Li Zhenwu said as he spoke, originally wanted to use Hinata Hinata, the original unlucky ghost, as an example, but in a blink of an eye, the matter of Hinata Hinata, after his own intervention, he still has a good deal.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu only used himself, the ‘Yunnin victim’, as an example.

His words were sonorous and unfake.

The face of the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper is complicated, because what Li Zhenwu said is also good, but it is different from his Konoha-oriented philosophy, which is because of the difference between the status and perspective of the two.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to say that Li Zhenwu’s words are biased and wrong, and he cannot say that his departure is the only correct.

Li Zhenwu continued to say: “The damage caused to me by Yun Ren, I must return it fiercely!” ”

“This…” Ape Fei Richo was a little silent, and he couldn’t say anything ‘big picture’, after all, Li Zhenwu’s parents had just walked back and forth from the line of life and death.

But on the other hand, he had hope that Li Zhenwu would focus on the overall situation, after all, if there was a real war, Konoha’s situation would be very unfavorable.

“I hope the village will take the work of protecting my parents seriously.”

Li Zhenwu did not continue to discuss this point of view with Sarutobi Richo, but pleaded.

“Naturally!” Ape Fei Ri nodded seriously, knocked his cigarette bag, and said, “Before, it was because most of the combat power in the village was transferred to the front line, so the village was empty for a while, so it was lurked in by those two Yun Shinobi. ”

Sarutobi said: “In the future, we will strengthen the protection of your parents, and we will also strengthen the explanation of the village and the censorship of outsiders, you can rest assured.” ”

“Teacher Ape Fei, I am relieved if you say so.” Li Zhenwu nodded slowly, and then said: “I am ready, I will return to the front line today and return to the Konoha station.” ”

“So fast.” Ape Flying Sun Chopper was a little worried when he heard this.

After all, Li Zhenwu had just expressed his hatred for Yun Ren, and now he wanted to immediately return to the front line to confront Yun Ren, and there was no need to say what this attitude meant.

What’s more, according to the information he obtained, Li Zhenwu’s combat effectiveness is not bad now.

It is precisely this Li Zhenwu, who has good combat power and has become extremely hateful of Yun Ren, what he will do when he returns to the front and back, then no one can guarantee.

Therefore, Ape Flying Sun’s first reaction was to stop it immediately.

But before that, Li Zhenwu had said slowly: “Teacher, I have made up my mind, I must return to the front line.” ”

Ape Fei Ri was worried, but Li Zhenwu had a firm state of mind, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

“If nothing happens, I’ll say goodbye to my parents first.”

Li Zhenwu did not really plan to wait for the ape flying sun to answer, but said goodbye directly.

“Go, go, go!” Ape Fei Ri was stunned, but finally acquiesced to Li Zhenwu’s behavior, and when Li Zhenwu was about to leave, he blessed him heavily: “Everything… Be careful, if something really happens, you can come and ask for my help. ”

“Well, I will.” Li Zhenwu nodded, and then walked out of the Hokage office.

After Li Zhenwu left, Ape Fei Ri sat on his chair, his eyes looking deeply at the window.

“Zhenwu is really full of vitality and sharpness, but it is also a little extreme, I hope he will not be disappointed in the loss of the village.” Ape flying sun chopping long-term thinking.

“No, I haven’t asked Zhenwu what happened when his parents suddenly recovered.” Ape Fei Ri’s thoughts had just drifted a little farther away, and suddenly he was pulled back by this practical problem and remembered this stubble.

“Could it be that Zhenwu really possesses a special blood succession limit? Can people recover quickly? An even stronger ability than Mu Duan? “The question of the ape flying sun, with Li Zhenwu’s departure, there is no answer for the time being.


Li Zhenwu came out of the Hokage office and went straight to find his parents again.

At this moment, the parents have quickly been discharged from the medical department and returned home.

Li Zhenwu, on the other hand, left the Hokage office and went straight to his home, because he had learned this through sensing the breath of his parents.

Li Zhenwu returned to his home, and in two remote places, he found that there were ninjas quietly guarding, and he was silent in his heart, and then walked into the house.

Now, Li’s father and Li’s mother are here, and Li Lok is also here.

“Dad, Mom.” Li Zhenwu walked over directly, “I’m ready to return to the front line later, and this is leaving.” ”

“So soon?” Father Li had thick eyebrows and full of spirit, but he was also surprised because Li Zhenwu was too fast.

“I’m here to see you two and help you recover.” Li Zhenwu Dao.

“Cousin, how did you make uncle and them suddenly get better?” Li Lok asked very curiously on the side.

Seeing that Li Luo asked this question, and his parents also had such questions, Li Zhenwu looked up, wondering if his teacher Ape Fei Ri was looking at this place through his crystal ball at this moment.

But even if the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper were looking here through the crystal ball at the moment, Li Zhenwu didn’t have to shy away.

Two steps to his parents, Li Zhenwu took out two fairy beans from his hand, and then said with a serious face:

“It was something I came by chance, and I called it ‘fairy bean’. This fairy bean, no matter how many injuries he suffers, as long as he eats one, he can recover immediately! ”

Saying that, Li Zhenwu solemnly gave two immortal beans to his parents: “This time, I just used two immortal beans to save you back, and now I will leave one for each of you, but it can only be used at the most critical time!” ”

“I see.” Father Li nodded, believing his son very much.

Li Zhenwu looked at his cousin Li Luo, who was watching curiously on the side, thought about it, and also took a fairy bean to him, solemnly letting him keep it. _

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