After that,

Duanmu Yeqi began to demonstrate the basic steps of alchemy. He first showed how to prepare the materials and tools needed for alchemy, and then explained in detail the method of drawing the"circle array" in alchemy and the precautions.

"The circle is the core of alchemy," he explained,"it represents the laws of alchemy and the bridge of communication. When drawing the circle, we need to inject our will and mental strength into it, so as to activate the power of alchemy."

Just like this, Duanmu Yeqi took out a metal ore and placed it on an open space in the classroom. As the first teaching, he had to draw every detail of the circle by hand so that students could understand and learn. When alchemy reaches a high level, the circle does not need to be drawn every time. It is memorized in the heart. Mental power is the best pen, and the circle will appear when the mind thinks of it.

Duanmu Yeqi continued:"Now, let me explain in detail how to use alchemy to refine this metal ore into a weapon."

He walked to the metal ore again, pointed at the ore and said:"First of all, we must be clear about the items we want to refine. It can be a kunai, a long sword, etc. Your imagination determines the final form of the item you refine. Therefore, in alchemy, a clear imagination of the final product is very important."

"Let's take the long sword as an example. First, you need to conceive the shape, size and other details of the long sword in your mind."

"Next, we start drawing the circle."Duanmu Yeqi said as he began to draw a complex pattern on the ground with chalk,"This circle is the foundation of alchemy. It can transmit our will and mental power to the ore and guide it to change."

He explained in detail the meaning of each symbol and line in the circle, as well as their role in the alchemical process. The students listened attentively, afraid to miss any details.

After drawing the circle, Duanmu Yeqi began to inject his mental power into it.

He closed his eyes and placed his hands on the circle.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said,"Now, we are going to start guiding the ore to change.

" After he finished speaking, he integrated his mental power into the circle, and suddenly, the circle glowed brightly, and the light was dazzling, like the scorching sun.

As the light surged, a mysterious and powerful energy spread in the air, which made people feel both shocked and awed.

Qiu Dao's little fat ball widened his eyes and said in surprise,"Wow, is this the power of alchemy? It's amazing!"

Xi Yu also stared at the circle intently, and she whispered:"What exactly is this power? The teacher actually created a new cultivation system."

Duanmu Yeqi smiled and looked at the students' amazed expressions. He knew that at this moment, they were deeply attracted by the charm of alchemy.

He continued:"Now, what you see is the true power of alchemy. It can transform our will into substantial energy, thereby changing the form of matter."

"Unlike ninjutsu, which can also change the form of matter, this change will not last long. As the chakra dissipates, the changes will disappear. But alchemy is different. Its changes are permanent."

As he spoke, the form of the metal ore in the circle has changed.

The fat ball Akimichi shouted excitedly:"Look! It's turned into a sword!"

Xiyu also exclaimed:"It's incredible, it's really turning into a long sword!"

Amid the students' exclamations, the metal ore turned into a long sword under the effect of the laws of alchemy. The sword body flashed with a cold light, as if it contained endless sharpness and power.

"Guess what is the difference between this sword and an ordinary metal sword." Duanmu Yeqi picked up the sword and showed it to the students.

Qiu Dao, the little fat ball, scratched his head and said in confusion:"It seems to be sharper and harder?"

"That's right, the quality and performance of the long sword refined by alchemy have been significantly improved."Duanmu Yeqi explained,"Alchemy can optimize the internal structure of matter, making it denser and more uniform, thereby increasing its hardness and toughness. This long sword is not only sharper now, but also more durable. It can be said that it can cut iron like mud."

"Of course, this is not the most amazing thing about it, everyone just watch it."

Duanmu Yeqi waved his hand and injected chakra into the long sword. In an instant, the sword body glowed brightly, and chakra spread all over the sword body.

"It turned out to be a chakra weapon....."

The students below all cried out in surprise. You know, in this ninja world, chakra weapons are very rare. Only some big families have one or two. Ordinary people can't afford one in their lifetime unless they have a chance.

"Yes, you read it right, this is the chakra weapon."Duanmu Yeqi nodded affirmatively, and then said,"Through alchemy, we can not only change the form of matter, but also change its molecular structure so that it can accommodate chakra."

He looked around and saw the shocked expressions of the students, and he was very satisfied. He continued:"The potential of alchemy is infinite. As long as you have enough imagination and creativity, you can refine all kinds of items you want. And this chakra weapon is just one example."

"Moreover, I want to tell you that changing the structure of matter is only the basis of alchemy. It has even more powerful abilities waiting for you to explore."

"Of course, these are still too far away for you. Now what you need to do is to memorize every symbol on the circle. So, students, your task today is to face the circle on the ground....Copy the painting 100 times."

After saying this, there was a wailing in the classroom. The students looked at the complicated circle on the ground with bitter faces, feeling a headache.

"Teacher, 100 times is too much, can you reduce it a bit?" Qiu Dao, the little fat ball, begged with a bitter face.

"Yes, teacher, we will practice seriously, but we can't finish copying 100 times by tomorrow." Other students echoed, all with bitter faces.

Duanmu Yeqi looked at the expressions of the students and knew that they were going to bargain again. That's why he deliberately set a high goal. If you want to master alchemy, you must work hard and sweat. Drawing a circle is the basis of alchemy. Only by mastering the circle can you perform more advanced alchemy operations.

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will reduce the number of times for the others to 50. As for Hengshan, since I haven't finished the last assignment, you still have to copy it 100 times."Duanmu Yeqi said after pretending to be in deep thought.

Hearing this, Qiu Dao's little fat ball immediately made a bitter face,"No, teacher, if I copy it 100 times, I will have nothing to eat when I go home." Ignoring his wailing, the other students cheered.

""Objection is futile," Duanmu Yeqi changed the subject and said seriously,"Reducing the burden does not mean that you can be sloppy. I want you to draw carefully every time, and draw every symbol and every line accurately. I will check your homework, and if I find that you are perfunctory, the punishment will be heavier."

The students nodded to show that they understood that alchemy required rigor and precision, and any negligence could lead to failure.

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