Therefore, according to Wuchen's guess, it wasn't that the captain didn't want to kill your friend Habach, but the situation at that time was helpless and could only seal him up.

"Maybe that bastard Yuhabach is also a part of the Spirit King's body... That's why old man Yamamoto casts a rat, but just lost his strength, consciousness, and heartbeat, and then sealed him."

Wuchen speculated in his heart that perhaps killing Youhabach would be equivalent to indirectly killing the Spirit King. Although the whole world would not collapse and dissipate, there must be some kind of big trouble that could not be solved, forcing Captain Yamamoto to dare not kill.

"Chen Jun, don't tell outsiders lightly about this kind of thing."

Mao Zhihualie continued to rub Wuchen's back, and Jade Hand patted his shoulder, and whispered close to Wuchen's ear: "No matter what the truth is, Youhabach is an extremely dangerous man... However, the commander-in-chief simply sealed it. took him."

At the end of the speech, Uzhihualie obviously gave a sigh of relief, with a long-lost ease.

"It's sealed? That's just the captain's trick. I'm afraid it won't be long before Youhabach will regain consciousness..."

Wuchen shook his head, and finally stretched his waist, too lazy to think too much, after all, it was just a guess.But one thing is certain, the idea of ​​the King of Youhabach Daling wants to devour it, but Wuchen also has the same idea!

So I want to know about the news of Youhabach.


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Chapter 1008 How old are you? 【Second Update】

Time gradually passed, and after about half an hour, the gentle and watery Uozhihualie stood up and moved her sore shoulders slightly.

"Sit down, Lie, I still have a lot to ask you."

Pulling Uzhihualie to the side, both of them were wearing simple bath towels, but there was no embarrassment to chat, they were very relaxed, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

"It's a pity... It's as hard as heaven if you want to soak in her hands."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Mao Zhihualie without a trace, and Wuchen smacked his lips secretly. At first, he was very narcissistic and thought that Maozhihualie was here to seduce him. There is no further text.

It didn't even mean that, Wuchenkong rejoiced and felt extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

"Does Chen Jun still remember the bead body before Dongxian wanted to defect?" After a long silence, Mao Zhihualie asked calmly.

Wuchen's heart sank slightly, and he naturally knew what the bead body of Maozhihua's strong finger was - collapsing jade!

"Urahara Kisuke once also studied that kind of thing... I heard that it was used to break the boundary between the god of death and the void, but after Urahara Kisuke defected to the Soul World, the bead he studied disappeared." Surprisingly said.

" mean..."

There were bad thoughts in my heart, and Wuchen asked sideways, hoping to get some words out.

"The bead that Urahara Kisuke once developed was essentially used to break the boundaries of the god of death, and the purpose was the same as that of Toxian, but it seemed to fail, so did Toxian, so..."

Mao Zhihualie's face was obviously much more cautious, and he said very seriously: "If possible... What if these two equally failed orbs fuse together?"


Wen Yan Wuchen saliva suddenly spurted out, and he looked at Mao Zhihualie like a ghost.

How did the perfect collapsing jade come about?It was the collapsible jade developed by Aizen, which was born after the fusion of Urahara Kisuke's one!It is not surprising that Wuchen, as a traveler, knows that it is unscientific.

"Is this what the captain told you?" He raised his brows and asked Wuchen.

Mao Zhihua shook his head and said bluntly: "This is what I guessed. You just said that the combination of the power of the virtual and the god of death can lead to a higher level. That's why I have this idea. If the beads are fused, a miracle may be born, and this is what you said just now."

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, speechless, and couldn't help but complain: "If I knew that your IQ is so terrible, I wouldn't say that, and I would leave it in my stomach and rot."

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and Wuchen urged him: "In this case, we should immediately send an expeditionary force to the virtual circle to arrest the mad bastard Dongxianwan, lest he do anything irreparable stupid!"

Stepping out of the virtual circle and exterminating all of Aizen's younger brothers is Wuchen's long-cherished wish.


Hearing this, Mao Zhihualie gave Wuchen a charming look, and said angrily, "You forced most of the crazy things he did."

"However, it is indeed necessary to inform Yuanliuzhai..."


Ten days later, Wuchen finally stepped out of the fourth team lazily.

As soon as he stepped out of the fourth team's duel, a man with a height of nearly three meters stood in front of Wuchen.

"Captain Komamura, you don't go to patrol on a sunny day. You are blocked by the fourth division to greet me. I'm so embarrassed that I'm so enthusiastic, I'm so flattered."

Holding his hands, Wuchen said with a smile, his mouth was like that, but his face had a chilling meaning, this fellow must have come for Dongxian.

"The seventh division of this old man is the Inner Court Guard, responsible for the safety of the Jingling Court. Originally, I had to deal with Dongxian on that day, but who would have thought that he would cling to you..."

Speaking of this, Komaura Zuozhen's voice was extremely melancholy and extremely complicated, but then he remembered what Dongxian wanted, his tone suddenly became cold, and said: "This old man and Dongxian have been together for a hundred years, and I understand him. He will definitely not do such a thing in the soul world, and this sudden defection must be unspeakable."

When Wuchen heard the words, his face suddenly condensed with a cold light, and he sneered: "Unspeakable? A joke! A rotten peach is a rotten peach. It is an indisputable fact that Dongxian wants to defect. Since you believe so much in what Dongxian wants, then go to the virtual circle by yourself. Ask him if he is okay, I still have something to do, farewell."

After saying that, Wuchen passed by.

"Stop, the old man didn't allow you to go!"

The only friend in the soul world betrayed him. Komamura Zuozhen was already on fire, but now Wuchen ignored him, and he pulled out his Zanpakutō in anger.

Clang clang! ! !

The cold light of Zanpakutō aimed at Wuchen, and the tone of Komaura Zuozhen was full of badness, "This old man's duty is to protect Jingling Court. Since you and Dongxian fought in Jingling Court that day, you must report the final result. give me!"

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