On the third day after defeating the two Yugito and returning from captivity, Konoha’s side and the Yunyin Ninja Village finally negotiated the exchange of hostages.

Konoha’s side returned the two Yukito, the two-tailed people, to the Yunyin Ninja Village, and the Yunyin Ninja Village not only had to release some Konoha’s ninjas, but also needed to give a large amount of materials as a chief.

After all, in terms of status and value, a two-tailed human pillar power that is one of the few in the entire ninja world is much higher than the value of ordinary ninjas.

Because it is necessary to exchange important prisoners and save the Konoha ninja from the other side, plus there are still a group of houses, the force sent by Konoha’s side should not be underestimated.

In addition to Li Jinwu, a powerful and terrifying Hokage disciple, there are also elite Shinobi and special Shinobi like Kakashi who don’t know about Hogenma.

To exchange hostages, it is natural to take the hostages over.

Therefore, when Li Zhenwu and the others set out from the station to exchange hostages, they had to take the two Yugi people with them.

This was also the first time Li Zhenwu had seen her since he had captured the two Yumu people last time.

The two Yugito are very weak, but they are awake, and their bodies are tied to prevent her from running away.

“Hi, long time no see.” As soon as they met, Li Zhenwu greeted with a cordial smile, as if they were really two old friends.

“Despicable boy! Like a monkey! Unlike Li Zhenwu’s attitude, Erwei couldn’t help but see Li Zhenwu, gritting his teeth and full of anger.

She still thinks in her heart that Li Zhenwu’s way of defeating her is not bright.

“Success and defeat, you loser = person, you are really not qualified to say such things.”

Li Zhenwu didn’t care, but shook his head.

“If you come to stand up and jump up and down like a monkey, you will definitely not be my opponent!” Erwei couldn’t help but look cold and not angry.

“It’s not interesting for you to say that.”

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly and said, “According to what you said, if it weren’t for the existence of the two-tailed brigade in your body, where would you have the strength to fight me?” Or, if I’m your age, I can defeat you with one finger in a head-on battle. ”

Li Zhenwu asked rhetorically: “In this way, is it considered fair?” If I’m the same age as you, don’t say it’s you, even if all nine tailed beasts are together, what is it in my eyes? ”

“In the ninja world, the winner is king, and if you fail, what qualifications do you have to say such unfair things?”

Li Zhenwu’s words seemed to be righteous.

Kakashi and Kakashi on the side were already stunned, and Huai heard something.

“He said that when he was the same as the two Yugi, it was nothing for the nine tailed beasts to go together?” When the two people heard Li Zhenwu’s words, they both felt that Li Zhenwu’s words… It’s a bit big!

If the Six Dao Immortals were reborn, it would be persuasive to say such words, and now although Li Zhenwu is perverted in strength and young, Kakashi and the two can’t believe it when they say such words.

However, in addition to this sentence, the other words of the mentor made the two Yugito silent and speechless.

“Let’s go, let’s go and exchange hostages.”

In the eyes of Kakashi and Unknown Fire Genma, Li Jinwu did not feel uncomfortable after ‘bragging’, but was very relaxed to continue on the road.

In their hearts, they all thought that Li Zhenwu’s words just now were a little exaggerated and bragging, and they didn’t know that Li Zhenwu’s words were actually said modestly!

The two Yugito were only reacted by Li Zhenwu’s words, remembering the information they had obtained, Li Zhenwu is only four years old now, and he has only graduated from the ninja school for less than three months, even so, he has been able to defeat his completely tailed self.

Thinking about it like this, the two Yugito were simply depressed and wanted to vomit blood, and they were even more embarrassed to open their mouths casually along the way.

Moreover, the two Yugi had a sense of sadness and indignation in their hearts, thinking whether they should have crashed to death and ended up with their lives, and they were defeated by a four-year-old Konoha ninja!

Although this ninja is known as the ‘Konoha monster’…


The place of the exchange of hostages was set in an open area in the middle of the two.

Here the ground is open and flat, and it is difficult to hide in a general ambush, and at a glance, the other party will be at a glance, so both sides will be more at ease.

Moreover, the ninjas on both sides only sent three of them over.

When Li Zhenwu and his party came with the two Yugijin, the captives, it took a while for the Yunyin Ninja Village to arrive late.

There were many people in this group, in addition to the three Yunnin, there were five Konoha ninjas, as well as materials pushing two carts.

“Here it is.” In the distance, Kakashi Kiki was the first to see each other, and his eyesight was visible.

And Li Zhenwu also sensed their breath when he saw the other party’s group.

In Li Zhenwu’s induction through ‘qi’, the opponent’s three cloud ninja are very strong, and the aura of the one led by cloud ninja is not even weaker than Kakashi next to him, and it is not worse than the two half-tailed beasts from the wooden people.

Kakashi Kiki watched from afar, raised his hand and gently pulled his mask, seeing the other party clearly through the eyes of the chakra.

Then Kakashi’s voice said with some seriousness: “The person at the head of the other party is Darui, the premier elite in the Yunyin Ninja Village!” Be careful later! ”

Kiki Kakashi took the ‘affectionate paradise’ in his hand in his arms and became serious, because the other party’s strength was strong and should not be underestimated.

“Just be strong.” On the contrary, Li Zhenwu was full of interest, and he was not worried that he would start a fight later.

On the contrary, he also wants to fight and then have a fight with the other party!

After a while, the team of Yunyin Ninja Village had already arrived, and the two teams faced each other head-on.

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