
When Blackbeard was furious, there was a sound similar to glass breaking from the darkness, and when he looked up, he saw a localized Susanoo penetrating the black sphere!

This easy, unhurried look is more like ravaging a child!


The sound of shattering became more and more intense, and the golden five fingers penetrated into the black ball and penetrated it. Immediately, under everyone's sluggish and unbelievable gaze, the previously monstrous sphere collapsed and annihilated in an instant...

"Rice bucket, because I have so much confidence in you, it turns out to be a vase!"

"Damn, this time it will definitely be suppressed again!"

"That idiot named Blackbeard was so confident just now, I thought he really had the strength to fight against the admiral of the Navy!"

A burst of unscrupulous ridicule and abuse suddenly came, and Blackbeard became the target of public criticism. Everyone pointed their guns at him and cursed without hesitation.

"You bastards, if it wasn't for Lao Tzu, you are still in prison, no matter how shameless the pirates are, you should at least be grateful to Dade for treating me. I am your savior!"

After a twitch at the corner of his mouth, Blackbeard growled.

"You don't have time to worry about others now... think about how you're going to live."

The high-density flashes that make people dare not look directly gathered, and the black beard closed his eyes instinctively. At the same time, the domineering domineering of the highly accomplished and knowledgeable color spread, as did the domineering color of the armed.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, Blackbeard can clearly perceive that the attack that is enough to destroy the mountain is locked on him.

"Light speed kick!"

The immovable Blackbeard was hit terribly. Even though he was armed with a domineering defense and his skin was as tough as iron, this unparalleled absolute kick still crushed the surface of his skin.

The obvious dent goes down, and of course, there are traces of burns!


Bagas and Lafitte, as well as the crew members such as Fan Oka, their faces changed greatly, they turned their heads, and all the cannibalistic eyes stared at Wuchen, murderous.

"Do you still want to do it... But if you are not afraid of death, you can let the horses come over, but the price you need to bear is more serious than Blackbeard."

This light-hearted sentence made the faces of the few crew members of Blackbeard's current slumps, and the surging murderous aura in their bodies also dissipated in a restrained sense.

Blackbeard completely passed out, covered in blood, wounds of various sizes all over his body, and he was only one step away from falling.If they do something more serious than Blackbeard... The meaning is self-evident, that is death!

"Perona, Hancock, and Kalifa... It's time to retreat, there is no need to entangle, the target is not them, this group of people does not need to care."

No emotion, like a mechanical voice lingering in the ears of the three girls, the three girls looked at each other, and immediately moved closer to the dust-free direction.

"Let's go..."

After forgetting the group of pirates, a wicked smile swept across the corner of Wuchen's mouth, and together with the three girls, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Master, it's not good to ignore it like this?" Hancock asked unwillingly, how could a large number of pirates let go.

"The group of pirates advancing in the city are extremely evil beings, and the prisoners at the bottom are even more sinful thugs. If they go out, the whole world will fall into a vortex of turmoil." Kalifadai said with a frown.

"Of course I know that."

As an admiral of the navy, Wuchen naturally understands this kind of thing. Many of the prisoners at the bottom of the city are from the period when Roger and Whitebeard were once. even bigger.

Especially since the navy has detained them for most of their lives, the two sides have long hated each other.

"However, there are more than a thousand prisoners who advance into the city, and they will be killed one by one. When will it be?"

Warring States non-stop urging to capture Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh, these characters are not the protagonists of this war, and Wuchen has no spare time to play with them.

"You are an admiral of the navy, they are pirates, so don't you just ignore them." Perona asked suspiciously. Wuchen's unconcerned appearance was obviously planning to slip away and leave it alone.

"Let them go? Of course not."

Glancing at a few girls, Wuchen was as cold as ice, his eyes were beating with terrifying aura, and he said with murderous intent: "I can only destroy the advance city and wait for it forever. I don't have time to accompany them."


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Chapter 856 Destroy the Advance City [Second]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master], I personally feel pretty good, friends who like it go to see it, it’s best to collect it, it’s just a hands-on effort, I’m very grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Glancing at a few girls, Wuchen was as cold as ice, his eyes were beating with terrifying aura, and he said with murderous intent: "I can only destroy the advance city and wait for it forever. I don't have time to accompany them."

There was a chill that went deep into the bone marrow in the words, and the three girls trembled unconsciously. Wuchen's ruthless words were obviously not like jokes.

The farther you go to the exit, the more and more corpses will appear. Most of them are the corpses of the navy and some prison guards.

These are all thanks to Blackbeard who took the opportunity to sneak up on the advance city.

"The navy in the advance city was almost wiped out. At present, only the pirates survive here. For the sake of world peace, they can only be sacrificed. This is also good, convenient and quick, and saves headaches."

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Wuchen said casually, it's just a group of pirates, and death means death, and directly destroying the advance city is the fastest way.

There is no extra time to kill one by one, and the execution is close at hand, so the two protagonists, Fire Fist Ace and Hades Rayleigh, are naturally impossible to miss.

"In the future, the bastard Blackbeard must be smashed to pieces."

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