After Wen Zhong became Di Xin's teacher, a martial arts hall appeared in a bustling street in Chaoge.

The martial arts hall is not big and can accommodate hundreds of people. On the door of the martial arts hall, two big characters are written—Martial Dao!

What is martial arts?

For ordinary people, it is very unfamiliar. After all, in this day and age, everyone is asking about Xun Xian, but the word "Martial Dao" is puzzling.

It is precisely because mortals are unfamiliar, so this martial arts hall has been opened for half a year, and there is still no one.

Occasionally someone went in to ask, but in the end they were scared by the high price and rushed out the door.

"Your Majesty, Wan Jin accepts apprentices, in this mortal dynasty, it seems that not many people can come out."

In the deserted martial arts hall, Yao Chi looked at Li Zhenwu with his eyes closed, his face full of puzzlement.

After Shen Gongbao was sent for reincarnation, she was taken by Li Zhenwu and walked in Shenzhou for more than [-] years. In the end, she settled down in Chaoge...

No, the opening of the martial arts hall, not to mention other people, even Yao Chi suspects that his own king must be joking.

"What I can teach them, ten thousand gold can't be exchanged, this is already the cheapest price."

Hearing Yaochi's complaint, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"And the cheapest? Every mortal who came in to ask, the king said that he could only teach physical fitness. Doesn't this scare people away?"

"You don't understand. If they don't come, they can only say that we have no chance." Li Zhenwu laughed.

At this moment, a teenager outside the door, poked his head and looked in, as if after a lot of courage, the teenager walked in.

"Excuse me, does the martial arts hall here accept apprentices?" The boy was eleven or twelve years old, wearing a brocade robe and a white jade hair crown, his facial features were heroic.

You don't need to deduce it, you can know that just relying on this outfit alone, young people will die from rich families.

"Wan Jin accepts apprentices, if you are interested, pay first, and then teach skills." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Beside him, Yaochi seemed to be transparent, and the young man in front of him did not see the existence of other people here.

"What skills can you teach me?" the boy asked.

"Physical fitness."

When the voice fell, the young man in brocade clothes suddenly turned gloomy. 5.2.

"Hey, you are so courageous, in broad daylight, you dare to deceive Chaoge." The young man in Jinyi was furious and pointed at Li Zhenwu and yelled loudly: "I see that your age is not much different from mine. It's really not true, but you are young, but your mind is not right."

"Well, if your Excellency is not interested, please don't disturb my business."

Faced with the boy's accusations, Li Zhenwu was not angry, he still smiled faintly, and pointed his finger to the door in a gesture of seeing off guests.

This arrogant attitude immediately angered the young man, he glared at Li Zhenwu, turned around and ran.

"You scoundrel, you are so presumptuous in my song, call my teacher today to clean up your black shop."

In the distance, the voice of the boy's inexplicable hatred could be heard.

Chapter [-] Get fit!

Inside the martial arts hall.

Yaochi and Li Zhenwu watched the young man in Jinyi leave and did not stop him.

"Could it be that the king has been waiting for him?" Yao Chi suddenly realized.

"Yes, no, everything depends on fate." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

The brocade-clothed boy who just left was Di Xin, and the teacher mentioned was the very famous Wen Zhong.

Today's Di Xin, King Zhou who was enshrined as a god in his previous life, is a bit sensible and doesn't show any cruelty.

Although he really wanted to calm down this martial arts hall immediately, he sneaked out and was cautious and did not dare to reveal his identity.

After a while, the street became commotion.

From the hall of the martial arts hall, facing the gate, you can clearly see that a group of people is coming here.

The person in the lead is Di Xin, a young man in brocade clothing who has gone and returned.

Beside Di Xin, Grand Master Wen Zhong looked grim, looking at Di Xin's eyes, full of doting.


Soon, this pair of men, hundreds of 21 Janissaries, surrounded the Budokan.

Taishi Wen Zhong took Di Xin and walked in, imposingly.

Just now, Wen Zhong has already learned the whole story, and now he came in, obviously wanting to ask a teacher to ask the guilt.

Even, as long as there is deception in this Wuwu Taoist hall, it must be leveled so as not to endanger the people again.

"Your Excellency is the master of this room?" Wen Zhong came to Li Zhenwu and looked down from a height, with an imposing manner.

"That's right, what's the matter with Taishi Wen's arrival?" Li Zhenwu sat on the chair, motionless, and answered lightly.

Beside him, Yao Chi still used his magic technique to cover up all his breath.

As a result, Wen Zhong and Di Xin only saw Li Zhenwu alone.

"I'm asking you, Taishi, is it worth ten thousand gold to accept an apprentice?" Wen Zhong's voice gradually increased, and his attitude was solemn.

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