Warring States vomited blood and looked at Wuchen, who was slightly gloating at the misfortune, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Don't forget, you are now a general of the navy, not a cheerleader with a white beard!"

Wuchen waved his hand when he heard the words, indicating that the Warring States period calmed down.

"This kind of trivial matter, just leave it to Kuzan... Just prescribe the right medicine!"

Still sitting leisurely on the chair, looking in the direction of Qingzhi, I saw that he responded immediately, the whole body jumped up, and the cold icicle was thrown out along the arm.

"Ice Age!"

At the moment when the insignificant icicle touches the big wave, the latter turns into an endless ice, solidified on the sea and motionless, blooming with a bright luster and full of artistic sense.

"Let me tell you...you have to trust your subordinates, Warring States..."

Wuchen had expected such an expression, and sat calmly on the chair, motionless, if you can be lazy, just try to be lazy!


A bitter hurricane blew up over the sky, and then the sky dimmed, turning into a dreamy blue sheen, and the ground reflected the light and shadow of mysterious creatures.

"That's Marco, Captain of the First Team of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Don't let him cross the execution rack, he's running for Fire Fist Ace, stop him!"

"What you're talking about is light, he can fly in the sky, and he can ignore the attack of artillery shells, we can't put our wings on and chase him!"

Marco, who soared freely in the sky, attracted the attention of the navy like a black hole, and invariably held long guns and cannons, and fired at him in the sky.

"Bang bang bang..."

The effect was minimal, and all of them were cleverly dodged by Marco. Even if a lucky bullet penetrated him, a blue light of recovery swept through his body, and immediately returned to normal.

"Can this guy come back to life?!"

The navy below swallowed their saliva and said in amazement. The cruel reality made the young navy stand still. This is the most ironic thing in the world.

The enemy is in front of you, and you try your best, but it is difficult to reach him!

"It's just you guys... If you want to shoot me down, at least you need to send an admiral over and me-"

"As you wish, Marco."

Before Marco's contemptuous voice could fall, a golden beam of light rose from the ground, and in just an instant, the light lingered on the back of Marko's body.

"I haven't seen you for many years...you are more arrogant than before."

Glancing at Marco beside him, the dust-free fist was swallowed by black, and the shining edge was as hard as steel, mercilessly slammed into Marco's head.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground suddenly splashed with smoke and dust several meters high, and I heard a burst of "kakaka" fragmentation, and I saw the blue flames wrapped around Marko's body, falling like a goddess scattered flowers!


Whitebeard roared in the sky, the roar in his mouth, and the arrogance of a very oppressive overlord, which turned into a strong shock wave, and the navy that was alive and kicking all around was directly wiped out.

Foaming at the mouth, rolling eyes, and even shattering eardrums!

"Cough cough... Dad, I'm fine, his fragile fist can't hurt me!"

Marco, who tried to support his body, smiled, and then turned his head to look at Wuchen, turning his face faster than turning a book, his face like killing his father and enemy was locked on Wuchen.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are about to doomsday today... Let me see how much you've improved over the years... If you can push me back, even if you win, Marko." Hooked towards Marko Fingers, Wuchen arrogantly provocatively said.


Sure enough, when he heard the ridicule and disdain in Wuchen's tone, Marco immediately fluttered his wings. The Whitebeard Pirates were everything to him, and Wuchen dared to look down on him, which indirectly touched Marco's inverse scales.

Dragons have inverse scales, you will die if you touch them!

"What kind of creature...strange enough to wear glasses."

Marco burned with beautiful blue light all over his body and turned into a big bird with unknown identity. The funny thing is... this bird actually wears glasses!


The sharp cry full of decisive death fell, and Marco swooped down like an arrow, opening his mouth wide, as if to shred Wuchen.

"Light speed kick!"

With a sneer, the flash of light that had been condensed on his feet for a long time swept past, leaving behind an afterimage in the void. Unlike before, this time the speed of light kick did not explode, but passed through Marko's chest and tore his body out of the hole!


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Chapter 861 The top war (four) [first]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The flames of war shouted and killed in a row, and both sides were red-eyed. They belonged to the opposite existence that never died. When they met the enemy, they would never show mercy.

It's like the essence of dust-free crushing the phoenix, and there is no mercy!

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