Chapter 862 The top war (five) [second more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The white powder fluttered in the wind, weak and weak, and looked carefully at Wuchen's thin arms. All the pirates and the navy took a deep breath. The navy was greatly encouraged, and the pirates looked at Wuchen in horror!

"On the basis of the level of the two of you, it's too far to use the Navy Headquarters as your stage." The indifferent voice like steel has no emotion, filling the ears of all pirates, hitting their confidence. , "After today, the era that once belonged to Whitebeard alone will come to an end."

"This guy...not good!"

Marco felt a chill in his heart, and he didn't even care about Diamond Joze. Wuchen's invincible offensive, which was devastating, shocked all pirates, big and small.

Fear flashed in the eyes of some wallflowers, and they seemed to be deserters.

"We are pirates... Now we are in the navy headquarters again. If we want to survive, we have to fight to the death!" Marco raised his arms and shouted in a demagogic way: "Take the navy headquarters, and the Whitebeard Pirates will soon dominate the new World, all those who help Ace will benefit at that time!"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are still good, everyone is their own family, but in this operation, Whitebeard has made a lot of money. Once some of the forces of the Whitebeard Pirates were also brought to the full by Whitebeard, it is inevitable that there will be grass on the wall. .

"That's right, this is the headquarters of the navy, and we can only give it a go."

"We don't kill the navy, and the navy won't let us go!"


Marco's words acted like a deadly poison, annihilating and eliminating the mentality of all pirates to escape. The timid pirates immediately turned back to the shore, staring at the clear air with awe-inspiring eyes.

"Such a good eloquence, not being a politician is really inferior."

Wuchen looked at Marco with contempt, and it was rare for a pirate like Marcon to be demagogic.

"But... there's a lot to talk about!"

The fingertips shone with dazzling light, covering the majestic penetrating force, enough to easily tear people apart. Marco was shocked when he saw this, and quickly turned sideways to avoid the disaster.

"call out!"

However, a burst of light swept up, and Wuchen seemed to be able to predict the future. He came behind Marco in advance, and his fingertips again condensed a high-density light, which popped out.


Marco, who was unaware, had blood stains from the corners of his mouth, his chest was scorched through, and he could see the battlefield where the other side was fighting.

"Boom boom boom!"

The wound burned with a dark blue dreamy flame again, but before Marco could repair his body, a blow that was enough to collapse the mountain kicked him flying, and even the buildings in the distance were turned into debris.


Numerous hideous cracks spread out from the void, and the powerful wave of power that was enough to destroy the entire island came from behind, and even because of its terrifying power, the entire Navy Headquarters... No, the entire Marin Vando was shaking!

Behind Wuchen, it suddenly became dark. The force that wanted to destroy the world was locked on him. When he looked up, it was the white beard whose eyes were splitting!

He severely injured his two precious sons, there is no doubt that this fellow with White Beard was furious!I intend to take revenge on Wuchen myself, this power fluctuation that is enough to kill everything in seconds, the character that is about to be destroyed is Wuchen!


The air vibrated violently, and with the clenched fist, Whitebeard slammed with all his strength!


Aware of the destructive fluctuations behind him, the dust-free body overflowed with dense chakra, and a large skeleton solidified and formed, which was airtight and dust-free to protect it.


The moment the golden localized Susanoo flashed, it ushered in a devastating blow, which turned into a raindrop and burst. Before Whitebeard's fist touched Wuchen, the Susanoo on his body was alive by the cracks in the surrounding space. Smash!

Wuchen's whole body is also exposed to the impact of Whitebeard!

"Give me death!"

Seeing that Susanoo's defense was broken, Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, and his fists covered the edge even more.


Even because of its shocking power, the ground of the naval headquarters was torn out of an abyss, boundless, almost swallowing the entire island!

This is still the result of not being hit. It is not difficult to imagine what the fate of the mortal body will be once it receives this punch!

"Kapp... The old guy with Whitebeard doesn't seem to be right..."

The eyes of the warring states who executed Taishang radiated wise light, the pupils stared at the white beard without moving, and keenly sensed that something was wrong. The strength of the white beard was far beyond imagination.

"Yes... Although I don't know how to do it, he did use some means to regain his former strength. No wonder he dared to go straight into the Marin... The Navy Headquarters is in danger this time!"

The hero Garp also noticed the abnormality of Whitebeard. This destructive power is close to the peak period of Whitebeard!

The navy and pirates present stopped fighting and watched this unprecedented scene with wide eyes. Not only that, but all the people around the world who watched the war through videophone bugs raised their hearts to their throats.

Most people think that the youngest general in the world in front of them may have perished!

The whole world has abandoned Wuchen, only Endless Void has not abandoned him. In the depths of the clouds, in response to Wuchen's call, a ten-kilometer or even longer dark crack was torn apart by a certain supreme domineering aura. No one in the world sees it!


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