Caribou bowed and walked out respectfully.


The door behind Doflamingo was pushed open, and he walked out of the sloppy dwarf winter melon. He walked with a sway. It was Torrepol, the second figure of the Don Quixote family.

"Young master, that kid must be lying to us? Aren't ancient weapons all machines, that [Pluto] is." Torrepol's eyebrows were full of badness.

"This is not necessarily. There is no absolute in everything. Pluto is a machine, but there is no rule that Sea King is also a mechanical thing."

Brother Doflamingo showed a dignified light and said, "No matter what that Princess White Star is, she can actually control a sea king with a volume of [-] meters. It sounds like there is no limit..."

Speaking of this, Doflamingo's tone stopped, a little dull, there are thousands of sea kings in the world, filling each sea area, if you can control the sea kings, the unified world is close at hand!

"Anyway, Fishman Island is worth a trip!" Doflamingo said decisively after the conversation changed.

Princess White Star really has the kind of ability Karibu said, which is naturally a good thing. Even if she doesn't have it, it's harmless. At most, it's a waste of time. Anyway, Doflamingo has been busy recently.

"This... Young Master, although I am also interested in going to Fishman Island, there is a big problem right now!"


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 914 Bigu Mum Attacks [Third]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Hearing Torrepol's words, Doflamingo couldn't help but burst into anger. Every time he was ambitious to do something, he always jumped out of all kinds of embarrassing things, as sad as eating flies!

"Big question? Explain it to me!"

With a black bronze face, Doflamingo said very unhappily.

Torrepol's sloppy face froze, glanced at the ugly-looking Doflamingo, and said cautiously: "About a day ago, all the members of the Bigumam Pirates disappeared, and the destination seems to be Fishman Island! "

Hearing this, Doflamingo's violent temper disappeared, the surging anger quickly subsided, his eyes changed rapidly, and a fog suddenly rose in his heart.

"What did Bigumam go to Fishman Island?!" Doflamingo, scratching his head, puzzled.

Bigumam doesn't even want the site anymore, it's suspicious to go directly to Fishman Island, especially in this sensitive period, when Doflamingo is looking for the legendary "Sea King", but Bigumam crosses Going to Fishman Island with one foot, it's no wonder he didn't care.

"Call the cadres and go to Fishman Island together. We can't let Bigu Mum grab the top spot."

Gritting his teeth, the last hesitation was finally replaced by greed. After getting the white star, the whole world was at your fingertips, not to mention Bigu Mum, and then he remembered the shadow left by the confrontation with Bi Gu Mum a few years ago, Doflaming Brother seriously instructed, "Follow behind the Bigumam Pirates and take the opportunity to capture that White Star."


The palace of Fishman Island collapsed and annihilated, and Wuchen and the other three temporarily lived in the castle where Bai Xing usually lived, surrounded by groups of sea kings.

Even if the rebellious mob wanted to capture Princess Otoji, they looked at the pirates with a volume of [-] meters and ran away.

Although in just a few days, Bai Xing's talent for controlling the sea kings has grown by leaps and bounds. In a few days, it will not reach the level of perfection. Under the careful guidance of Wuchen, it is a world of difference compared to the original.

The number of sea kings under control has also gradually increased, forty or fifty, sixty or seventy, one hundred... This number continues to increase. As time goes by, it is only a matter of time before becoming the king of sea kings.

"Thank you father!"

The happy and excited laughter resounded in her ears, and her eyes moved. It was Bai Xing who was laughing and laughing. She was excited and swayed her elegant body in the water, like a child jumping around.

"This is your own talent. I'm just guiding the power out of your body. The credit is yours."

Wuchen replied calmly, and immediately looked at the meatballs under his feet, unable to help feeling speechless, at this moment he was quite embarrassed, standing on the Jade Girl Peak with the huge white star.

The head also shook with the shaking, feeling extremely dizzy.

"Okay, that's it for today."

Suddenly feeling empty and tired, Wuchen noticed that it was not too late, so he turned his head and left.The ability of Neptune can be exercised slowly. It is not good to pull the seedlings and encourage them. On the contrary, unexpected situations may occur.

In the castle, Princess Otoji waited for a long time, prepared dishes with all the flavors and tastes in advance, stood by the castle gate, waiting for the arrival of Wuchen and Baixing.

This gentle appearance is completely opposite to the cold and popular she used to be.

"It's finally here."

After half a sound, a huge mermaid suddenly appeared in the pupil, and Princess Otoji breathed a sigh of relief... The mob was always thinking of them these days, and her heart was always uneasy.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Just as he was about to eat and drink, a series of dull collisions attracted Wuchen's attention, and he also searched for the source of the turmoil. It's because of exhaustion, and trouble comes again... But this time, it's okay to completely solve the big problem of Bigu Mum."

Princess Yiji's face was wrinkled when she heard the words, and she looked worried. She raised her eyes, and happened to cast a comforting look from Wuchen, "You mother and daughter can stay here with peace of mind. Bigu Mamu gave it to me..."

His eyes fell on Bai Xing's face, and he saw that her face was full of tension, and Wu Chen pursed her lips into a smile, which made people feel like a breath of fresh air.

"People always have to be self-reliant... You should be able to protect your mother, right, Bai Xing." In front of the floating Bai Xing, she scratched her exquisite jade nose and encouraged Wuchen with a smile.

The tone was mixed with the magic of the heart, Bai Xing couldn't help nodding her head, and when she came back to her senses, she was also at a loss for a while.

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