Tailed beast jade, or it can also be called tailed beast cannon, or tailed beast bullet.

It is a ninjutsu that can be used by tailed beasts or human pillar forces, and for tailed beasts, this move can be described as an instinctive use.

The two-tailed and cat-like form jumped high, and before it fell, it had opened its huge mouth.

In its mouth, a black tailed beast jade, which had grown from small to large, was about to blurt out.

“It’s not good, Zhenwu quickly dodge!” Seeing this scene in the distance, he immediately thought of the Nine-Tails Rebellion that occurred in Konoha four years ago.

The horror of the nine-tailed beast cannon appeared in his mind, and he immediately shouted vigorously, reminding Li Zhenwu to dodge.

Li Zhenwu is naturally not stupid… From this tailed beast jade, he felt a strong threat, and even gave him a sense of crisis between life and death.

In this case, Li Zhenwu naturally would not be stupid to resist this tailed beast cannon.

In fact, the power of the tailed beast cannon is very large, and the range that can be affected is also very wide, Li Zhenwu was originally straight below, and at this moment he escaped quite unchanged, even if he was fast, it was difficult to escape in this terrain.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu had to hurry up and seal the seal.



While using the Doppelgänger Technique to interfere with the sight of the two tails, Li Zhenwu also cast a substitute technique to get himself out of the range of the tailed beast cannon’s attack.

The attack speed of the tailed beast cannon was extremely fast, from blurting out to directly bombarding the ground, but in the blink of an eye, Li Zhenwu was able to escape at this moment.

Rao is so, there is still a wave of aftermath that violently hit Li Zhenwu’s body, and the huge explosion made him fly forward, rolling on the ground several times like a rolling gourd before stopping, and the whole person was already embarrassed.

Finally stopped his body, Li Zhenwu was sore, although he had escaped the attack, but he was taken care of fiercely by the aftermath of the tailed beast jade.

After standing up, I looked back and found that where I was standing, a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared!

And just took the sound, it was even more earth-shattering, not only caused a large pit nearly 100 meters in size, but also caused five or six meters below the ground to sink, and beyond the 100-meter pit, there were cracked spider web-like cracks extending out.

“It’s so powerful.” Li Zhenwu secretly smacked his tongue, this kind of power, I am afraid that even a small mountain can be destroyed.

The tailed beast jade caused a huge smoke and earth qi to spread around, and it gradually dissipated after a while, and the second tail brigade had already fallen to the ground.

“In the case of this high-intensity outbreak, I don’t believe how long the pillar power of the two Yumu people can last, otherwise it will slowly be consumed!” Li Zhenwu said secretly, made up his mind, and stretched out his hand.

“Lei Duan. Plover! “Li Zhenwu made a seal, and on his right hand, a faint golden high-intensity current was gathering, emitting ‘Whoops!’ It’s like the sound of birds chirping.

This voice became more and more dense, more and more noisy, and the unknown fire gen, who was hiding in the distance, was already stunned: “It turned out to be a thousand birds!” ”

The premier ninjutsu in the ninja world, Konoha’s unique ninjutsu, the power and prestige of the thousand birds are undoubted, and the difficulty of this technique is also well known.

That’s why at this moment, I don’t know that Huo Xuanma will be so surprised, Li Zhenwu actually learned this technique!

Finally, the current in Li Zhenwu’s hand carried a trace of lightning, and when thousands of birds were constantly calling, this technique had been completed in the initial stage.

And under the effect of this technique, Li Zhenwu’s body was also activated by the chakra of this ninjutsu, and his body was full of strength and had extraordinary speed.

“Let’s take it! Nio! ”

Li Zhenwu drank violently, and the whole person had already attacked!

Li Zhenwu, whose flesh and body are highly activated, has raised his speed up a notch in vain! The distance of hundreds of meters between him and the second tail seems to have not even reached the blink of an eye, and has left a shining afterimage in place, and the whole person has arrived in front of the second tail.

When the sound of the bird reached the peak of the boil, Li Zhenwu’s right hand slammed on the body of the second tail with the thousand birds!

“Boom!” Brilliant as fireworks, blue fireworks, golden chakra, and pale golden lightning were intertwined, exploding like a bomb was installed.

Chidori’s technique, in Kakashi’s hands, emphasizes the use of chakra eyes to control direction and can detect the weaknesses of opponents.

In Li Zhenwu’s hands, he didn’t have so much trouble, just relying on the Saiyan itself’s excellent dynamic vision and sense of breath, he directly punched out this technique.

It’s just that the second tail has a huge body, and Li Zhenwu’s thousand birds are not randomly hit.

He chose the part of the Hun mouth fossa of the second tail!

One of the hands where the thousand birds are located has been fiercely inserted into the two-tailed energy-transformed body at this moment, and the electricity in Li Zhenwu’s hand has not dissipated, and the collision sent out the last brilliance, exploding part of the two-tailed body before gradually dissipating!

But Li Zhenwu did not take his hand out of the mouth of the second tail, but looked serious and spit out a few words in his mouth.

“Wan! Country! Surprise! Sky! Palm! ”

Blah blah!!!

The Heaven-shattering Palm of All Nations, which was propelled by his body qi, was used by Li Zhenwu, and a dense blue electric current of tens of thousands of watts emanated from his palm.

“Roar!” The second tail roared unconsciously, his body shaking uncontrollably, and his tail was wagging wildly.

Li Zhenwu gritted his teeth, resisted the pressure, and continued to increase the output of the earth-shattering palm of all nations.

“Grab your lifeline!” Li Zhenwu gritted his teeth and insisted, looking at Chakra’s consumption of harmony made him pale, but there was also a slight smile on his face.

Erwei roared madly and lost consciousness, but Li Zhenwu’s qi seemed to not want the output of money, supplying the earth-shattering palm of all nations.

Slowly, Erwei’s body blurred, and the energetic body looked bleak.

Moreover, its body is still gradually shrinking, revealing the two female ninja Yugito’s eyes closed, and the trembling and trembling figure of the earth-shattering palm of all nations.

“Poof!” Li Zhenwu retracted his hand with an extremely pale face, and the bodies of the two wooden people fell weakly, splashing some dust.

The consumption of his qi almost hollowed out his body, but fortunately, the earth-shattering palm of all nations and the land pulled the two Yumu out of the state of complete tailed beasthood.

“This… Unexpectedly defeated the two-tailed human pillar force that was completely tailed and beastly? Unbeknownst to him, with his own shock, Huo Genma rushed over from the place where he was hiding.

(There is a mysterious place, there are new things every day, a lot of anime resources, interesting topics, this code word is quietly given to you, know it: 124.) 981。 789。 )

ps: In addition, ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!

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