In addition to leaving a fairy bean for each of his parents, Li Zhenwu also took out an extra fairy bean and asked his parents to hand it over to Ape Flying Sun Chopper, which can be regarded as an explanation for the reason why his parents recovered from their injuries in an instant.

In addition, Li Zhenwu also withstood his parents tens of millions, and only handed over to the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun to chop a fairy bean, and the rest of them must keep for themselves.

After explaining this, Li Zhenwu slowly did not disperse in his heart for the Yunyin Ninja Village, and set out to return to the front line.

I don’t know that Huo Xuanma is bitter in his heart, because he still has to return to the front line with Li Zhenwu.

In terms of strength, Li Zhenwu doesn’t need him to follow him now, and he can wander around the entire ninja world at will.

But the point is that Li Zhenwu at this moment is not old after all, and in many things, he has no experience in the way ninjas handle things, so he needs to have someone.

I don’t know if this person in Huo Xuanma is the best choice.

Although he was bitter in his heart, he didn’t know how to follow Li Zhenwu to protect him? Or rather, he followed and assisted him without the slightest complaint.

After all, Li Zhenwu’s strength is strong enough to be convincing, not to mention Li Zhenwu’s previous achievements, he has captured the two-tailed man pillar force and the two Yugi people twice in a row, and it is even more a merit for Konoha, if converted into a mission level, it is comparable to an S-class mission!


When he went back, Li Zhenwu was not as compact and fast as when he returned. But there was not much pressure, and although there was a sense of anger against Yun Ren in his heart, he could also hurry calmly.

It’s just that the savings at the moment are waiting for the outbreak later!

Li Zhenwu, who rushed back to the front, surprised many people.

Outside the station, Nara Lujiu saw Li Zhenwu, and asked directly in surprise: “Why did you come back so quickly, is it…?” ”

Nara Lujiu secretly shouted badly in his heart, thinking that Li Zhenwu’s parents had died? How else did it come back so soon?

On second thought, it’s not quite right. If really the parents died, then how could it be possible to return to the front so quickly!

However, the straight man of Iron-blooded Kai had already taken the lead in asking: “Zhenwu, how are your parents?” ”

“It’s okay, I’m back to health.” Li Zhenwu nodded calmly and answered his question.

It’s okay? Nara Lujiu was a little surprised, according to the information he got from the intelligence, Li Zhenwu’s parents would not have recovered their health so quickly.

However, although there were questions in his heart, Nai Lujiu did not really ask them without being uninteresting.


After returning from a trip, Li Zhenwu did not have any abnormal performance in the sky, but exercised frequently every day.

Until two days later, Konoha, who was urgently negotiating with the Yunyin Ninja Village, had some contradictions in the border area between the two.

It was at this time that Li Zhenwu decisively came to the front of Nara Shikahisa.

“Let me settle this dispute!” Li Zhenwu’s words were sonorous and forceful.

“Eh…” Nara Lujiu groaned, carefully considering it, and felt that Li Zhenwu was indeed suitable for this task, and his strength was enough.

After thinking about it for a while, Nara Shikahisa nodded and agreed.

Then Li Zhenwu set off decisively, of course, but Huo Xuanma also followed behind him.

This time the mission is because in the middle of the two, the ninjas of the two sides have a dispute.

Originally, the object of the fight was only some Naka Shinobi, but the other party suddenly increased the combat power of Shang Shinobi, so Konoha’s side, in order not to fall behind, also sent a ninja with the strength of Shang Shinobi over.

The incident was urgent, so Li Zhenwu’s speed was very fast, and he rushed to the scene with the unknown fire genma and the ninja who came to report the letter before.

At the scene, there were blood stains on the ground, a mess, but there was no trace of ninjas on both sides.

Li Zhenwu sensed the qi slightly in place, and then looked in the other direction.

“Over here! Should still be alive, but in a very bad situation! ”

This incident is the friction between the two teams of Konoha and the two teams of Yunnin, and the other party invited Shangnin, so Konoha also quickly divided a ninja and returned to the station for help, so Li Zhenwu came.

Li Zhenwu sensed the aura of a Konoha ninja at this moment, but it was very unstable because there was the breath of other ninjas chasing.

So he hurriedly rushed over, not knowing that Fire Genma and Naka Shinobu also hurried to follow, but Naka Shinobu was a little strange: he didn’t have such a special blood succession limit as the white eye writing wheel eye, but how could he detect that people were in the woods?

“Ku Wu!”

Not long after entering the woods, Li Zhenwu had already seen the ninja of Konoha, who was under siege at the moment, and the upper ninja of a Yunyin ninja village was sneering and performing ninjutsu strikes.

Konoha had five ninja here, but almost all of them were injured, and one female ninja was so badly injured that she had already thrown herself on the ground.

Li Zhenwu’s eyes were cold, and several handfuls of Ku Wu appeared in his hand and threw them out fiercely, and he drank low in his mouth: “Stop!” ”

Li Zhenwu didn’t hope that his stop would really make Yun hold back, he had such a voice, just to scare the grass snake, so that a few Yun Shinobi were distracted, and there was enough time for him to rescue the Konoha ninja.

The movement caused by it really attracted Yun Shinobu’s attention, and there were already Yun Shinobu vigilantly raising his head, and that Murakami Shinobu who was with the hidden ninja even felt a fierce wind coming from him, and a sense of crisis surged in his heart.

Without saying a word, this Yunyin ninja Murakami Shinobu immediately quickly sealed his seal, and disappeared in place with a ‘bang’.


Li Zhenwu’s kunai was just tied to the body of the rabbit all the time, and that Shangnin had already appeared not far away through the substitute technique.

It was this blow that startled, and several cloud ninja stopped their movements, and the encirclement layer that originally besieged Konoha ninja was also broken.

Moreover, these cloud ninjas all turned their heads and saw the comer, which immediately made them exclaim:

“Konoha Monster !!??” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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