Hearing this, Luo's thoughts were obviously messed up, he was speechless, and there was a brief lack of words. After a while, he explained: "I used to be Doflamingo's subordinate, but—"


The icy cold light hit like the speed of light, and between the electric light and flint, Luo's chest was easily smashed, and his heart was shattered in one fell swoop!

"It turned out to be him..."

Tiandao Uchiha Madara also looked at the figure sneaking behind Luo in surprise, but he did not expect that he would launch an end to Luo's life.


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Chapter 931 Fierce Dorag [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Not only Tiandao Uchiha Madara's face was stunned, but the red-haired Shanks and the black beard were all very surprised. Looking at the huge blood hole in Luo's chest and the shattered heart, everyone was stunned. .

"I'm sorry, young man, although your name also has D, and you even rescued that stupid boy Luffy during the [War on the Top], but please forgive me... As for the reason for killing you, Loisnan's strength is strong. It's beyond imagination, maybe you were manipulated by him, and you still don't know it, and I used to be like this."

The person who gave Luo a fatal blow and destroyed his heart in one fell swoop - Monkey D Dorag is also Luffy's biological father!

"This is not fair!"

Luo, who had reacted, roared loudly, looked at the dagger inserted into his chest, turned his head and stared at the guilty Dorag, and roared loudly: "If it was your son today, don't tell me you would do the same!"

After speaking, Luo made his pupils to the greatest extent in his life, as long as Dodragg was lying, he would be able to see it.

"Even if Luffy is standing in front of me, I will raise the butcher's knife without hesitation!"

Drago's tone was extremely firm, and he said unshakably: "Our group of people is burdened with... the whole world! Not even a little sloppy, even my son, once he has partnered with Loisnan, or Doveran Brother Ming's suspicion, I will still kill him without hesitation!"

These cold-blooded and ruthless words shocked everyone by Drago's decisiveness.

"Cold-blooded animals..."

Seeing this unexpected scene, Wuchen, who is far away from Dressrosa, sighed with emotion, although he can understand Drago, as a leader, he should be so indifferent and fair, especially in this important period... But If it is replaced by Wuchen, if he is asked to do this, it may be really difficult to do so.

"However, I would like to thank Drago for helping me to understand Luo's eye-catching thing... Since you don't hesitate to offend the red-haired Shanks for helping me, hehe... When I release Infinite Monthly Reading, I will be the king of the world. Doing it for you is also a thank you!"

Dust-free gloomy smile.

"I curse you, a despicable and shameless fellow, to be smashed to pieces, and you too!"

Noticing the rapid passing of his vitality, Luo shouted indignantly... He didn't expect to be killed so inexplicably, and he still had a lot of dreams to come true.

"If you die, you will die, and you are still struggling... It's hard to keep your whole body..."

A stride forward, he took out an extremely sharp Kunai in his hand, and a cold light splashed from the void, and then Luo Ji's body was separated, and he was killed like a slaughtering dog.

"This boy, I will help you solve the enemy of Doflamingo and avenge your most respected Corazon. Not only do you not appreciate me, but you curse me... You deserve this end!"

Wuchen slandered, this fellow is also a matter of death... This luxurious banquet has no stage for him. Since he wants to join in, Wuchen can only send him to heaven in advance.

"Hey... The guy is [Seven Wuhai], the government can be our eyeliner, and the strength is not bad. It is a powerful fighting force."

Looking at Luo, who was completely dead, with a pity, the red-haired Shanks sighed.

People have died, and it is impossible for him to turn against Drago and Tiandao Uchiha Madara.

"If you want to complain, you can only hope that he has a connection with that dangerous man Doflamingo..." Drago said with a blank expression, and at the same time calmly returned to his original position, as if nothing happened, his expression did not change.

"That's right!"

Tiandao Uchiha Madara also followed along, and deliberately raised his voice to remind: "Even if we spy on intelligence, isn't there still a [King's Qiwuhai]?"

After Tiandao Uchiha Madara's reminder, everyone's eyes turned to the man behind the red-haired Shanks, all with surprise, remembering his identity and past experiences, and then nodded.

Count where the corners of the eyes are focused - Bucky the Clown!

"I still don't agree with the attack on Dressrosa. Loisnan [Wuchen] and Doflamingo are too dangerous. If we attack rashly, we will automatically seek death!"

Drago said very stubbornly, as the leader of the revolutionary army, he had been hiding for so many years, so he couldn't suddenly be exposed like this.

The red-haired Shanks also nodded.

"These guys... It seems that they don't make any noise. It's impossible for them to take the initiative to die." Looking at a few people, Tiandao Uchiha Madara thought to himself.

Monkey D Dorag and the red-haired Shanks are the kind of people who are extremely meticulous. If they want to be a white wolf with empty gloves, it is impossible for them to die directly.

"Too strong is also a sin."

Wuchen, who is far away in Dressrosa, sighed with emotion, showing deep helplessness, sometimes being too powerful, it is indeed a sin!

"What you said is so sorry to those who have been killed by you. If Whitebeard knew about it, he would definitely jump out of hell to trouble you, young master."

Hancock, who has been standing beside Wuchen, can't laugh or cry, Wuchen's words are really hurtful.

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