"Boom boom boom!!!"

Violent tremors suddenly spread throughout Dressrosa, like a tens of magnitude earthquake, and huge cracks opened in the ground of Dressrosa.

"It seems to have started."

Looking at the trembling sea in the distance, Wuchen whispered.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 938 Pirates End ([-]) [First]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The ground shook violently, trembling, throbbing, and the ground was constantly being torn apart. The entire Dressrosa was like a lonely boat in the wind and rain, churning with high frequency.

However, the strange thing is that this scene did not last long.

Upon seeing this, Hawkeye showed a relieved smile, heaved a sigh of relief, and said easily: "That guy Caesar.... He won't launch Hades to bombard Dressrosa!"

"Life is often unexpected... I didn't expect that kid who was afraid of death would also embark on the same path as you..." He took a sip of his tea lightly, his face remained unchanged, and his expression was even a little lazy, a little condescending.

Hawkeye frowned, a haze flashed across his face, a feeling of being underestimated or even ignored.

"Because of what you said, Caesar was afraid of death, so he resisted you."

Hawkeye said bluntly, immediately raised his voice, and said indifferently: "Not only that, he will use Hades to deal with you... You forced all this!"

Originally, Hawkeye and Caesar had no intention of betrayal, but Wuchen betrayed them!

"This is also helpless..."

Looking up at the delicate ceiling, Wuchen sighed: "Throughout the ages, success has always been accompanied by sacrifice, sacrificing a small you to make a big one... This is not inappropriate, after all, people are selfish."

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Inside the closed palace, the surroundings suddenly collapsed strangely, and the dazzling sunlight came in... The scorching sun was in the sky, and Dust-free instinctively picked up his arm to block the sunlight.


At the same time, the ground beneath Wuchen's feet exploded, with arm-sized cracks appearing, and hot magma overflowed from it.

"You have many enemies."

Hawkeye narrowed his pupils slightly, and immediately understood who was responsible.

"Who made me stand on the opposite side of the world."

Wuchen said frankly, turning a deaf ear to the magma that was slowly swallowed towards him, completely giving it a state, and didn't even look at it from beginning to end.

"Loisnan... For the sake of my former colleagues, as long as you call out the design of Hades, I will spare you."

The red dog came out of the magma strangely and condensed his head. Not only that, but a group of navies also appeared and surrounded the dust-free.

Of course, there are also hordes of pirates!

Looking down at the red dog, or the head of the red dog that was condensed by lava, Wuchen not only did not appreciate it, but a sentence made the red dog angry.

"Sakaski... Your nickname is [Akainu], but there's no need to really learn about dogs..."

Looking at the magma overflowing from the cracks in the ground, Wuchen teased: "Good people don't do it, they have to learn to drill a dog hole... The Admiral's taste is really strong enough."

"you wanna die!"

The furious Akainu responded immediately, throwing a lava fist as the most ferocious attack.

"Big fire!"

The huge molten fist came on the face, and the area was larger than Wuchen's whole person. The scorching temperature burned the sky red, and the ground passed along the way was scorched black.


Wuchen was indifferent, but there was a dense howling sound behind him, but his eyes looked back leisurely, and Wuchen's pupils were instantly filled with golden flashes.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Thousands of light bullets poured down, and the edge cut through the void, coming in a mighty way.There is only one goal, and that is dust-free.There is no doubt that in this world, apart from dust-free, the only person who can use the "eight-foot Qionggou jade" is the yellow monkey.

"It seems that the elites of the navy are here."

The void from the palm of the hand splashed ripples, and a slender sword flashed out of thin air, the sky slid across the cold light, and the blade of the first generation of ghosts was unsheathed. Roaring, can't wait to drink blood like infiltration.

Facing the oncoming flaming giant fist, the first generation of ghosts swept out.


The blood light easily passed through the lava fist, and it split into two parts. It looked as easy and simple as cutting vegetables... Then An Ran looked back, looking at the large flash of light that came, and his eyes froze.

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