the dark are silent, and many pirates who plan to make a name for themselves and attack the dust-free also stop with interest.

"Run, the life-threatening ghost is coming!"

The relatively quiet Chambord Archipelago immediately became extremely chaotic. Even though dozens of pirates over [-] million were concentrated on the island, as well as more pirates with a reward of tens of millions of baileys, their faces changed greatly when they heard that the general had landed on the island.

Ghostly staring at the surrounding, with a suspicious expression, the general is so elusive, and when you realize it, you are already dead.

"Kid, it's time to withdraw, that general we are not opponents!"

In the obscure alley, Kidd, the captain of the Kidd Pirates, is clearly visible. At this moment, he has a gloomy face, looking at the dust-free back and clenching his fists tightly, as if he is considering whether to make a move.

The person who persuaded him just now was Kidd's younger brother Kira.

"Retreat? Where shall we retreat?"

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