The [-]th district of Liushun Street in the Soul Society is a remote area. It is usually a gathering place for villains. Few gods of death pay attention to this place.

Therefore, it is also the only place where the Great Void invades. There is a long and narrow crack in the Void, and groups of Kilian staggered out.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After a while, many figures suddenly appeared in the bloody open space.

"Can they do it?"

Looking at the ghosts and ghosts who were preparing for the process ahead, Wuchen was slightly suspicious, and always felt that these fat-headed and strangely dressed ghosts were unreliable.

"No problem, the ghosts are good at sealing such as enchantment. If they can't do it, our group of medical team members and combatants can't do it."

Toru Yuyin, who was temporarily serving as the third seat, said to himself: "Maybe Achukas and above can't deal with it, but it's no problem to deal with Kirian."

Wuchen will not say more, like a sculpture standing in place and motionless.

After half a sound, the prepared Ghost Daoists finally took action and used Shunpo to swept to the sky one after another. After a short period of time to clean up the Jilian in the long and narrow black cavity, the transparent golden film covered it, and the speed visible to the naked eye was repaired. Cracked sky.

"Is it finally coming to an end?" Hu Che Yongyin breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved smile on his face.


Just when everyone thought it was over, a dazzling flash suddenly appeared in the black cavity that was about to close, and the sharp sound was as harsh as lightning.

Boom to the transparent golden film!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky-shaking violent explosion rose into the sky, and the seemingly incomparably hard film was easily torn apart like scraps of paper. The surrounding ghosts who had not had time to escape were evaporated by this ruthless flash and wiped out directly. No bones left!

The destructive spiritual pressure fluctuations alarmed the entire corpse and soul world, and all the captains exclaimed, this is a large-scale virtual encounter!

"This guy is..."

The black cavity that was smashed, walked out of a white figure covered in bone, Wuchen looked up, and the large void that caught his eye was unexpectedly familiar!

"Could it be that Aizen has unified the virtual circle now?"

Looking at the big virtual in the black cavity looking down at the corpse soul world, Wuchen frowned and said, under the perception of the domineering perception, it seems that there is more than one big virtual in this black cavity!

The spiritual pressure fluctuates differently. Some of them are mid-level phantoms of the Achucas level. Upon closer inspection, you will be surprised to find that there is also a Vastord whose spiritual pressure density is much higher than that of Achucas!


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Chapter 958 Encountering Wasstedt [Fourth More]


The book penguin tore the water concentration camp【11438516】


The gradually healing black cavity was smashed into pieces by the virtual flash, revealing a larger black hole, and a nouveau riche covered in gold came out of it...

The whole body is cold and shiny, especially under the sunlight, the whole body is extremely dazzling... Looking closely, it turns out that the fingers are wearing countless diamond rings!

"The king of the virtual circle - the Balegang Ruizin Gang?"

His eyes fell on Bailegang, and Wuchen was somewhat surprised, not because he was afraid of the title of the king of the virtual circle, or he was the top big virtual of Vastode, but his spirit of not afraid of death was thunderous!

Looking up at the sky and looking at Bailegang standing in the sky, this old man is not afraid, it seems that he is going to duel with the captain!

"The ants, whoever allows you to see me, go to hell to repent!"

Looking down at the hordes of death gods on the ground, Balegang's fingertips condensed a dense and extremely high black sphere, and even because of the terrifying power, the void around the virtual flash was slightly distorted.

"go to hell……"

The demon-like black luster slanted down, mercilessly blasting towards the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shocking explosion swept away, ruthlessly devastated the Soul Society, and the [-]th district of Liuhun Street was wiped out in an instant. A bottomless pit on the ground was particularly dazzling. .

"A group of ants, you don't cooperate with the old man to fight!"

After smacking his big mouth full of fangs, Bailegang said with great disdain, the captain level is not enough in his eyes, let alone a group of little-known death cannon fodder.


On the ground burning black smoke, golden light suddenly appeared, the light spread rapidly, and the black smoke evaporated in an instant!

"What the hell is this? It's not dead?!"

The proud face of the skeleton drooped down, Balegan's tone was suspicious, and Vastord's flickering, let alone these cannon fodder death gods, the captain was also degraded, and he would fall if he was not careful.

The gods of death below were intact and protected by a huge golden barrier.


A straight beam of light soared into the sky, the sky seemed to be shattered by a divine sword, leaving an afterimage that would never disintegrate, followed by an indifferent and ruthless voice that swirled in Balegang's ears, wandering in the void for a long time.

"Just like you don't deserve to fight go to hell and repent."

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