The air flowing in the void was swallowed up by this dark hand, and the other side of him was like the abyss of the universe, with in and out.

"Ahhh...let me go!"

A captured navy screamed, the whole person's internal organs will be sucked by the dark hands, and the body will gradually shrivel, turning from a living person to a sallow withered bone.

The time before and after this is just a flick of a finger!

"The ability of the captain's fruit has greatly increased. In the future, it will replace Whitebeard and become the Pirate King, and even surpass the Pirate King just around the corner!"

Seeing that he raised his hand to destroy the navy, Bagas, who was in charge of the helm, began to pat his horse, and raised his big finger at the black beard, with a flattering expression that was more respectful than seeing his own father.

Not long ago, Blackbeard's control of the Dark Fruit was far from being so handy, and now he is using it so superbly. Obviously, Blackbeard has strengthened his training during this tight period of time, so he can go a thousand miles in a day.

At the same time, the ability to condense his body is also increasing.During this period of time, there were more than [-] people with Devil Fruit abilities that he devoured, and those whose abilities were taken away by him!

"There is pressure to be motivated. This is entirely thanks to those two men!" Blackbeard said with a beaming eyebrows, although he knew that this was flattery, it was very effective for him.

He has always been flattering others, and suddenly being flattered by others, Blackbeard's heart is extraordinarily comfortable!

The ten fingers wear rings made of gold, inlaid with all kinds of gorgeous gems, and the sun shines particularly brightly.

"Hurry up and ram the boat into the city for me, or you will end up the same as him!"

Blackbeard threatened the remaining navy soldiers, braving the darkness that devoured the sky and the earth, like a god of death in black. Those weird, dark hands were far more exciting than a sharp sickle.

These ordinary navies are almost mentally broken down. Under the coercion of death, they still choose to help Blackbeard, directly control the battleship to break through the defense of the advancing city, and directly crash into the inland of the advancing city...

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge battleship was like a meteorite falling from the sky. A lot of dust was splashed on the ground of the propelled city due to the impact. In the hazy dust and smoke, several figures of different sizes jumped off the big ship.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Looking at the entrance of the advancing city ahead, Blackbeard's face flashed a stern arc, and then he stepped in with his head held high.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The guards and the navy who came from all around were hit hard by their overwhelming strength. Hundreds of navies who came to support were instantly killed by the Blackbeard Pirates in the blink of an eye!


"Are you late..."

An hour later, Wuchen came slowly, and the advancing city was like a purgatory on earth, with corpses everywhere, this tragic scene even Wuchen frowned.

"should not."

The dust-free secretary Kalifa looked around. The surrounding harbors were full, and the battleships were almost there. Obviously, Blackbeard was still advancing into the city and did not leave.

In a trance, you can also hear cruel, high-pitched screams of fear.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

There was a burst of arrogant laughter from the dark prison where the five fingers could not be seen, and then the extremely arrogant voice fell into the ears of everyone.

Looking up, the iron prison in the deepest part of the city had been opened by Blackbeard using brute force, and countless vicious criminals were scrambling to escape from this cage.

"Give you half an hour to fight. The last person who survives will be my Blackbeard's companion, become the One Piece together, and conquer—"

"Conquer? Conquer what? Stop dreaming, Diqi!"

An extremely incongruous voice interrupted Blackbeard, and when he looked up, it was Fire Fist Ace who was glaring at him, and his body was enveloped in an extremely suppressed flame.

Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard have a bloody feud!

"Ace, do you still want to challenge me just because of your status as a bereaved dog?!" With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Blackbeard said contemptuously.

"Long time no see... Your arrogance remains the same, Blackbeard."

The light shines brightly, dazzling flashes appear, and a large number of photons come from all directions, condensing the dust-free figure, "He can't do it, but there is me..."


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Chapter 852 The Great War Will Begin [Fourth More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


There are only two people that Blackbeard hates the most in his life, one is Whitebeard who almost killed him.

The other is the man in front of him, the youngest admiral in the navy.

"Why are you here... You should meet the Whitebeard Pirates at the Navy Headquarters!"

Speaking of the end, Blackbeard almost roared out, and the fear and threat Wuchen gave him was not weaker than the giant Whitebeard.

Not only Blackbeard's gloomy expression, but the pirates who witnessed Wuchen's appearance, most of the pirates recognized this legendary general. During this period, many pirates were caught by Wuchen and sent to the advance city.

For Wuchen, they are unforgettable, of course, they are all unforgettable hatred!

"Let's kill this admiral together, otherwise we won't even think about going out, and we will all be strangled by him to such a ghost place, and we will be brutally suppressed again and slaughtered in blood!"

There was a sly smile on the corner of Lafitte's mouth, and he raised his arms and shouted. The powerful and favorable tone deceived people's hearts, devoured their inner reason, and obviously planned to use the power of this group of pirates to destroy Wuchen together.

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