"Soldiers, soldiers, quickly catch these lowlifes and let me kill them!" The exhausted daimyo shouted to the soldiers around him.

Although he was exhausted, his body was out of control and he killed the people around him again.

And those soldiers seemed to think they had heard it wrong. What was this order?

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up? Do you want to tire me to death?" The daimyo looked at the soldier standing there motionless and questioned.

"But, but..." A soldier felt that this was inappropriate and wanted to refuse.

But the daimyo was exhausted at this moment, and his mind was not very clear. He was full of thoughts that he wanted to rest, and he could only rest by killing all these lowlifes.

It didn't matter whether Doflamingo meant this, he thought so anyway!

So he interrupted the soldier's words, "Do you want to disobey orders?"

The soldier said with difficulty: "Yes!"

Then, some soldiers began to arrest civilians. Of course, a small number of soldiers felt that this was inappropriate, but they did not stop other people from doing this.

"No, don't come over."

"You are helping the tyrant!"

"Daimyo, you will not die well."

The mood of the people has changed from fear to despair. Now, some resistance has appeared!

Some people even ran straight to the daimyo, wanting to kill him, but were stopped by the soldiers!

"No, it shouldn't be like this. The daimyo shouldn't be like this. The existence of the daimyo should make the people safe and happy, not slaughter them at will!"

"You don't deserve to be a daimyo!"

Just then, a soldier officer, looking at the streets around him that looked like a slaughterhouse, rushed towards the daimyo with tears and roars!

"What are you going to do? Stop him!" The daimyo looked at the person rushing towards him in horror.

However, his words did not get a response. Looking around, everyone looked at him with hatred.

Even the soldiers who had just listened to his orders stopped at this moment and looked at him coldly!


The officer's long knife pierced the daimyo's heart without any hindrance.

The daimyo couldn't believe until his death that he would die at the hands of his own soldiers!

At this moment, Doflamingo also noticed the death of the daimyo, so he removed the birdcage. The existence of the birdcage was just to create panic and prevent the daimyo from escaping. If the plan succeeded, he would not kill all the civilians. After all, they were his future people!

"咈咈咈咈, the daimyo is dead, do you still want to continue to resist? Let me remind you that the daimyo was killed by his own soldiers for massacring civilians!"


Doflamingo's words deeply stimulated the only three remaining ninjas in front of him. They once again realized the horror of Doflamingo, who was not only powerful, but also cunning and cruel!

"What do you want?" The leading ninja gave up resistance and asked.

Seeing this, the other two ninjas also gave up resistance.

"I want to become the new daimyo, you can continue to serve me!" Doflamingo rarely became serious.

The three ninjas looked at each other and said, "Okay, we promise you."

"咈咈咈咈咈, a wise choice!" Doflamingo laughed.

In the next few days, he subdued the ministers and killed those who refused to obey. Under Doflamingo's bloody suppression, he soon became the new daimyo of Long Country!

And this news also spread to Longyin Village!

"What do you think about this?" The leader of Longyin Village, Shibuki, asked several elders. (The author did not find out how old Shibuki was, so he was temporarily set as the leader of Longyin Village.)

"I think this is not our business, and it has already happened. It's too late for us to stop it. As long as Long Country continues to give us Longyin Village funding, it will have no impact on us." An elder said.

"Nonsense, the daimyo of Long Country gave us funding, but we let him die in the hands of the arresters. I think we should avenge him!" Another elder slammed the table and said angrily.

"How to take revenge? That man is not weak either. The ten jonins who guard him didn't hurt him at all. Is that his full strength? If we take revenge, how many excellent ninjas will Longyin Village lose?" Another elder retorted.

"If we just recognize his daimyo status and we remain indifferent, how will the ninja world view us?"

For a while, the meeting room became noisy. Some supported Doflamingo, while others opposed him. Shibuki was a little overwhelmed.

"Okay, send out an envoy tomorrow to talk to the new daimyo first to see his attitude and strength, and then we'll talk!" Shibuki finally made the decision and set the rules.

The elders no longer objected.

Two days later, the people Shibuki sent returned and finally recognized Doflamingo's daimyo status.


Back to Uchiha Wu, he had a good rest these two days and was full of energy. It was time to set out for the mission.

However, before that, Uchiha Wu first created a shadow clone and left it at home to prevent anyone from discovering that he had left the village.

Originally, Uchiha Wu wanted to leave Karin to his clone, but Karin refused to agree and insisted on going with Wu, saying that if she got hurt, she could just bite herself and she would be fine!

Uchiha Wu... agreed!

Let me make it clear first, I am not afraid of death, but because I can't stand the pitiful eyes of this little guy, well, that's it!

When it was night, Uchiha Wu took advantage of the night and easily left the village. After all, with his strength, it is difficult for ordinary people to find him!

Even if he was found, he could get away with a hypnosis, search for a thief~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

After going out, Uchiha Wu released Karin. He couldn't stay in the pupil space all the time, otherwise he would get sick sooner or later.

Soon, the two of them, one big and one small, arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Wind. Uchiha Wu was better, but Karin was miserable. The sky was full of dust and the scorching sun. The whole person was like being put in an oven.

"Wu, how far is it? I want to... I can't do it anymore." Karin said with her tongue sticking out, as if this could dissipate heat.

"I've told you so many times, call me brother." Uchiha Wu said.

"No, you... you're not much older than me." Uzumaki Karin said, with a blush on her face, not sure if it was because of the heat or something else.

"How about... you call me daddy?" Uchiha Wu said with a bit of suicidal intent.

"Go to hell!" Uzumaki Karin roared!


Uchiha Wu laughed at the furious Uzumaki Karin, and the two of them fought and quarreled all the way until they finally arrived at an ancient city that had lost its fortune, the ancient city of Loulan!

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