It is the five old stars with bald heads!

"Sorry, my lord, I haven't found it yet!" The people in black said fearfully.

Hearing this, the bald-headed Wu Laoxing's face turned cold, the sword in his hand was taken out of the scabbard, and the sword fell, and the void splashed with a visible edge, "Useless rice bucket, what do you want?!"


The necks of the people in black were suddenly empty, and they were brutally divided by the bald-headed five old stars. The necks spurted blood like a fountain, and they were ruthless.

"You damned human beings, how dare you betray the Tianlong people? We are the descendants of the creator!" A Tianlong person who had not yet died in a pool of blood roared with red eyes.

Crazy like a psycho.

"Descendants of the Creator?"

Hearing this, the bald-headed five old stars sneered, and then his eyes burst into flames of ambition, "Your ancestors, the twenty kings, just used the ancient weapon [Tianwang] to destroy the country of D [-] years ago, now we five Lao Xing will also do the same, destroy the order of your Celestial Dragons, and we will replace you Celestial Dragons and become a new creator!"

The bald-headed Five Old Stars holding the sword looked longing and fanatically said: "Now that the trace of [Tianwang] has been found, you Tianlong people naturally have no need to exist!"

"The Tianlong people have been in the position of the [King of the World] for eight hundred years. Under the paralysis of time, they have already decayed. If it wasn't for the variable of Loisnan, maybe you would have been slaughtered a few years ago!"

After saying that, the bald-headed Wu Laoxing who held the knife sneered, and immediately swung the knife into a cold light, seeing the blood seal his throat, instantly ending the life of this Tianlong man.

Maryjoa was completely sealed all around, it was airtight, and not even a fly could fly out.


Wuchen was naturally unaware of the huge change that happened to Mary Joa. At this moment, he was still living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, and he lived a very comfortable life every day.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed by, and the sky was getting darker!

Inside Dressrosa's Royal Palace.

Through the distant port, staring at the pirates who are constantly landing in the distance, a cruel smile flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and now Dressus is empty.

Most of these pirates who landed came after the design of Hades!

"Master, do you still need to arrange tomorrow's arena match?" Kalifa asked confidently.

The pirates who landed on the island came from all directions, and as far as the eye could see, they were all powerful men with unprecedented strength, and among them there were some great pirates with a reward of [-] million to [-] million.

The number has reached dozens!The current "Four Emperors" are also listed... But even so, in the face of such a scene, the dust-free confidante is extremely calm.

"There's no need. Have a good night's sleep tonight, and order Hades to bombard Dressrosa tomorrow! Maybe the day after tomorrow, we'll start traveling to other worlds."

Wuchen lowered his head and muttered to himself, looking at the thousands of pirates under Dressrosa, his eyes flashed with awe-inspiring murderous intent, he would never show mercy to these pirates.

In the other direction of Dressrosa, the navy has also landed one after another, but most of the people are high-level navy officers. In this kind of war, which can be called a world-annihilation level, ordinary soldiers are just to add chaos to the cannon fodder.

At the same time, an extremely embarrassed voice also quietly landed on the island. This man was in ragged clothes, and his snow-white skin was looming.

"By the way, is Bai Xing ready?" Turning his head suddenly, Wuchen asked Princess Yiji with a little curiosity and hope.

"no problem."

Princess Yiji said triumphantly, she was quite confident in Bai Xing, after all, she was her daughter.

Wuchen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then narrowed his eyes. The girls also went back to their rooms. Due to the war tomorrow, Wuchen did not force the girls to come to sleep together. It is time to solve the current group of clowns.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 937 Pirates End ([-]) [sixth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


In the middle of the night, the cold wind is getting colder, and on the flexible big chuang, only Wuchen is alone to rest. Due to the possible war tomorrow, Wuchen also refuses to wait for a few girls.

It's not too late to pull the world into the nightmare of "unlimited monthly reading".

In the warm quilt, Wuchen arched his body, and he was extremely tired for a while, and he also needed a proper rest. He lived in a tense environment all day long, and no one could bear it.


I don't know how long it took, the sleeping Wuchen frowned slightly, and the warm and cold body suddenly got into the quilt, and snuggled into Wuchen's arms like a kitten.

The bird slowly took off her dust-free pajamas.

Wuchen felt that this body was unfamiliar, and was about to open his eyes to find out, but the cold thin lips suddenly blocked his mouth, and he searched unscrupulously!

"Could it be Robin? It must be, after so many years, I finally got the hang of it."

The frowning brows stretched out, and Wuchen comfortably enjoyed the taste of the fusion of ice and fire, and closed his eyes comfortably, the ecstasy of the soul. After a few minutes, Wuchen's calm heart was plucked out of flames.

The perfect carcass that was messed up in the quilt was like an exquisite work of art, perfect to the extreme. Even with his eyes closed, Wuchen could feel the delicate skin.

After a while, Wuchen turned defense into attack... He is not a monk, and his desires and wishes will not be suppressed or suppressed.

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