Naruto: Obito

Chapter 168

Zhi Ha looked at the black cloud above him, he was completely unable to let this cloud leave. Now he simply does not have such ability.

And he knew that Obito actually had this ability, but he didn’t do it, and if the flooding on the mountain continued, staying and Obito would definitely make a move.

“I’ll take the soil and forget it, I admit that I don’t have as much ability as you, but you don’t feel that now the entire Uchiha clan has gathered in the current village.”

“But if this heavy rain continues, your entire village will be flooded, even if you Uchiha Obito is a very capable person, but you will not be able to compete with this natural phenomenon.”

“Shinra Tenzheng.” Waves of fluctuations slowly spread from Obito’s hands.

And at this moment, this fluctuation has spread to his own upwind, Madara can see that all Obito is doing now is to change the direction of the entire cloud.

Moreover, it can also be seen that the clouds are slowly changing their orientation under the impetus of the power of the earth, and have slowly drifted away into the distance.

The drifting of this cloud can be seen with the soil, and the rain is getting smaller and smaller, and at this time Uchiha also saw the miracle of the soil.

“Obito. I really didn’t expect that your current ability has reached such a strong point, I am completely obedient, from now on you will include me in your Xiao organization. ”

“Ben. I have been waiting for your words for a long time, you must know that you and I have been an old man for so many years, and for so long. ”

“You take great care of me, think about how I can’t bear to want to destroy you, not to mention that it is very difficult for you to come back from resurrection this time, so I have been waiting for you here for a long time.”

Uchiha didn’t expect Obito to say such a thing, originally he felt like Obito begging for mercy.

Then according to this friendship between himself and Obito, he should be able to let himself go.

What’s more, this time he just wanted to stay in his organization and serve him, and now he found that Obito had already calculated this.

So whether Obito calculated himself or the Daimaru Snake was a thing he didn’t know at all.

The most important thing is that now the big pill snake is also sending some signals to himself, Uchiha Madara does not know how to answer.

Obito was chatting with the two of Ban while carefully observing the flood coming down the mountain, and Obito could feel it at this time.

The floods on the mountain have slowly decreased a lot, and they have all entered the chasm they have dug, and it seems that this time the crisis has basically been lifted.

It’s just that now for Obito, it hopes to clearly see that this crisis has been lifted by itself, rather than guessing or considering, so the two people did not leave.

Instead, they continued to stay in this place, because both of them knew that if something suddenly happened this time, the two of them might be able to heal in time.

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