The three generations of Hokage looked at Li’s father and Li’s mother in surprise, at this moment, their faces were rosy and full of spirit, where was there a look of being seriously injured and dying before, and losing too much blood!

“Uncles and aunts, you…” Li Luo also looked surprised, and his mouth opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost.

His laughing head still can’t understand, how can the uncle and couple who were still lying on the chuang just now?

“This is?”

The three generations of Hokage were equally shocked, he looked at Li’s father and Li’s mother, and then looked at his disciple Li Zhenwu.

The three generations of Hokage are experienced, and although they are surprised to see the Li family and his wife who have recovered at this moment, they can also think of the secret in an instant.

That’s why he looked at Li Zhenwu for the first time and wanted to ask.

After all, the Li family couple lay in bed for a few days without getting better, and they still looked half-dead, but Li Zhenwu had just returned, and they had perfectly returned to their healthy state before they were not injured. In this case, if this matter is artificial, then that ‘person’ must be Li Zhenwu.

However, Li Zhenwu did not answer immediately, but asked with a serious face: “Teacher Ape Fei, do you know why my parents were attacked?” And where is the murderer? ”

Faced with Li Zhenwu’s question, the eyes of the three generations of Hokage turned around on the two parents who left home, and then sighed: “Follow me, I’ll tell you.” ”

Although the three generations of Hokage intuitively ignored the two parties of the Li family and his wife, the two parties had no opinion, after all, they were just ordinary civilians, and only Li Zhenwu was a ninja, and he was qualified or had the strength to solve these things.

Therefore, after Li Zhenwu gave his parents a reassuring look, he followed the three generations of Hokage and went behind him.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper originally came over to comfort Li Zhenwu’s low mood after seeing his injured parents, but now that the Li family and his wife are magically well, Ape Flying Sun Chopper is not in a hurry, just thinking about how to tell Li Zhenwu about this matter.

They went straight to the Hokage’s office.

“Sit down.” Ape Flying Sun beckoned Li Zhenwu to sit down.

As soon as Li Zhenwu sat down, he asked again: “Teacher Yuan Fei, my parents’ affairs… What’s going on? ”

Sarutobi took his pipe and put it in his mouth to take a puff, highlighting the faint smoke, and then said, “The ninja who did it to your parents this time is from the outer village. ”

Sarutobi explained: “Because there is too much limelight in the exam, plus your own unusual character and your age, the entire ninja world almost knows. If someone thinks that you have a special blood succession limit, then someone will pry. ”

Ape Flying Sun smashed into his own hand. So there was an attack on your parents this time, alas, it was also a momentary negligence in the village that did not think of this. ”

“Is that so?” Li Yousi, his eyes were calm, “Then can you tell me that it was the ninja of that village who came to attack my parents this time?” ”

Li Zhenwu asked directly, and the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun were silent for a moment before replying: “After the ninja was stopped by the Konoha ninja on the spot, he also committed suicide without leaving any traces, but according to their shots, the village preliminarily judged to be Yunnin of Yunyin Ninja Village.” ”

“Yun Ren, it’s Cloud Patience again!” Li Zhenwu’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and he felt at this moment that when he entered the Yunnin station alone last time, he was still too good for them, and he didn’t kill many Yunnin, but just came back with the two Yugi.

“Next time, there won’t be such a good thing!” Li Zhenwu was angry in his heart, and decided that the next time he faced Yun Ren, there would definitely not be a trace of mercy!

“Zhenwu.” Seeing Li Zhenwu’s appearance, the three generations of Hokage spoke, but said in a very calm tone:

“Although there is now a tension between us in Konoha and the Kumoin Ninja Village, but… Konoha still tried his best to seek peace. The third Hokage said, “Because the price that can be paid for peace must be less laughing than the loss that can be caused by real war.” ”

“Now that it has only been a short time since the last ninja war, we in Konoha have not completely cultivated and recovered, if we fight again and again, then Konoha…”

Li Zhenwu clearly knew that what Ape Flying Sun Chopper said was very reasonable, but Li Zhenwu himself could not agree.

So Li Zhenwu spoke, “Why do you want to be so blindly tolerant.” ”

“Since the last time the Hyuga family, Yun Shinobu has been engaged in small actions, using despicable means to take the lead in breaking the peace treaty, in this case, why do we Konoha continue to tolerate it?”

Li Zhenwu continued: “Why did Yun Shinobu be dishonest many times later, threatening war at every turn, and we Konoha had to endure it many times? ”

“Sarutobei-sensei, do you mean to tell me these words now, do you want me to bear with it a little?” Li Zhenwu asked.

“I want to ask, why continue to tolerate? Why did you let Yun Ren be so rampant and insolent? And Konoha is blindly tolerant? ”

Li Zhenwu said, and the ape flying sun was stunned, and he was silent for a moment before saying.

“Although Konoha has been questioned by the most powerful village in the ninja world since the establishment of the village, over the years, the years of great wars, as well as the Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago, have weakened Konoha.”

Ape Fei Ri chopped, “So… Konoha needs peace for the time being. ”

Li Zhenwu shook his head and said solemnly: “It’s this kind of mentality that Yun Ren’s side has repeatedly gained an inch!” ”

“Konoha may need this kind of peace through tolerance, but what about those who have been hurt because of Kumo Shinobu?”

Li Zhenwu asked rhetorically, wanting to give an example, but suddenly thought that the original great tragedy Hinata Hinata was still alive at the moment because of himself, so Li Zhenwu picked himself up as an example.

“I don’t need this kind of peace through tolerance, let alone continue to endure through the harm my parents have received!” Even if forbearance can really lead to peace, I don’t want to! ”

(slightly overdo ~ ask for automatic subscription)_

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