“What kind of thing are you that deserve to make me scared?”

Li Zhenwu’s wind was light, understated but revealed disdainful words, and Darui’s complexion had changed.

Not to mention Li Zhenwu, even if it is a ‘shadow’ from a ninja village at this moment, it will make Darui feel insulted.

What’s more, now, it was just Li Zhenwu who said such things in front of him.

Although he knew Li Zhenwu’s achievements and understood that the two Yugi people were defeated and captured by Li Zhenwu, Darui really couldn’t imagine that Li Zhenwu in front of him would have such strong strength?

It was with such thoughts that after Li Zhenwu said that disdainful words, Darui’s feelings were even worse

A nameless fire seemed to rise from the heart.

Darui spoke again, and his words were already filled with the coldness of Sen Han: “The words are too big, be careful to flash to the tongue!” ”

“Whether it’s a big deal or not, you’ll know if you try it.” Li Zhenwu was satisfied in his heart, he spoke like this just to make the other party angry, and then of course he had a fight.

Using the induction of qi, Li Zhenwu felt that Darui should not be weaker than the two wooden people, not to mention that Darui is still the future fifth generation of Thunder Ying, how can it be weak?

So Li Zhenwu deliberately used words to stimulate him.

“It’s so rushing to find death, good! Then it will be you! Darui said coldly.

“Be careful, this kid is powerful, a real monster! Even after I was completely animalized, I still lost to him. Suddenly, the two Yugito on the side spoke, reminding Darui.

“The complete tailed beasthood was also defeated by him?”

Darui was slightly shocked, he thought that the reason why the two Yugi people were defeated was mostly because the enemy was surprisingly victorious, but he did not expect that the two Yugi were defeated after they were completely tailed and beasted!

What is the concept of complete tail animalization? That’s a power at the top of the ninja realm!

And this is such a force, unexpectedly no match for Li Zhenwu in front of him?

Darui is not a reckless person, listening to the solemn reminder of the two Yugiren, he immediately put away the contempt in his heart, turned his face seriously, and took Li Zhenwu seriously.

Darui suppressed the anger in his heart, avoiding waiting for the battle that would affect him, while slowly saying to Li Zhenwu: “Since you just spoke so much, then let me learn your strength.” ”

While speaking, Darui pulled out his big knife.

“Another one with weapons.”

Li Zhenwu’s brows frowned imperceptibly, a little unhappy.

If the opponent uses weapons, if he does not, he is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, because he often cannot withstand the blow of the opponent’s sophisticated weapons.

“Maybe next time I should come with a thunder knife. Teeth, not only sharp, but also able to control lightning and pull the wind. Li Zhenwu said secretly in his heart, remembering the thunder knife he got from the Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth on his last mission.

Although he thinks so, in fact, Li Zhenwu still likes the feeling of bare hands.

The other party pulled out and took out the knife, which was quite unfavorable for Li Zhenwu, who had always fought closely.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu took a slight breath, his hands suddenly exploded together, and he made a mark with a lightning speed.


Drinking low in his mouth, Li Zhenwu’s hand pressed the ground.

A psychic formation pattern appeared, and between the flashes, a flash of light, and the ape demon appeared inside.

“Lord Ape Demon, I’m going to trouble you, turn into a King Kong Ruyi Stick!”

As soon as he appeared, before the ape demon could adapt to the situation in front of him, he heard Li Zhenwu’s hearty voice.

“Zhenwu boy… Were you okay last time? The ape demon turned around and saw Li Zhenwu, who was alive, and was a little surprised.

Last time they fought side by side, but after the second tail completely transformed, Li Zhenwu sent the ape demon back in a pinch, in order to save some chakra, plus multiple sticks in his hand.

In the eyes of the ape demon, at that critical moment, without his own help, Li Zhenwu pointed out that he would be abused in a fixed amount, and maybe it was not impossible to directly cloud under the ferocity of the two tails.

And now Li Zhenwu is full of spirit, and he doesn’t look injured at all, which undoubtedly proves that he was not hurt last time.

“A two-tailed one, how can I have something.” Li Zhenwu shook his head: “Last time I already solved Erwei, this time it was to solve him!” ”

Li Zhenwu pointed to the shocked Darui on the other side.

Darui’s heart was shocked! He actually saw this famous psychic ninja ape demon whose name was not weak in the slightest and that of ordinary ninjas!

His shock came from the ape demon, the ape demon, as the ninja beast of the three generations of Hokage, in the ninja world is also spread throughout the ninja world with the name of the ape flying sun, and at this moment, the famous ape demon was summoned by Li Zhenwu.

“The intelligence said that Li Zhenwu was a disciple of the third generation of Hokage in Konoha, but he didn’t expect to inherit the psychic ninja beast of the third generation of Hokage.” Darui was shocked, he really believed at this moment that after the two Yumu people were completely tailed as beasts, they would also be defeated by Li Zhenwu!

On the other side, the ape demon had already turned his head and saw Darui.

“Another Yunnin! It seems that I have seen this kid in front of the third generation of Lei Ying. ”

The ape demon said that Darui used to be the personal guard of the three generations of Thunder Shadow, so it is not surprising that when the ape demon once followed the ape flying sun to see the thunder shadow, it was not surprising that he had seen Darui.

“This kid looks much better than Nio’s brigade.” The ape demon continued to speak, and Li Zhenwu who said it grinned.

“Whether it’s good or not, fight first. Lord Ape Demon, please, turn into King Kong Ruyi Stick! ”

“As you wish.” The ape demon nodded, did not continue to talk nonsense, his body shook, and he had transformed into a King Kong Ruyi stick, and then flew into Li Zhenwu’s hands.

“Yes, it’s not empty-handed now, then, let’s fight!”

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