Moreover, even if Wuchen doesn't pay attention to Aizen, Aizen Soyousuke will not let him go at will, maybe now he is hiding in some unknown corner to observe Wuchen's every move.

In fact, as Wuchen guessed, Aizen is indeed paying attention to him at this moment!


In the central forty-six rooms, the blood flowed into a river, filled with a desperate silence, and even the blood on the ground seemed to solidify due to the long time.

Under the ground of the central forty-six room, there is a large and fully equipped laboratory.A few figures were vaguely busy, and the mysterious man stared intently at the LCD screen.

"If you want to solve the captain of the [-]th team, according to the current situation, Uzhihualie will also be included." His brows were deeply frozen, and Ichimaru Gin said very cautiously.

"That kid, He De He Neng, in just half a year, he turned Captain Mao Zhihua around and joined his camp. Is our previous strategy too stupid, or is the captain of the [-]th team too tricky?!" Dong Xian His face was ashen, and his voice was hoarse.

Lan Ran's right interface was expressionless, and through the LCD screen, he quietly observed the laughing and laughing Wuchen He said, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed away.

"Let him be the captain for a few more days, and clean him up after preparation."

The main factor for Aizen's success is that he can grasp the timing and reasonably analyze the strengths of both the enemy and the enemy. At this time, it is not the time for He Wuchen and the soul of the dead to tear his face - at least he has to wait for him to "Bengyu" Just make it.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and there is no need to care about temporary gains and losses.

"Hurry up and bring Fengqiao Loujurou over. The production of [Bengyu] must be accelerated. Time waits for no one. The recent developments in this period are completely opposite to my previous plans."

The hesitation in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and the wily Aizen decided that in the recent past, he had always felt uneasy in his heart, and it was unclear exactly how.

"The organization is exhausted, everything is for this plan, I must be able to create [Bengyu] this time, break the boundary between the virtual and the god of death, and step into the realm of gods with the body of a mortal." Loyal lackey with a frenzy on his face.

In the past, he often failed, and the biggest reason was the lack of soul power. Now that a captain has been captured alive and integrated into the manufacture of Bengyu, the power of the soul will increase dramatically, and the captain's soul is dozens of times stronger than ordinary death gods!


Time flies by like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, it is two months.

In the first team building, the captains gathered, and Wuchen was also here. This was the first time he attended the captain's meeting. During this period, Zeraki was also persuaded by Wuchen to join the [-]th team and became a professional thug—the vice-captain. !

Wherever there is a big void or a riot in the soul world, he is always the first to kill, and the captain is quite happy about this, after all, Zeraki is his apprentice to a certain extent.

"Master Chief."

Everyone was silent, Wuchen immediately stood up and brushed his presence, pointed the spear directly at the virtual circle, and said solemnly: "Last time Jingling Court was attacked by Bailegang, we should immediately take revenge on the virtual circle!"

Lan Ran's old face twitched calmly, and stopped him bluntly: "Bailegang has already fallen into the soul world, and without the existence of the king of the virtual circle, the entire virtual circle is bound to fall into civil strife. The virtuals are all caught in the battle for the throne of the king of the virtual circle, we can just watch the fire from the corpse and soul world, there is no need to expedition to the virtual circle."

How could he listen to the decisive tone of killing, as Wuchen wished, obviously to kill all the Vastords in the virtual circle!In the future, Aizen also expects those large-scale virtuals to destroy the entire Death God, how can Wuchen be able to destroy them now!

Captain Yamamoto shook his head and also thought it was not feasible. This time he resolutely chose to stand on Aizen's side. "Captain Aizen is right. The virtual circle has fallen into restraint, and there is no need for death to intervene."

Following the captain's tone, Aizen echoed: "And the number of virtual and death gods must be kept in a certain balance. A serious imbalance in the ratio may lead to the demise of the entire world."

"The demise of shit."

Wuchen slandered in his heart that in the future battle of Kongza Town, all the dead are large-scale ghosts, and the world has not collapsed.To put it bluntly, what Aizen said was to hold up an umbrella for those Vastords in the virtual circle.


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Chapter 996 To win over the captain [Second]

Aizen seems to be difficult to support alone, but in fact he is very powerful. The virtual circle is his back~flower~garden, and there are two pawns in the corpse soul world, Toxian Yao and Ichimaru Gin.

Not only that, Toxian wants to have a very good relationship with Komamura Zuojin, and Aizen himself has a good relationship with Ukitake Shirou, and Jingle Chunshui.

There are thirteen captains in the [-]th Team of the Guardian of the Soul World. More than half of the captains are indirectly related to Aizen, such as the taciturn captains such as Broken Bee and Kuchiki Byakuya. Although they rarely speak, Lan. With that good old face, Ran still tricked most of the captains around.

Except for Aizen and Wuchen, who were not in harmony, the [-]th Team of the Guardian had a good relationship. Many of the vice captains of the squads also respected Aizen very much.

"Unconsciously, Aizen has accumulated so many dark chess pieces, and it is necessary to get rid of his pieces first."

His eyes were fixed on Toxian Yao and Ichimaru Gin, Wuchen thought about countermeasures in his heart, Toxian was going to get close to Aizen's heart, and Ichimaru Gin was yin and yang.

After some contemplation, Wuchen chose to attack Dongxian first.

"Captain Dongxian..."

A malicious gaze fell on Dong Xian Yao, and Wu Chen asked in a meaningful way: "A few days ago, a few of my subordinates and colleagues from the ninth division went for a drink. The team members said that Fengqiao Loujuro, who was arrested two months ago...he disappeared inexplicably."

A random sentence caught the attention of all the captains, and they all looked at Dong Xian Yao in unison.

"This have been worrying too much."

Being able to climb to the captain's position also shows that Dongxian is extraordinary, and said calmly: "Ten days ago, the forty-sixth room of the central government gave me an order to secretly execute Fengqiao Loujurou. The reason why I dare not make it public is that he is in control of the virtual world. The two powers of the God of Death and the God of Death, the forty-sixth room in the central room was afraid of causing a big impact and unnecessary disturbance, so I ordered me to be executed in secret, and I’m really sorry for not telling everyone.”

After speaking, Dong Xian bowed to the captains in remorse.

"I think you guys used it for experiments!" Wuchen snorted coldly and chose to continue to attack.

Eyes narrowed into crescents, Wuchen laughed secretly, and immediately praised loudly: "The relationship between Captain Dongxian and the sages in the central forty-sixth room is enviable, and the harmony makes people jealous. Every time there is an accident, or a mission When you fail, they all stand up for you. Everyone is the captain, why is the gap so big."

These words made all the captains turn their attention to Dong Xian Yao.Not only Toxian Yao, but also Aizen Soyousuke and Ichimaru Gin, every time there was an accident, the Central Forty-sixth Room would stand up and cover them up.

"This is normal. Dongxian is very discerning, and capable people can't, and the central forty-six rooms are composed of forty-six sages. It is natural to see that Captain Dongxian is doing his best for the Soul Society, and it is human nature to understand him. ." Said the tall man with a tall stature and an airtight head.

This person is the captain of the seventh division——Komamura Zuojin!

"This dead bear is really not a good thing. Seeing that Dongxian is in danger, he will immediately come out to save the siege."

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