"King Zhou is here, but for the sake of keeping fit?" He took a good rest, glanced at King Zhou lightly, and asked directly.

"Sir, that's how it is." King Zhou is now middle-aged this year and has a dignified appearance, but facing Li Zhenwu, his attitude is very respectful.

Even Wen Zhong called out to senior.

"I'm afraid the way taught by the predecessors is not simple. King Zhou's abnormal reaction is normal?"

Li Zhenwu naturally knew their problems. After all, the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon was a simplified version of the Tao of Zhenwu.

Even if Xuanyuan Huangdi created it by himself, it was only passed on to his descendants, but with the passage of time, it has long since been lost.

After all, not everyone can practice the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

First, it needs to be a descendant of the blood of the Yellow Emperor.

The second and most important point is that he has a strong mind and a physique that is different from ordinary people.

Although the human race today is unprecedentedly prosperous, it is far less than the outstanding people in the ancient times.

This is also the reason for the loss of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics.

Moreover, when Xuanyuan created the simplified version of Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu even secretly guided, what Ye Yuqiannu...

cough cough...

In short, Li Zhenwu was very clear about King Zhou's problem.

"I said at the beginning that if you want to be strong, you must first have a strong mind. This is both self-cultivation and mind-cultivation. If you can figure out the key, these problems will no longer be problems."

Li Zhenwu still had an unfathomable expression on his face, and what he said was mysterious.

Not to mention that King Zhou did not understand, even Wen Zhong frowned, thinking constantly in his heart.

However, even the seniors have said so, and they dare not ask again.

"Wen Zhong has a question in his heart, I wonder if senior can solve the puzzle?" Wen Zhong could only change the subject and said with hands.

"Your question is very simple. I'm just a person from the mountains. As for living in Chaoge, I didn't do it on purpose. I just wanted to teach the world and hope to strengthen myself." Speaking of this, Li Zhenwu sighed helplessly: " It's a pity that things backfired, since the martial arts hall was opened, only King Zhou has been practicing."

Hearing this, King Zhou and Wen Zhong's eyes jumped.

I thought to myself, how can ordinary people give out tens of thousands of dollars, even the wealthy and powerful family are not so generous.

You know, in the eyes of ordinary people.

What Li Zhenwu said about keeping fit is the same as a liar.

It was also Wen Zhong, who held a glimmer of hope at the beginning and let King Zhou try it before he knew the secret.

"Mr. is merciful, I can only say that they don't have this blessing." King Zhou cupped his hands and said something against his will.

"It's okay, after King Zhou's sacrifice, more and more people in the martial arts hall should come to inquire." Li Zhenwu waved his hand.

Hearing this, King Zhou and Wen Zhong were both shocked, and their faces were full of astonishment.

No wonder they weren't shocked!

King Zhou decided to offer sacrifices, and it was only determined at the court meeting.

But, how did Li Zhenwu know?

In an instant, Wen Zhong's expression became solemn: "How did senior know that King Zhou is going to sacrifice?"

For the emperor of the imperial court, if anyone could grasp such detailed information and be known by the enemy, how dangerous would it be for King Zhou.

Chapter [-] Wudang Mountain to worship ancestors! (Second more)

Wen Zhong asked, and the atmosphere in the hall was instantly suppressed.

In today's era, even if the immortals are strong, they must treat the earthly emperor with courtesy.

This is the etiquette created by Xuanyuan Huangdi after Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen.

As long as he is an orthodox emperor on earth, his status and rights are enough to face any great supernatural powers equally.

That's why Wen Zhongcai acted like this, for fear that Li Zhenwu had a plot against the emperor of the imperial court.

However, Li Zhenwu waved his hand lightly and said lightly, "Teacher doesn't need to be nervous. I was born to be able to figure out the secrets. That's why I set up a martial arts hall here to educate the world."

Hearing this, Wen Zhong and King Zhou both froze.

They are not stupid, they can naturally hear the meaning of Li Zhenwu's words.

"Dare to ask the seniors, is there anything that needs attention when King Zhou worships his ancestors?" King Zhou asked respectfully.

"Just lower your head and act." Li Zhenwu said.

Afterwards, regardless of whether they had comprehended or not, he waved his hand lightly, and an invisible force permeated out, and the two figures of King Zhou disappeared in place in an instant.

"What is the mystery of what the king has done this time?" At this time, Yao Chi showed his figure and asked curiously.

"There are so many mysteries, it's just random." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, not wanting to talk more.

However, it was said that King Zhou and Wen Zhong only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and when they opened their eyes, they found that they had all returned to the palace.

"Master, can you reach the immortals with this method?" King Zhou asked with wide eyes.

"No less than my teacher."

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