"Strange, what did that kid named Wuchen do?!"

With a surprised surprise, he pulled everyone's thoughts, looked up, and the golden thunder light actually burned a dark flame, corroding the broken road of the whale swallowing ghost Yancheng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When it comes into contact with dust-free, the power contained in the flash is almost negligible, let alone dust-free, even normal human beings cannot be harmed!


A breath of hot air was blown out of the dust-free mouth, and the roaring flash disappeared with the wind!


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Chapter 950 Beating the Captain (Part [-]) [First Update]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Gui Yancheng Jianba jumped like thunder, his scarlet eyes stared at Wuchen, and now the contradiction between the two sides has skyrocketed, not a simple problem of dirty water.

Now he must defend his honor as "Kenba"!


Wuchen is a calm smile. This is the case in any world. Only people with strength will face you.

"Clang clang!"

Time and space cooled down in an instant, the place where Wuchen stood, the knife light condensed, the ground on which the feet were stepping was devastated, and the cracks the size of the thumbs were clearly visible.

I don't know when, the Zanpakutō of Gui Yancheng Kenpachi shrouded in a cold light.

Wuchen can even feel that under this awe-inspiring and domineering momentum, the hair on the surface of his skin is all worn and broken... As the "Jianba" of the Soul World, he is best at fighting head-on, not a ghost.


The resident ghost Yancheng Kenpachi, whose body gradually lost its texture, turned into an afterimage that gradually disappeared, until at the end, even the person with the afterimage disappeared.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a dull sound of explosion in the air, and when I looked up, countless afterimages swept around, so many were dazzling, it was difficult to capture the body of Guiyancheng Kenpachi.

Even due to the large number of them, the sky was slightly dimmed, and the sun was blocked by the endless afterimages.

"Shunbu? What a delicate step."

Wuchen nodded secretly, his calm eyes suddenly flashed stern, the first-generation ghost fluttered lightly, the tip of the knife condensed a red blood light, stared at the large afterimage, and waved his arm to sweep it out.


The huge blood-colored crescent moon rose into the sky, and the sword cut its edge, unstoppable, and the moment it touched the afterimage of the sky, it smashed and annihilated it all in one fell swoop.

The afterimage reflected on the ground also disappeared.


Witnessing Wuchen's distraction, a black shadow rushed straight in. Even because of the speed, he couldn't see what it was at all, and he could only feel the unstoppable storm swept across the face.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The incomparably sharp knife light struck, Wuchen was calm and unhurried, his body trembled, and he flashed back immediately!

"Back up? I thought you were made of iron and could ignore all attacks. Want to run? Dreaming!"

Seeing this, Gui Yancheng Jianba sneered, and a majestic spiritual pressure swept up from the soles of his feet, and immediately kicked the ground hard, the ground under his feet easily shattered like scraps of paper, and the whole person turned into a hurricane to chase the dust-free.

The speed is comparable to the speed of light, and the dust is captured almost instantly.

"Everything you do has to pay a price. You have embarrassed this uncle over and over again. Now go to death!"

His eyes shot a murderous aura, and in a fit of rage, Gui Yancheng Kenpachi resolutely tore up the original agreement.


The knife light struck fatally, and ruthlessly passed through Wuchen's body. His whole body was divided into two parts, and Gui Yancheng Jianba ruthlessly cut Wuchen in the waist!

"The so-called treaty is actually used to tear it up. What's more, it was just a verbal agreement, and I really thought that I would suppress the strength of the deputy captain... Idiot, a child is a child!"

Looking down at the two dead bodies on the ground, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi sneered, the person was already dead, and Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaijuguo couldn't turn against him because of a dead person.

Mercy glanced at the fallen Wuchen, and Guiyancheng Jianpachi looked back leisurely, striding with a triumphant smile.


After a while, Gui Yancheng Kenpachi's smile froze, and he was shocked that the entire sky suddenly turned golden, especially the sky behind him was the brightest, and he turned his head unexpectedly.

"what's going on?!"

Witnessing the unbelievable scene, Gui Yancheng Kenpachi said in a stunned manner.

The two broken bodies disintegrated in the blink of an eye, turning into shining golden photons spinning and floating, followed by a twist in the void, forcibly sucking in all directions, the flashes condensed and reorganized, and an indifferent face appeared.

Then the light floated, and the dust disappeared.

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