He kept his head down, and he didn't dare to look at all the scenery in the hall.

Thinking of what the stranger in the martial arts hall said, I felt uneasy in my heart.

"Human Emperor Zhou, why do you keep bowing your head?"

An ethereal voice resounded in the hall, as if it was everywhere, and it was extremely magical.

King Zhou bowed his face with respect, bowed to the ground, and said ashamedly: "King Zhou is the emperor of the human race, but because of his ineffectiveness in managing the world, the court is now in a state of embarrassment, and the people of Li and the people have suffered from the war, and they are ashamed of their ancestors."

Indeed, today's Chengtang Jiangshan has powerful enemies on all sides.

21 In fact, the Western Zhou tribes were even more powerful enough to collide with the imperial court head-on.

At this moment, King Zhou really felt it, and he almost burst into tears when he felt ashamed.

"The development of the human race is to follow the cycle of heaven. Since you know the reason and don't work hard, what's the use of repenting here?"

The owner of that voice was still indifferent, but when it fell into King Zhou's mind, it gave birth to the feeling of looking up at the mountains.

"It's not that King Zhou is incompetent, but the barbarians from all over the world, with the help of demons, the people on the frontier are already miserable." Speaking of this, King Zhou's heart was moved, and his face was full of grief: "Thinking of the people in the world suffering this, only I hate that King Zhou is incompetent and cannot give the people a prosperous and peaceful environment."

"Fortunately, there is Tai Shi Wen Zhong, who came back from the sect and cultivating to help, otherwise King Zhou would have to apologize with death."

At this moment, King Zhou was also sincere about the accusations of the surrounding forces.

However, the owner of the voice said indifferently: "The emperor of the human race, King Zhou has no way to circulate among the people, is it all made up?"

The voice fell, and the hall fell into a dead silence in an instant.

King Zhou's heart tightened, his whole body stiffened in place, and then he remembered.

Although the ancestors of the ancestral land ignored the change of ordinary rights, it did not mean that they did not know the affairs of the world.

After all, people who can come to the ancestral land are all worthy and holy beings in the mortal world.

With the strength of the human race, let alone mortals, even a pig can make him enjoy the immortal way of immortality.

No wonder Wen Zhong reminded him not to let the ancestors of the race come to help him.

Chengtang Jiangshan is an orthodox human race, but the barbarians and the Western Zhou tribes are also human races.

For the ancestral land, impartiality is the truth.

"In order to let the ancestors know that the words circulating in the outside world are really just rumors." King Zhou said respectfully and cautiously.

"Heh, as the emperor of the human race, you are very articulate. As far as I know, the emperor is tired of nostalgic for the harem, but he pays little attention to the affairs of the state."

"No, King Zhou's move is... there is something else hidden!"

Rao is the character of King Zhou, and when he talks about those things, his face is red and his ears are red, so shameless.

"Then dare to ask the Son of Heaven, what is the secret that can make you waste the government?" At this time, the tone of the voice was a bit cold.

"The government is not in vain. Wen Zhong and Bi Gan are able to help each other. King Zhou..."

"Hey, what a cunning emperor, this place is the ancestral hall of the human race, and you can't help but be a place to be wild. You said that the sect master Wen Zhong, right? Then let me go and interrogate it. If you know that you are lying, you will become Tang Jiangshan. , when it cannot survive for ten years." Obviously, King Zhou's explanation, in the eyes of that existence, turned into a deception.

Hearing this, King Zhou knelt down and bowed to the ground, all the hair on his body standing on end.

What a terrifying existence this is. A single word can determine the fate of the mortal dynasty. If it is provoked, I am afraid it will be the end of Tang Jiangshan's failure.

Outside the Ancestral Hall, in front of the Qianzhang Gate, Master Wen Zhong looked respectful.

Suddenly, his complexion changed dramatically, and he was extremely solemn, and his eyes contained firmness and righteousness.

Unexpectedly, when King Zhou entered the ancestral hall to worship, he would provoke the anger of his ancestors. This is an incredible thing.

In the end, Wen Zhong did not dare to hide it, and told the other party what he knew, but concealed the existence of the martial arts hall.

It is only said that King Zhou received the preaching of an alien, and he had such symptoms.

The general situation in the world today will also be explained. King Zhou's move is to gain temporary stability for the people. Otherwise, the surrounding forces will know that the war will continue.

In the ancestral hall, the smoke is lingering, gathering but not dispersing, like a dragon, solemn and sacred.

As time passed, King Zhou's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his mind was extremely depressed.

However, the existence of that speech seemed to disappear.


Just when King Zhou couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to ask questions, the space in the ancestral hall suddenly shattered, and a terrifying aura surged out from the dark crack.

"Ah..." King Zhou screamed in despair in his heart.

The terrifying energy fluctuations made him face the god of death without the slightest resistance.


Afterwards, after a whirlwind of 020, King Zhou fell to the ground severely, almost gasping for breath.

"What is this place?"

After a while of breathing, he raised his head, his eyes were red, and his skin felt stinging, as if being burned by fire.

"Son of the human race, who taught you your exercises?"

At this moment, a thunderous sound exploded from the sky, which was earth-shattering.

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