Gui Yancheng Kenpachi breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person couldn't help but lighten up, but before he could catch his breath, the cracking sound of "Kakaka" made his heart fall into his throat.


Without any tedious skills and tricks, Wuchen only took a slight step forward, and the six rays of light instantly collapsed and annihilated, and disappeared with the wind.

"Light speed kick!"

The speed of light that struck straight was extremely fast, and Gui Yancheng Kenpachi responded immediately, forcibly using the remaining spiritual pressure in the body, and a triangular defensive formation faintly flashed.

"Bound the road seventy-three inverted mountain crystals!"

The triangular cone-shaped defensive space seems to be formed, airtight, shiny, and seems to be as hard as a diamond, and protects the severely beaten Ghost Yancheng Kenpachi.

The frontal contact with the sharp edge of the speed of light kick.


The huge transparent crystal trembled fiercely, and a crack as thick as a thumb appeared. In the end, the powerful force that could not bear it was turned into nothing, and the ghost Yancheng Kenpachi also became a fat and beautiful lamb.

"Boom boom boom!"

The blue sky was occupied by crimson, and a large flame mushroom cloud appeared in the sky for a long time. Under the ground, there was a charred ghost Yancheng Kenpachi.

His breath was weak, his consciousness fainted, and he could barely survive.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Beside Guiyan City, several figures appeared without warning, and they all wore captain Yuori... Looking at the miserable Guiyancheng Kenpachi, there was a feeling of being cooked by a rabbit, even though it was torn up by Guiyancheng by mistake. Agreement, but beating him like this is equivalent to directly hitting the face of Soul Society.

"Captain Unoka..."

The turbid old eyes glanced at Mao Zhihualie, and Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue gave him the half-dead ghost Yancheng Kenpachi, completely acting as a cocoon and not complaining about others.

Uzhihualie is also an old antique who has lived for a thousand years. Naturally, he understands the meaning of this shallowness. Suddenly, a strange creature floats out from behind, and opens his mouth to swallow Guiyancheng Jianpachi.

At the same time, Wuchen was also surrounded by the Xing Corps of the Second Division, and the water was blocked.

He definitely wouldn't choose to wait for him. When he planned to force a breakthrough, the captain's words left all the captains and Wuchen himself at a loss.


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Chapter 951 Take retreat as advance [third more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. He can't help but be unusually strong and resourceful.

"Are young people interested in joining the Guardian Thirteen Team?"

The captains looked at Wuchen in unison, the Soul Society could not turn a deaf ear to such a character, and it was necessary to be included in the thirteenth team of the Guardian.

I am afraid that refusal will be punished by the commander-in-chief.

"I can't ask for it."

There was a smile on his face, and Wuchen readily accepted that he really needed a proper identity to end the embarrassment of wandering.

"That's the best thing to do..."

The commander-in-chief nodded with satisfaction, and then the old god said: "Which squad do you plan to join, according to your strength, whichever squad you join is extremely suitable."

"The old man is really partial."

Jingle Chunshui stood up and complained, but was stared back by the commander's awe-inspiring eyes, "Based on your strength, this old man suggests you join the eleventh team..."


Hearing this, Wuchen didn't even think about it, and directly rejected the proposal of old man Yamamoto, with a hint of cunning in his heart, "I choose to join the first team of the commander-in-chief!"

This remark caused all the captains to be stunned, which was obviously self-inflicted.

"This kid... is it an accident? It doesn't look like it."

Mao Zhihua Liedai frowned, looking at Wuchen with a decent face, her heart was filled with doubts, she always felt that Wuchen was advancing by retreating.

After working together for thousands of years, Uzhihualie understands the character of the commander-in-chief, and there is no sand in his eyes. If Wuchen chooses to join other teams, old man Yamamoto will eventually force Wuchen to join the first team.

Now that Wuchen took the initiative to join the first team, it moved old man Yamamoto's compassion.

"You have this kind of heart, old man, but the first team is not suitable for you."

Sure enough, just as Uzhihualie thought, the old man Yamamoto rejected Wuchen directly, took a deep look at Wuchen, and finally brushed over Jingle Chunshui, Shiruro Ukitake and others.

In the end, it was fixed on Mao Zhihualie.

"Captain Usohana... Your fourth division just doesn't have a suitable vice-captain, so let him take over... Although the fourth division belongs to the medical division, it will inevitably encounter accidents and need a strong vice-captain. Captain, this match is the most suitable."

The old man Yamamoto made a final decision and did not give anyone room to refute.

"This guy Yuan Liuzhai... forget it."

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