Kakashi could not have imagined how Li Jinmu was able to master the ‘Chidori’ so quickly.

Moreover, the most difficult part of Chidori is the final release, if there is no strong pupil power to control and see the surrounding scenery control direction, then this ninjutsu not only can not fight the enemy, but also cause damage to yourself.

Kakashi couldn’t think of how Li Jinmu did it, so when Li Jinmu slowly withdrew his hand, and when the tree that had exploded from the bottom and opened a big hole and fell walked back, Kakashi asked directly.

“You… How did the final step be achieved? ”

Li Zhenwu had just released such a powerful ninjutsu, and he was a little tired, but he felt that as long as it was a little longer, he would be able to recover completely.

After listening to Kakashi’s question, Li Zhenwu smiled slightly: “Talent.” ”


Kakashi was speechless, but the shock in his heart never dissipated, but deep in his heart, at this moment, he also recognized that Li Zhenwu was worthy of the title of Konoha monster!

“Okay, since Kakashi-sama’s Chidori has been handed over to me, then I will teach you the afterimage avatar technique.”

Instead of explaining to Kakashi why he was able to use Chidori perfectly without pupil power, Lee Jinmu began to reciprocate and give Kakashi his afterimage avatar technique.

But in fact, how did Li Zhenwu achieve the perfect performance of ‘Thousand Birds’?

This is purely the powerful talent of the Saiyans.

The pupil power of the chakra eye ensures that the user can see and see the surrounding scenery clearly during the journey of the thousand birds.

But the physique of the Saiyans also made Li Zhenwu’s eyesight reach a very terrifying realm, and he had a strong sense of adaptation.

In addition, after identifying the target, Li Zhenwu seemed to be able to sense the other party’s breath, and the target shone like a beacon in his eyes, so the use of ‘Thousand Birds’ is naturally not a problem!

Kakashi was also curious about Lee Jin-mu’s ‘Afterimage Doppelganger’.

When Li Zhenwu performed the Afterimage Doppelganger Technique to show him, he was almost confused for a while, if it weren’t for the fact that he quietly opened the Sharingan, he really couldn’t detect the true connotation of the Afterimage Doppelgänger Technique.

It was only when he saw that this technique was so miraculous that Kakashi was very interested in learning with Li Jinwu.

The Residual Image Fist is not a profound martial art in the Dragon Ball system, and many martial artists can directly learn this trick on the spot.

However, that is also based on being a martial artist himself.

At the beginning, Li Zhenwu was a Saiyan, and the system was directly instilled, so he directly learned the Afterimage Fist.

But when Li Jinwu wanted to give the Afterimage Fist to Kakashi, a native ninja of the Naruto world, it was a little difficult.

It wasn’t until it was dark that Kakashi could barely separate an illusory afterimage.

“Okay, the rest is continuous practice.”

Seeing that Kakashi had achieved this, Li Jinwu nodded.

The so-called afterimage avatar technique, in fact, the real key is still in the afterimage fist, as long as you learn the afterimage fist, then the afterimage avatar technique is not difficult to practice.

“It’s amazing…” Kakashi sweated profusely and slowly exhaled, unable to help but marvel a little.

Afterimage fist is different from the afterimage created by speed, but it is a more powerful technique, and even can make the afterimage have a weak attack, which is more magical than the avatar technique.

Kakashi sighed sincerely, and his gaze towards Li Jinwu changed again.

The two exchanged ninjutsu, and after that, the two said goodbye.

Li Jinwu admired Kakashi a little, and was able to invent such a powerful and powerful ninjutsu as Chidori.

And Kakashi also secretly admired Li Zhenwu, feeling that he was so old that he had created such a magical ninjutsu as the Afterimage Doppelganger, but he didn’t know that Li Zhenwu just combined the Afterimage Fist and the Doppelganger.

Unaware that he had become the object of Kakashi’s admiration, Li Jinmu returned to his home and reunited with his parents.

Taking advantage of the time for the reunion in the past few days, Li Zhenwu was about to leave the village to do a mission.

In addition to reuniting with his family, in the remaining days, Li Zhenwu contacted the various ninjutsu he had recently learned while waiting for the three generations of Hokage Ape to send him a mission.

After about five more days in the village, Li Zhenwu finally received a summons from three generations.

“Finally out of the village.” Li Zhenwu was slightly excited, feeling that the sea was wide by the leap of the fish, and the sky was high and the birds were flying… arrived.

With such a mood, Li Zhenwu went to Hokage’s office.

“Sarutobei-sensei, is there a mission?” Li Zhenwu asked directly.

“That’s right.” The third Hokage nodded, “There is now a mission that requires a lot of combat…”

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