It just feels like the world is changing too fast.

"I'm doing this for their own good. The whole world knows who Bigu Mum is. Even if Fishman Island really falls into Bigu Mum's arms, it will perish sooner or later."

Princess Yiji felt sad, her delicate and ruddy face lost its luster, and she felt sad... Looking at the hysterical murloc below, she suddenly felt that everything she did in the past was deceiving herself.

Surprised to feel like a clown, abandoned by the world and treated with cold eyes.

"Don't worry, this is human nature... When you are valuable and useful, they will hold you up high and put you on the altar and respect it as a god... But if you do something wrong one day, it will bring disaster. , is the current scene, not to mention helping each other, it is good for them to keep their own feet!"

The breeze blurted out, and Wuchen explained rationally, trying to pull Princess Otoji out of her pain.

"These guys are not conscientious enough. It seems that after you kill...the head is given to Bigu Mum to extinguish her anger."

It is the nature of living things to fly away when disaster is imminent.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A harsh blast attracted Wuchen's attention, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be...

"Did you make a mistake? These bastards are so shameless, they even eat inside and out!"

Under the tower, the army that originally belonged to the royal family had shamelessly betrayed it. Not only that, but also directly put the runaway fish people into the palace, and rushed towards the location where Wuchen and Yiji were located.

"Run, this mob wants to murder us!"

Princess Otoji pulled Wuchen's arm and was about to retreat, but her weak strength was useless, Wuchen stood there like a sculpture and did not respond.

"Escape? Why are we running? You did nothing wrong. It's them who are ignorant. They think they will be able to sleep peacefully if they submit to Bigumum? Dreaming!" Wuchen sneered with a sneer.

Bigumam wants to take Fishman Island as his own, just for the desserts on the island, but the amount that Bigumam needs is beyond the limit of Fishman Island. Island Calamity.

Countless islands have been destroyed by Bikumam for delaying dessert deliveries.

It is also a matter of time before they actually join or reject the Bigumam Pirates, but this group of people put all the faults on the head of Princess Otoji, turning black and white.

"Wait slowly, there is no need to run away, not to mention Bai Xing, the fault is not you, but Fishman Island."

He glanced at the panic-stricken Princess Otoji, and Wuchen sat on the throne to drink and wait for the mob. The main purpose of his visit to Fishman Island this time was Baixing.

"Ta Tata..."

In the dark corridor ahead, there was a violent vibration, and the entire palace trembled.

Princess Yiji walked to Wuchen's side. She was in a high position and looked down at this group of compatriots. At this moment, she felt extraordinarily unfamiliar. Everyone seemed to be possessed, and their eyes were blood red.

"Everything goes back, this time I can let go of the past, as long as we all help each other, we will definitely be able to get through—"

Before the voice of Princess Yiji fell, the hatred and abuse of the fishmen, as well as all kinds of slander, fell into the ears of Princess Yiji, breaking her last line of defense.

"Siding in the same boat? What are you kidding? It's a selfish person like you that will bring disaster to Fishman Island!"

"Burning the woman who harmed Fishman Island to Bigu Mum, she will definitely forgive us!"

"Take off her head and give it to Bigu Mum, in exchange for our peace. As a princess, you should feel happy. It is your duty as a princess to die for the entire Fishman Island!"


Wuchen looked at everything in front of him expressionlessly, taciturn, but his eyes became colder and colder.

"Everyone be quiet!"

A strong voice recalled that a fish-man with fangs walked out of the crowd. His words were very useful. The noisy crowd suddenly became extremely quiet, and many people cast frantic eyes at him.

"The world is impermanent, I didn't expect this kid to be cheap in the end."

Wuchen was surprised to find that he actually knew the ugly fish-man in front of him, and he was also the ultimate villain of Fish-Man Island, Hody Jones!

The eyes spread, and there was a faint answer in my heart. I am afraid that everything in front of me is the ghost of Hody Jones.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 908 I want to thank you [Second]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


"It's no wonder that the whole fish-man island is abuzz. It turns out that this kid did it."

His eyes fell on Hoddy Jones. He turned out to be the army of the palace. When the dust-free execution of Pokemus was a few days ago, he was the officer who cleaned up the body.

Now the mob is headed by Hody Jones, who is clearly behind the scenes.

"You traitor, you dare to confuse the public!"

Staring at Hody Jones, Princess Otohime pondered for a moment, and immediately understood the mystery, and looked at the proud Hody Jones with fire-breathing eyes.

She, who had always been quiet, released her murderous aura.

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