"You mean, the old man would like to thank you for your kindness?!"

Hearing this, Rao's face turned green because of Fujitora's character, and he said with a smile: "I'm very happy that you can understand the old man, but..."

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

The powerful slash came on the face, the invisible light was full of destructive power, the ground was instantly crushed and collapsed, and it came towards Yan at a faster speed.

As ferocious as a tiger emerging from a broken cage, the places it swept over collapsed one after another and were torn apart by the mighty force.

"Adding this move is already two moves... I haven't used one move yet. Is it a foul for you to be so foolish?"

Lazily stretched, and after Wuchen yawned a few times, the Samsara Shaker in his left eye twitched rapidly, staring at the meteorite particles scattered by Fujitora's feet, with a light whistle from the corner of his mouth, "Heavenly Hand!"

Dust-free is like a ghostly fleeting moment, disappearing without a trace.


The powerful slash smashed the ground, and the strangely missing Wuchen avoided the erosion of the slash and was safe and sound, not even touching his hair.

"Where did you run to..."

Under the perception of the domineering, Fujitora, who noticed the abnormality, whispered, and was about to extend the range of the domineering, but a cold light suddenly touched his neck.

"So far, you have lost, Mr. General. The position of the marshal is not related to you, so feel free to be a general." Wuchen, who stood behind him with a knife, said indifferently.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 893 I'm going to eat [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Although he couldn't see, Fujitora could clearly perceive the light of the sword hitting his throat, and if he twisted his body slightly, he might be cut to his throat and killed.

"It's too early to say who will win."

The chaotic white eyes stared ahead, and the sword light in Fujitora's hand danced again.


The ground that Wuchen stepped on suddenly burst, and the majestic gravity suddenly covered Wuchen's body, as if to crush his body into pieces, and even Wuchen's body had begun to twist.

Under the hold of this gravity, Wuchen bent down, and the knife that was touching Fujitora's neck also fell to the ground.

"Is it a superhuman gravitational fruit... It really lives up to its reputation. It can be called a perfect and invincible ability to defy the sky, which makes others envious."

Wuchen was sweating coldly on his forehead, and the beads of sweat fell to the ground like raindrops. His clothes were all wet, and his expression was rarely as pale as paper.

The whole person's body is like a mountain with dozens of tons on its back. It is extremely difficult to walk without dust, even if the body is straight.

"Just two or three strokes of confrontation, the ability to guess my fruit... worthy of being called the most powerful general by the world."

Fujitora nodded undeniably, the density of gravity increased, and the entire ground almost collapsed, "However, as long as I think about it, it will be difficult for you to raise your head in front of me."

Saying that, endless gravity enveloped the area of ​​[-] meters around, and the ground collapsed one after another.

"Can't look up? Is it..."

A teasing smile swept the corner of his mouth, Wuchen suddenly stood up strangely, with a light smile on his face, teasing Fujitora jokingly, "Look, I can not only stand up, but also jump!"


After saying that, Wuchen jumped out of the collapsed pothole, and there was nothing wrong with the look of ecstasy.

"You, how can you not be affected by my fruit ability? Impossible!"

Fujitora, whose complexion changed greatly, trembled, with a ghostly expression, and at the same time, the density of gravity increased again, covering the dust-free body, and the ground around him was cracked.

Yan, however, still did not change his face, and his calm expression stood out from the crowd, attracting people's attention.

"Am I dreaming?"

Aokiji said with a strange face, he was affected by this gravity, but Wuchen was safe and sound.

Not only the green pheasant, but also the Warring States period and the others were all stunned, looking at the center of gravity.

"A smile deliberately embarrassed us and didn't target Loisnan?"

Warring States and the others speculated in their hearts that Wuchen's happy appearance was not affected by gravity at all, but their group of onlookers were greatly restrained!

"My ability is invalid?!"

Fujitora said incredulously, it felt extremely absurd, everyone has one head and two hands, why on earth can you ignore the existence of gravity?

"Idiot, it's not that I can ignore your ability, it's that our dimensions are too far apart..."

Glancing at the sluggish Fujitora with pity, Wuchen explained lightly: "Actually, my existence has broken your previous cognition, and it is normal for you to be surprised."

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