The weapons that had fallen and stabbed to the ground all flew into Kidd's hands.

"This ability is quite good..."

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help nodding lightly, the fruit that can control the magnetic force is really good, "However, the fruit ability is good, but your ability is far behind... It's a shame!"


With a snap of his fingers, the peerless weapons controlled by Kidd disintegrated, turned into countless powders, and then gradually disintegrated and disappeared.

"Forget it, it won't be so exaggerated."

Wuchen, who was planning to draw out the "Deviated Sword", shook his head resolutely. He wanted to clean up these unsightly minions in front of him, not to destroy the Chambord Islands or even the whole world with the Deviated Sword.

"Let's start with you, Luo..."

The shining photon Luo condensed around, and Wuchen crossed many spaces and appeared in front of Luo in an instant.

Seeing this, Luo's nervously tensed palms spun rapidly, a circular transparent space was about to form, but a dust-free nightmare-like sneer echoed in Luo's ears.

"In front of me, you still want to activate the fruit ability? The speed is too slow."

With a sneer, his sinister gaze swept across Luo's chest, and was mercilessly blasted away by the glittering calf.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

When he realized that he had suffered a fatal blow to his chest, Luo's complexion changed drastically. The moment he was attacked, his internal organs trembled as he explained, and then he vomited nonstop, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball. The big trees were knocked down.

Luo's chest has been completely scorched, and it is still sinking.

"Go together!"

Seeing this, the supernovas looked at each other and nodded in unison. Since the winning rate of heads-up is zero, they can only rely on crowd tactics to bully more.

"It's extremely boring. In front of absolute strength, the number of people can't play a role."

Seeing that this group of people still refused to give up, Wuchen shook his head involuntarily. The strengths of each other were vastly different, and the effect of human sea tactics was minimal.


A sharp cold light splashed from the void, and then saw a huge white slash roaring, so powerful that it could even shred space, leaving indelible traces.

"What's the use of this kind of thing... Rough swordsmanship is vastly different than Hawkeye."

Wuchen did not hide or evade, standing quietly in place and standing still, the slashing slash crossed his body, only tearing the ground behind Wuchen.

As for Wuchen himself, it is intact!

"You who don't even understand domineering, want to attack my entity, it's just a story that will be staged in fairy tales. Now you have no other way to go except waiting for death."

So Luo can rely on the particularity of the fruit of the operation, and can attack Wuchen's body without using domineering, but unfortunately, he has already been KO'ed!

"Since you are so belligerent, then... lie down for me first!"

A gust of breeze blew, and Zoro's eyeballs were filled with grim figures, his fingertips shone brightly, accompanied by a piercing roar, blasting out.


Under Sauron's dull gaze, the flash eventually completely swallowed him. It wasn't that he didn't run, but that he didn't have that extra time at all. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than light!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The large flame ball flies into the air, and Zoro, who was hit by the frontal impact, was severely injured, and was thrown out with black smoke all over his body.

"Sauron! Green algae head!"

Sanji and Luffy rushed over to see this scene, and they were still about five meters away from Zoro. A golden afterimage swooped down, blocking them like a wall.

"Sorry, this road is blocked."

The furious Luffy and Sanji looked at each other, and they rushed over without fear of death, especially with Luffy at the top, his body had inflated into a large balloon, and his fists had become even bigger than a human!

"As expected of a stunner, no matter if it is good or bad, once it is determined by oneself, other people's opinions will not be listened to."

The limbs of the body, as well as the whole person, turned black in an instant. Under the sunlight, the indestructible edge of steel was beating. Even because the whole body entered the armed color domineering, the dust-free body changed from the original [-] meters. into the current two meters!

"Whoosh whoosh!!! Bang bang bang!!!"

The black afterimage swept out of nowhere. Due to the speed, Luffy and Sanji only felt a hurricane coming from the front, and immediately vomited blood at the same time, and the two flew out in an instant!

They didn't even know who attacked them!

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The same is true for several other supernovas with stunned faces. They were brutally suppressed without even reacting, and the brutal fists that attacked them were no different from steel!

It was almost a punch that made them exit the stage sadly, and the world became the supernova of the worst era. In front of Wuchen, it was like a baby that didn't grow up, vulnerable to a single blow!


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Chapter 842 Hades Rayleigh [sixth more]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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