Seemingly aware of Dongxian's anger, the semi-finished Bengyu in his chest and chest felt his will, and endless spiritual pressure was pouring out continuously.

hoo hoo hoo!

The wild bark that was obviously of Daxu came from Dongxian Yao's throat. At this moment, his avatar was even higher, and the whole body was wrapped in milky white spiritual pressure, making it airtight!

All of a sudden, his hands were stretched, and a total of ten fingers were aimed at Wuchen, and a black light flashed at the same time!

"Ten false flashes... Your hatred for me is unforgettable."

Wuchen couldn't help sighing with emotion. The fluctuation of the virtual flash destruction suddenly distorted the time and space in the black cavity, and Wuchen could even see the scene in the depths of the universe.

"Send me to hell, evil demon!"

The tone containing the monstrous hatred fell, and the ten black phantom flashes also disappeared.

Whoosh whoosh!

The virtual flash and the black night sky merged into one, but through the perception of the domineering, Wuchen still clearly noticed that dozens of flashes of the world-destroying level came to him.

Seeing this, Wuchen did not hide or avoid it, his expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened, and even the corner of his mouth was humming an out of tune.

"Did you run away... That's fine. When you and Aizen complete [Bengyu], I'm here to shear the wool..."

The corner of his mouth smirked, and Wuchen planned from the bottom of his heart.Dongxian Yao has stepped into the virtual circle in a blink of an eye, and disappeared. In the dark space, there are only ten virtual flashes that were ignored by Wuchen.

At the moment when Hei Xu was about to devour Wu Chen, the void beside him suddenly distorted!

"Divine power!"

The distorted space is instantly magnified dozens of times, all the virtual flashes change their orbits, and they are sucked in in the blink of an eye, without even touching the dust-free body!


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Chapter 1005 Special Care for Injured (Part [-]) [Fifth More]

The different powers of the left and right eyes have different abilities. They can be defended and attacked, and they are extremely suitable for cooperation.

"One more step."

I remembered something in the dark, Wuchen approached the distorted void of "Shenwei", deliberately approached the power of the virtual flash explosion, and the whole person was rotten and smelled.

"Hey... It's really hard to be a professional actor. I really don't know how Aizen has endured for so many years."

Wuchen sighed and said, looking around, there was a burn on his arm that was scorched by the virtual flash, which was completely made by himself just now.

The void in front of it distorted and ripples again, spreading rapidly like a water pattern.

"Divine power!"


The bottomless black cavity, the mysterious power twisted, and immediately burst, followed by a ray of warm sunlight, shining in from the outside world, Wuchen subconsciously blocked the light, and through the gap between his fingers, he saw the corpse. The soul world has returned to normal.

The invading Kirians were also dealt with one after another, and the beautiful world of corpses and souls was restored.

"Mr. Chen, are you actually injured?" Uozhihualie, who was surprised and quick-witted, said worriedly.

Uzhihualie's remarks instantly caught everyone's attention, and they all looked at Wuchen, or looked at his burnt arm that turned completely black.

"It seems to be caused by the false flash theory..."

The commander-in-chief, Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai Chongguo, said that he had fought countless battles in the two thousand years, and he could almost see at a glance that Wuchen's injuries were caused by Xushan, and it was still extremely powerful.

Wuchen nodded, and immediately said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Captain, Dongxian wants to improve his strength too much, and he didn't notice that he escaped!"

Looking at everyone's eyes, Wuchen said without blushing or panting.

"This is not important, but the source of the matter must be thoroughly investigated!"

Captain Yamamoto said in a cold tone.Immediately said to Wuchen: "For the time being, hand over the team affairs of the eleventh team to the vice-captain of Zeraki. You go to the fourth team for treatment first. The virtual flash that injured you is very powerful, so let's cultivate for a while."

Hearing this, Wuchen shook his head like a rattle, wave after wave. This was just an excuse for him to act on purpose to let Dongxian want to escape. In fact, he had nothing to do.

With Jutai's repairing abilities, recovery is only a matter of time.

"Alala... Lord Chen is hard to believe, but our fourth division, you used to be the vice-captain of the fourth division." Uzhihualie said very sadly.

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help laughing and laughing. He knew this black-bellied captain very well.

"If that's the case, then I will trouble Captain Uzhihua."


PS: It is shameless to advertise for yourself, please forgive me!The results of the Death God Scroll are too overwhelming, and have reached a very unsatisfactory level!A new volume may be opened recently, so please vote.Of course, this does not mean that the Death God will stop now. For example, if the new volume is a high school of demons, it may be four changes to the god of death, two changes to the devil high schools, or three changes.Well, that's it, shamelessly begging for all kinds of support!


Inside the quarters of the fourth squad.

In the special room, the smoke is surrounded, it is extremely hot, and there is nothing superfluous. The entire room is empty, except for a huge pool.

"There is such a good thing, why didn't I find it when I was the deputy captain of the fourth division, I made a mistake!" Lying comfortably in the hot spring, Wuchen closed his eyes comfortably, and hummed a pleasant little song at the corner of his mouth.

This mysterious pool water can actually repair body wounds!

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