When Li Jinwu found Inuzuka Hana, after giving her the flowers he bought, he could clearly feel Inuzuka Hana’s joy.

After the joy, Inuzuka Hana asked about Li Zhenwu’s assessment: “You came back so soon… Is it a failure? ”

Inuzuka herself didn’t quite believe this result, after all, Li Zhenwu’s strength she had seen with her own eyes, but if she hadn’t failed, how could Li Zhenwu get out of the Zhongnin exam so quickly?

You know, in the last joint of the Chūnin exam, the exam will be held in the village, and it is not yet that time.

“I personally went out on the horse, how can there be such a thing as failure.” Li Zhenwu smiled and stretched: “Because my strength is too strong, I passed in advance, and I am now a middle ninja.” ”

“That’s awesome.” Inuzuka Hana exclaimed, but immediately, she was a little lost: “Then, isn’t our squad going to disperse?” ”

In fact, when they realized that Li Zhenwu’s strength was getting stronger and stronger, Inuzuka Hana and Ignorant Fire Gensui had already sensed that the existence of their team might not be too long.

Generally speaking, the team is balanced and can complement each other in all aspects, but Li Zhenwu’s own strength is too strong.

Even, not long after graduating from ninja school, he has already become a ninja.

Inuzuka Hana realized this.

“That’s how it should be.” Li Zhenwu nodded: “In the future, I will go on various other missions for Konoha.” ”

Seeing that Inuzuka Hana seemed to be a loli, Li Zhenwu quickly comforted: “It’s nothing, even if our squad is disbanded, after all, they are still ninjas of Konoha.” I will look for you when I return to the village later. ”

Li Zhenwu said with a nonchalant smile, which made the reluctance in Inuzuka Hana’s heart dissipate a little.


As he said with Inuzuka Hana, Li Jinwu will not go on missions with Inuzuka Hana and Buji Gensui in the future.

Because in the Hokage Building, he and the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash have already decided on his future direction.

A privileged ninja exclusively in charge of three generations of Hokage!

This, probably also his privilege as a disciple of the third generation of Hokage, in Konoha, almost Nakayou is particularly shinobi and upper ninja, only have the right to be directly responsible for the Hokage, and Li Zhenwu obtained such a privilege with just a middle ninja!

In other words, if Li Zhenwu wants to carry out a mission in the future, he can go directly through the O’s mission in the third generation of Hokage, and then go to the heart.

And because of the agreement with the three generations of Hokage, the three generations of Hokage will also specially assign some tasks for him to get to fight!

It’s just that before officially carrying out this kind of combat mission, the three generations of Hokage will also conduct special training for Li Zhenwu for a period of time to teach him more knowledge.

Konoha, outside the village, a secluded place.

Li Zhenwu and the three generations of Hokage are here, and the three generations of Hokage are going to give Li Zhenwu a technique.

Before this, the three generations of Hokage had also taught Li Zhenwu several techniques, but today he came to this remote place specifically because the techniques he wanted to teach him were somewhat special.


The psychic class belongs to a type of space-time ninjutsu. One is blood contract summoning, which can summon creatures to assist ninja in battle, and it is necessary to sign a blood contract with the summoned creature to summon, and the size of the summoned creature is also related to the amount of its own chakra

And the things that psychic can summon are also different.

There are animal psychic, which is a summoned beast that signs a contract.

There is a kind of ninja psychic psychic, such as the ninja beast of the Inuzuka clan.

There is also a kind of psychic, which is a special prop psychic.

Now, what the three generations of Hokage Ape Fei taught Li Zhenwu was a ninja beast psychic.

“Some psychic beast contracts, only those they approve can sign, such as your senior brother Zilaiye’s psychic beast Toad family, which is handed down by their ancestors, his ancestor once subdued the psychic beasts of the entire toad family, so the descendants can directly summon the psychic beasts in the toad group, this depends on the number of summoners Chakra.”

The third generation of Hokage said slowly: “In comparison, another kind of psychic is more common, such as the ninja beast of your teammate Inuzuka family, they cultivate ninja beasts from an early age, grow up together, and can share each other in many ways, so ninja beasts can grow as their owners grow.” ”

“In addition to the Inuzuka clan, Akai’s psychic is also the ninja turtle he raised. And my psychic is the same type. ”

The third generation of Hokage said, “I will teach you this psychic technique.” ”

Psychic beasts are a high-end technique for ninjas, and ordinary ninjas will not, or they will not have the conditions to have psychic beasts.

Therefore, the psychic beast in the Naruto world is almost a high-end configuration of a ninja.

And the three generations of Hokage handed over to Li Zhenwu for psychic arts, naturally considering the problem of psychic beasts.

Therefore, after teaching Li Zhenwu psychic techniques, he also pointed out the way for Li Zhenwu to obtain ninja beasts….

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